One thing is for certain...
The Red Chinese are about to find out the true meaning of "gratitude".
They might think they're laying the groundwork for a long stay exploiting Africa, but it's just a matter of time before the Hutus, Tutsis, Negritos & Pygmies rise up in the dark of night and hack their new "Yellow Masters" heads off while they sleep.
As much as the darkies hate Whitey and Bwanah Master, the White rule was overall quite beneficial and civilizing for the native Negroes; the Whites following their Christian faith.
The Red Chinese, Communist atheists who have never been a part of Western civilization, do not value human life, despise private property, and are contemptuous of any and all freedoms and civil rights.
Just wait a while, and you'll see "The Yellow Peril" end up getting chased out of Africa at spearpoint.
Let's face facts: an average Negro champion boxer can almost always defeat his White counterpart.
The brutal African savages will end up slaughtering their new short, yellow, skinny, bowlegged rice eaters with slanted eyes.