Vito your Press Conference today went great!! The entire event was excellent. We had a nice gathering and it was very interesting. I would like to tell my fellow JTF members we have a great new politician in the making here in Vito. I heard him speak today and he is on the mark with all the important issues. Lets try to give him as much support as possible. We need to get him some name recognition in Queens New York. I know we have many local members so spread the word. I also want to say It was great meeting my fellow JTF members you guys and girls are simply fantastic. I now see why JFT is so successful.
Yes - Vito did a great job! It was exciting to be there for his press conference today. Congratulations Vito
I agree CJD that he is right on the money when it comes to all the important issues facing us today.
We really do have to help support him in this endeavor.
I enjoyed meeting all the JTF members that attended today.
They were all great and it was fun to meet up with them.
Congratulations and Best of Luck Vito!