Hava Nagila being sung in Texas by mainstream Christian Texans, I never thought I'd see the day. Things have changed. The Christians have finally realized that the first two thirds of the bible is the Torah, they had been in denial for a loooooooong time.

Back in 1989, I went down to Missisippi, yes Missisippi of all places, to tour a university that offered aviation science as a major, Delta State University yeehaa! (I wanted to become an airline pilot at the time and the only colleges that offered flight training and a degree were in the south, go figure, never did become a airline pilot by the way.

I do have a license to fly though which I got later when I lived in Florida ) Anyway, long story short, after I got there I noticed things seemed to be 30 years in the past (this was 1989 so the place was in the 1950's!) no joke, like the scene out of Back to the Future when Marty first gets out of the Delorean, for a city boy from NYC, it was really eerie. Here's the fun part, I quickly learned that I was the first Jew anybody on the campus had ever seen, literally, they had never met a Jewish person in their life. They were nice enough about it I guess, but when I mentioned well, yes, and you know, Jesus was Jewish, I got very strange looks. Now people in the south are singing Hava Nagila? LOL, makes your head spin.