The EU was given birth by the CFR & U.S. Intelligence Services; it was they who quite literally came up with the idea (well; actually, it was the late Fuhrer Adolph Hitler who first promised to unite modern Europe), and both manipulated European nations' finances, interfered with their domestic politics, and sabotaged the careers of those politicos opposing a union.
The EU today actually fulfills many of Hitler's projections for a united Europe: anti-religion, agnostic or atheistic, revived Nordic religion of Odin plus other pagan cult revivals, economic and political center in Berlin, heavily socialist, anti-Jewish as recently manifested by the rebirth of classic "Anti-Semitism" and the desire to see a "Final Solution II" of "The Jewish Problem" (now centered in the Middle East), a pro-Moslem agenda, are some of these.
In other ways, the EU falls short of the goals for a "United Europe" as The Third Reich was envisioned to become.