Here's a follow-up to that story Mills and I described earlier in Iron Greek's thread:
Suspect Arrested in Freeway Rape Evidence Helps Catch O.C. Rape Suspect
Reporting--Dave Lopez SANTA ANA, Calif. (CBS)
― A suspect was held without bail Wednesday in connection with the weekend rape of a woman, 24, near a freeway off-ramp in San Juan Capistrano, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Department. Alejandro Martinez Leyva, 25, was arrested at the San Juan Capistrano home he shares with others near the location of the assault, according to the department's Jim Amormino.
His name had initially been withheld until the victim, who was attacked as she returned to her home in San Diego County, could be shown his photo to make an identification.
The victim identified the man as her alleged attacker, Amormino said.
The suspect, a gardener, was being held at the Orange County Jail, Amormino said, and an immigration hold was placed on him.
Leyva was eliminated as a suspect in the Oct. 8 rape of a 51-year-old woman who was walking to work in Los Rios Street in San Juan Capistrano, Amormino said.
In the weekend attack, detectives had a good description of the suspect's vehicle and, using physical and forensic evidence from the scene, were able to come up with a suspect, Amormino said.
Detectives "located the car and staked out the home before obtaining a search warrant," Amormino said. The detectives obtained additional evidence at the home. About 15 people described as friends and co-workers of the suspect live in the home and several people had access to the vehicle, Amormino said.
The woman was driving southbound when her car spun out of control. She was on a cell phone when the suspect pulled in front of her disabled car and offered help, but the victim said she did not need assistance, Amormino said.
He grabbed the phone and threw it, then forced her into the front seat of the car and raped her, Amormino said. After the suspect fled, the woman found her cell phone nearby and called 911.
Amazingly, the local news (KCAL9) actually reported that this suspect was
in this country illegally(!).

Anyway, the actions of this beast are NOT atypical of Mexicans as a whole. Scriabin, Iron Greek, and Newman are right. The majority of Mexicans are as vicious, primitive, and lazy as the blacks. Many Mexican males believe they have the right to rape, particularly (but not limited to) white women. If anybody doubts this, they should remember what the narcos south of the border do for recreation (kidnap random peasant girls, rape them, and throw their dismembered bodies on train tracks). In fact, the overall crime rate of Mexico should be compared to America's!
Look at any street mural on the walls in Mexico City and see if there is any difference between it and the average Gaza street mural. Instead of Islamic suicide "martyrs", the Mexicans honor and celebrate gringo-cop-killing Aztlan "martyrs".
The number of Mexican nationals partaking in the narco trade is
not small. It is not just a few violent gangsters that are involved with drugs--it's a huge percentage of the population, especially among the illegals, who often bring drugs into this country in order to pay off their coyotes (smugglers). These are the "nice, poor, hardworking people" who ambush our Border Patrol and Customs agents with AKs and then whine to Bush that they were "attacked".
Illegal Mexicans are arrogant, racist, greedy, and often become anti-white Aztlanist terrorists. American Mexicans become gangsters and imitate the blacks in every way possible. Both are frequently very anti-Semitic, because of how jealous they are of Jews.
Mexican American girls are no better. Trust me: although they are often very attractive, at least 85% of them are skanks and copy schvartze "hos" in every manner.
Most Mexicans are not our friends and have no business in this country--illegal or