Author Topic: Australia's (RED) Green bolsheviks  (Read 1044 times)

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Australia's (RED) Green bolsheviks
« on: November 28, 2007, 09:30:19 AM »
These are just SOME of the communist, policies of the Australian Greens Party. This party is led by an openly gay  poop-eater called Bob Brown(hatter).

They are DANGEROUS and hold 5 Senate seats!!!!

*the ecological impact of Australian settlement is unacceptable and must be reduced.
*our environmental impact is not determined by population numbers alone, but by the way that people live.
*support, through extensive community consultation, a population policy directed towards ecological sustainability in the context of global social justice;
*oppose any “Australian values” tests as a prerequisite for citizenship or entry to the country.
*asylum seekers who arrive without a valid visa to have their claims for asylum assessed while living in the community. 
(reduce living standards to third world, doodoo hut levels and flood country with turd world immigrants and muSSlim-nazis)
*income equity and social justice.
*reform the social security system to ensure an adequate income for all.
(A welfare state)
*the legalisation of marriage between two consenting adults regardless of sexuality or gender identity.
*access, regardless of sexuality and gender identity, to adoption, fostering, artificial insemination and in vitro fertilisation procedures.
*the education system to provide age-appropriate information about the diversity of sexuality
*support the granting of political asylum on humanitarian grounds to people persecuted in their own countries on the basis of their sexuality or gender identity
(faggot marriage, faggot immigration, faggot child-adoption and faggot instruction in schools)

*no nuclear armed or powered forces should be deployed within Australia's maritime boundaries.
*the role of the UN to be strengthened as a global organisation of conflict management, peacekeeping, and nuclear disarmament.
*comprehensive international peacemaking capabilities to be developed in new regional institutions and through a reformed UN.
*global governance is essential to meet the needs of global peace and security, justice, human rights, poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability.
*a reduction in Australian and global military expenditure.
*end the ANZUS treaty unless Australia’s membership can be revised in a manner which is consistent with Australia’s international and human rights obligations
*end Australia's participation in the US Missile Defence program and pursue a global ban on the militarisation of space.
(Destroy the US-Australia alliance, submission to the UN world government, cripple the Australian Defense Forces)

*allow customary law and other cultural or personal factors to be taken into account by judges in determining sentences.
*prohibit the use of racial profiling, and the arbitrary use of racial descriptors by police or other government agencies.
(allow sharia law and allow muSSlims and shvartzas to not be identified)


High taxes and a bigger, more intrusive government.