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French Jews actually seem to be sane, but the site primarily French unless Chaim or David speaks French there might not be so much point.
This is a LDJ action against Alain Soral, he is a Jew hater of the worst sort http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/ldj/video/x1te24_alain-soral-corrige-par-le-betar_news
Those guys are frikkin' badasses, love it!
interesting video.....what did they do exactly ?
I wish I understood the French, but from what I saw of the aftermath (after everybody bolted out the door), I think they simply punched the Jew haters in the head.
http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/LDJ+et+alain+soral/video/x2lycp_ligue-de-defense-juive_events So who here speaks French?
Very nice