Author Topic: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG  (Read 7820 times)

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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2007, 01:41:13 AM »
The fag with the long hair is a Muzzie, the real confederates would put his a** on ropes.  They are losers.  And what a disgrace that one in the middle. 

Offline dejavu

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2007, 01:57:50 AM »

Most minorities have earned their bad reputations.

traditional southern values which in all honesty, other than the slavery, are better than the rest of the country.

Since when is slavery a southern value? Slaves were held in all areas of the country, and most southerners did not have slaves. Besides that, free blacks fought in the Confederate army.

I do agree though that to me it is a symbol of hatred.

There are a lot of symbols which have been taken and perverted by haters to the point where they're associated with horrible things. As you mentioned, the American Flag has also been dragged through the mud in so many ways by the actions of our leaders. That doesn't mean I'm not proud to be an American or that the American flag represents that kind of idiocy.

I disagree that most minorities have earned their reputations but depends on which stereotypes you are talking about.  Coming from a website that is represents a minority which is the Right winged jews i don't understand how you would ever state that stereotypes are accurate in any way.

I did not mean that slavery was a southern value what i meant was that it is the first thing that people think of when they see a confederate flag.  The same as when people see a swastika they instantly think about the Nazi movement and the holocaust that was instilled against the European jews.  However many people overlook the fact that it was originally a buddhist symbol of peace.  The flag to some represents traditional family values and hospitality but to most it is still just a symbol of a time of great embarrassment for Americans.

Also the American flag no longer represents what it once did which is why i no longer acknowledge it or keep one at my house.  Instead i have the dont tread on me flag because it represents the ideals that this country was founded on much more than the American flag which i once swore my life to protect.

Offline Haim_Ben_Shimon_3JFB

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2007, 02:52:26 AM »
i dont know but ill go with u bro!  thats how nazis learn, through pain and suffering, not through reasoning.
Count me in on this

Offline Haim_Ben_Shimon_3JFB

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2007, 02:55:45 AM »
It's the flag of the confederacy. What a repulsive bunch, especially that sick, demented KIKE in the middle.

They're obviously kids being stupid, when they grow up hopefully they'll stop doing that stuff.

It really upsets me that they're using the Confederate flag in that manner, disrespecting Southern Heritage in that way. It also upsets me that they're smearing white pride by saying such horrible, anti-Semitic things, and of course saying those things is also awful.

The guy in the middle confuses me a lot, but I definitely think he's lying about being Jewish.

If you notice they're also making fun of Christians too, with the fake "Jesus" guy.

I think they need to lay off the weed, they're obviously doing something that makes them stupid.

the problem is wen they grow up i really doubt they will stop
and another thing i really wish my enemies NOT to know the [censored] they are smoking 

Offline dejavu

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #29 on: December 18, 2007, 02:56:57 AM »
I disagree that most minorities have earned their reputations but depends on which stereotypes you are talking about.

Get in your car, and drive to the "bad" part of town, you know where it is. Hint: it's a black ghetto or a barrio. Do this at 3am. Get out of your car, and stroll around the block looking lost.

Now, I don't recommend you actually go through with this, because you would obviously be in personal danger.

Coming from a website that is represents a minority which is the Right winged jews i don't understand how you would ever state that stereotypes are accurate in any way.

Most stereotypes exist for a reason.

I did not mean that slavery was a southern value what i meant was that it is the first thing that people think of when they see a confederate flag.

That's because of the mass media smear campaign against anything Southern except food.

The same as when people see a swastika they instantly think about the Nazi movement and the holocaust that was instilled against the European jews.

That was a symbol that was taken and utterly destroyed to the point where it'd be pretty much impossible to redeem it now.

Any use of it would be suspect, and probably rightly so.

It used to be a good luck symbol, or a pagan religious sun sign, or as you mentioned, a buddhist religious symbol. It was almost a universal symbol, as nearly every culture with basket weaving had a version of it. Now it is used almost exclusively to represent Nazis and genocide and all the evils that come with those things.

Nazis really destroyed a lot of symbols like that. Even runes from ancient European culture like the life rune etc. were corrupted by them and were similarly associated with true evil because of the Nazis.

The flag to some represents traditional family values and hospitality but to most it is still just a symbol of a time of great embarrassment for Americans.

The confederate flag has been dragged through the mud but there are still people who keep alive its good meanings.

Also the American flag no longer represents what it once did which is why i no longer acknowledge it or keep one at my house.  Instead i have the dont tread on me flag because it represents the ideals that this country was founded on much more than the American flag which i once swore my life to protect.

Would you drive out the Mexican invasion?

as far as visiting the bad part of town as i said it depends on which stereotypes you are talking about and where i live... most of the city is considered the "bad" part of town because i live in a border state and the illegal immigrants are everywhere.

As for most stereotypes existing for a reason ill respond with fair enough as long as you understand what you are admitting to.

Also i agree that media does smear the south... trust me i lived there for the first 15 years of my life.  But once again the problem is what the flag has come to represent.  The confederate flag to me is much like the swastika in that it is beyond repair because of what it is believed to represent.  Even if there are people trying to save the confederate flag it is honestly beyond repair. 

As for immigration i believe that we do need to stop illegal immigration and also we need to identify and remove alot of the illegals that are already in this country.  However at the same time i do believe that we should allow for people to come to the united states on work visas and fill our employment needs but employment in no ways equals citizenship and we need to aggressively go after those who break our laws by staying past their visas or come to this country illegally in the first place by permanently having them lose their right to come back even to visit.

Offline Haim_Ben_Shimon_3JFB

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2007, 03:07:32 AM »
WOW what an idiots i don't wish my enemies to smoke what they do.

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2007, 03:32:52 AM »
dejavu, the Confederate flag is a symbol of people who were mostly Christian, mostly people of good morals, etc.

Surely the war was bloody, but both sides committed atrocities. I felt really angry when you said that it was debased on the same level as the swastika has been.

I don't believe that the Confederate flag is evil at all, and it has meaning for me and for many other southerners which have nothing to do with hatred and everything to do with heritage.

I don't want to take up pages of the forum arguing about it endlessly though, especially as you seem to support some of the positions that people here hold such as opposing illegal immigration. So before I get too angry with you I'll just have to agree to disagree with you.

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #32 on: December 18, 2007, 03:37:52 AM »
the problem is wen they grow up i really doubt they will stop
and another thing i really wish my enemies NOT to know the excrement they are smoking 

Perhaps they were just born stupid.

Offline dejavu

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #33 on: December 18, 2007, 03:51:35 AM »
fair enough

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #34 on: December 18, 2007, 04:24:45 AM »
Despite what people want to have me believe about Southern Heritage, the fact is I never see that flag used in any other way, except to promote Jew hatred. And too many KKK members identify as being "Christians," so the 3 people in that video do not surprise me. I'm NOT saying that Christians or Southerners are necessarily bad people, but this is still the symbolism I see.

I disagree with the symbolism behind this flag.  Now i was born in the south and i have seen this flag a lot down there and there are a few that do believe that it is a symbol of their heritage and if it were used for this reason then it would be fine.  On the other hand this flag has become a symbol for hatred in general not specifically jew hatred but mostly hatred towards minorities in general.  Thankfully though we live in a country where people have the freedom to express themselves however they see fit despite how we may feel about it.

this is the flag that i have flying on my house most of the year because i am a believer that this more represents what should be the American values than the American flag which has been sullied by Neo-cons and democrats alike.

A symbol is what you make it.  To them the confederacy flag may be a symbol of the desire to return to traditional southern values which in all honesty, other than the slavery, are better than the rest of the country.  I do agree though that to me it is a symbol of hatred.


I removed your signature promoting Ron Paul, the pro-Iran, pro-Hezballah, pro-Muslim, anti-American and anti-Israel Nazi degenerate. If you place any other links to him or his campaign on this forum, you will be banned.

Offline dejavu

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #35 on: December 18, 2007, 04:40:04 AM »
I removed your signature promoting Ron Paul, the pro-Iran, pro-Hezballah, pro-Muslim, anti-American and anti-Israel Nazi degenerate. If you place any other links to him or his campaign on this forum, you will be banned.

Fair enough once again, but if you think that the signature was bad then i don't suggest that you visit the thread that i started since the point of the thread was to debate Ron Paul with you.  Have fun with the censorship.

1. The goal of the JTF Forum, and of all JTF-related activities, is to fight for the survival of America, Israel and Western Civilization.

2. In accordance with this goal, the JTF Forum seeks to provide JTF supporters with the opportunity to express their views, to develop their debating skills, and to learn facts which may not be available elsewhere. JTF hopes that this experience will build new and effective leadership for both the Jews and the Righteous Gentiles in the struggle to save both America and Israel.

3. Critics and opponents of JTF should also be permitted to post messages on this forum as long as the criticism does not include threats or personal attacks. It is healthy for JTF supporters to learn how to debate and respond to such critics, and it also makes the forum more interesting.

4. Threats and personal insults are not acceptable, and will lead to the banning of members who engage in such conduct. The administrators may decide to first provide a warning to any member making threats or personal insults, or may to decide to ban such members immediately.

5. JTF is a religious organization. While we have many non-religious supporters, and we welcome them, we do expect them to respect our beliefs. Therefore, obscene language of any kind is unacceptable and may lead to the banning of a member.

6. Despite what our critics claim, JTF is not a racist organization, and only opposes evil people of any race. We do not condemn blacks or Arabs, for instance, because of their race. But we do condemn the evil behavior that the vast majority of blacks and Arabs have chosen to engage in. Criticism of evil black behavior is acceptable and necessary. But the use of racist terms such as "n*gger" and "sp*c" is not acceptable. Therefore, this forum will not permit the posting of racist terms such as "n*gger" and "sp*c." Using such language only marginalizes JTF. People will not take our proposals on how to deal with America's racial crisis seriously if we use such language.

7. All rules regarding acceptable language and behavior on the forum also apply to personal messages sent to other posters.

This set of rules was written by Chaim Ben Pesach, who sent the text to James Sullivan via E-mail.

Please though just point out which one of the forum rules i was breaking by having a Pro Ron Paul signature on this forum.


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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #36 on: December 18, 2007, 05:08:35 AM »

This is childish! Ugly to see something like that!


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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #37 on: December 18, 2007, 05:13:05 AM »
This a good example of the today’s youth.
They have no respect at all. Look at these idiots with their spoiled behavior.
Totally unserious. Totally wrong!

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2007, 05:26:00 AM »
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #39 on: December 18, 2007, 05:50:21 AM »
I removed your signature promoting Ron Paul, the pro-Iran, pro-Hezballah, pro-Muslim, anti-American and anti-Israel Nazi degenerate. If you place any other links to him or his campaign on this forum, you will be banned.

Fair enough once again, but if you think that the signature was bad then i don't suggest that you visit the thread that i started since the point of the thread was to debate Ron Paul with you.  Have fun with the censorship.

1. The goal of the JTF Forum, and of all JTF-related activities, is to fight for the survival of America, Israel and Western Civilization.

2. In accordance with this goal, the JTF Forum seeks to provide JTF supporters with the opportunity to express their views, to develop their debating skills, and to learn facts which may not be available elsewhere. JTF hopes that this experience will build new and effective leadership for both the Jews and the Righteous Gentiles in the struggle to save both America and Israel.

3. Critics and opponents of JTF should also be permitted to post messages on this forum as long as the criticism does not include threats or personal attacks. It is healthy for JTF supporters to learn how to debate and respond to such critics, and it also makes the forum more interesting.

4. Threats and personal insults are not acceptable, and will lead to the banning of members who engage in such conduct. The administrators may decide to first provide a warning to any member making threats or personal insults, or may to decide to ban such members immediately.

5. JTF is a religious organization. While we have many non-religious supporters, and we welcome them, we do expect them to respect our beliefs. Therefore, obscene language of any kind is unacceptable and may lead to the banning of a member.

6. Despite what our critics claim, JTF is not a racist organization, and only opposes evil people of any race. We do not condemn blacks or Arabs, for instance, because of their race. But we do condemn the evil behavior that the vast majority of blacks and Arabs have chosen to engage in. Criticism of evil black behavior is acceptable and necessary. But the use of racist terms such as "n*gger" and "sp*c" is not acceptable. Therefore, this forum will not permit the posting of racist terms such as "n*gger" and "sp*c." Using such language only marginalizes JTF. People will not take our proposals on how to deal with America's racial crisis seriously if we use such language.

7. All rules regarding acceptable language and behavior on the forum also apply to personal messages sent to other posters.

This set of rules was written by Chaim Ben Pesach, who sent the text to James Sullivan via E-mail.

Please though just point out which one of the forum rules i was breaking by having a Pro Ron Paul signature on this forum.

You violated rule number 1, by posting a link to a campaign that works to undermine the survival of America, Israel and Western civilization.

And you are skating on thin ice accusing us of censorship when Ron Paul's "libertarian" supporters on youtube led the campaign to ban our videos and to disable our accounts. Literally hundreds of Ron Paul Nazis posted responses to our videos urging people to flag us. Along with that, the Ron Paul "libertarians" wrote in their responses that now they understand why there was a holocaust against the Jews, and that the Muslim Nazi terrorists are justified in murdering Israeli Jewish men, women and children.

You are not going to place links here to a candidate who proudly accepts campaign contributions from the owner of StørmFrønt and from numerous open Nazis.


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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #40 on: December 18, 2007, 07:26:24 PM »
Have fun with the censorship.
Judging by this, I don't believe this to be a loyal and trustworthy member of JTF. I was also shocked when I saw his Darwinistic Atheist sig. Disgusting >:(

Offline dejavu

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #41 on: December 18, 2007, 07:44:39 PM »
I was posting with this rule in mind

3. Critics and opponents of JTF should also be permitted to post messages on this forum as long as the criticism does not include threats or personal attacks. It is healthy for JTF supporters to learn how to debate and respond to such critics, and it also makes the forum more interesting.

Regardless of what my message was i was under the understanding that it was open for debate which i have been more than active in providing.  I don't understand how being atheist or posting pro Ron Paul material constitutes a threat or a personal attack seeing as it is an opinion.

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #42 on: December 18, 2007, 08:08:42 PM »
Of course...

So many videos that attack JTF, and this one they take down...  ::)

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #43 on: December 18, 2007, 08:34:41 PM »
Perhaps we should have a "I Disagree With JTF" section of the forum where people can come in and debate...

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #44 on: December 18, 2007, 10:30:12 PM »
Perhaps we should have a "I Disagree With JTF" section of the forum where people can come in and debate...

That's a great idea! Some of us might disagree wtih something or not completely understand somethign Chaim might say and it should be a worthwhile way to debate and come up with an understanding. We can't be a movement that is completely, "It's my way or the highway" mentality. If we end up being that way, we will never get off the ground with decent and reasonable members and only have "supremecists" and uneducated racists.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2007, 10:33:00 PM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline dejavu

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Re: Retarded new video attacking JTF DO NOT FLAG
« Reply #45 on: December 18, 2007, 10:54:05 PM »
Perhaps we should have a "I Disagree With JTF" section of the forum where people can come in and debate...
those people have already their websites (I Love arabs and (,          (kKK is, and as for famous sites, they have and other anti-Semitic and anti-American sites.

those idiots are  not needed here, JTF must not be violated

I hardly agree with JTF on anything however i would never visit any of the websites that you listed... except to maybe debate with them as well.