Ah yes huckabee... The man who has repeatedly voted to raise taxes and gave taxpayer money to illegal immigrants kids because "they didn't break the law their parents did"

As for huckabee faking his faith to get elected i doubt it seeing as he used to be a pastor. He must be really trying to sell that lie.
As for the video he is not attacking Christianity he is only making the point that the system was designed to be a system free from any religious influence with no religious tests for office however with the way that the Christian right vote is going they are heavily pushing the candidates that are for things that take away our civil liberties for protection. So by saying when fascism comes it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross is basically saying that the only way that we will get back to a fascist state will be if we give away our liberties to those who claim they are working in our best interests. (hence the wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross representing our religious and political leaders)
Also rainman is an idiot he has never made a single point in any of his videos. The only thing he ever does is call people idiots.