Author Topic: Things INNOCENT Iraqis need!  (Read 1080 times)

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Things INNOCENT Iraqis need!
« on: December 21, 2007, 01:43:16 PM »
Things Iraqi citizens need!:

They NEED their own JAPANESE-made, small portable gasoline powered Honda electric generators.

They don't need George Bush's big, crappy AMERICAN made, AMERICAN taxpayer paid for- Fluor and Bechtel  power stations that don't work or get blown up because Americans and Iraqis can't or won't protect them! The average Iraqi doesn't give a damn if YOUR hard-earned tax dollars go to pay for power stations that get blown up. The average Iraqi doesn't give a damn if your hard-earned taxes go to pay for a big war profit to Bechtel, Blackwater,Halliburton.... execs! You stoopid Americans can keep paying through the nose for all they care!

Maybe if each Iraqi family had their own electric generator- the civilians and their army would do a better job of protecting their oil wells and refineries to run those generators! Each Iraqi family could probably provide for their OWN electric needs with free energy from the sun with a $500 investment in photovoltaic panels and batteries.

They NEED their own water wells and their own personal water purifiers.

They don't need George Bush's big, crappy AMERICAN made, AMERICAN taxpayer paid for- big community water projects!

They NEED their own butane heating stoves. Not electric!

They NEED their own bulletproof vests and steel helmets to help stay alive. If those are effective and good enough for the troops to wear, they are good enough for innocent kids,their mothers and their fathers! The kids could also use armoured school buses!

They don't need CHEAP Americans and cheap American troops giving them cheap pencils and paper, chalk and chalk boards for their kids! They can provide those for themselves.

They also need small calibre HANDGUNS (.25-.32 cal)- which is the best defensive weapon for use at close range in their homes! They need to be able to carry those handguns on their STREETS also!- without US troops taking those away from them. Small calibre handguns are hardly a threat to US troops wearing ballistic vests and steel helmets! Show us just 3 news reports of a US soldier being killed with a small calibre handgun while wearing protective body armour!
 How would YOU like to have to go to the store in a war zone without being allowed to carry adequate protection? How would YOU like to have to accompany your kids to school without being able to defend them? How would YOU like to have to depend on American and Iraqi troops to defend yourself? Yeh, sure like I'm going to depend on someone else for my own protection! Maybe if more Iraqi CIVILIANS were adequately armed on their streets, they could defend their own infrastructure a lot better than US and Iraqi troops and the troops can come home sooner! Ever seen a news report on t.v. showing armed civilians on Iraq's streets?! I haven't. You soldiers who dis-arm innocent Iraqis should be ashamed of yourselves!
If you are going to make up facts and tell us that they CAN carry handguns on their streets- show us a video of it! Show us a news article that tells how an IRAQI CIVILIAN defended himself against a terrorist while walking on the street! Maybe if more Iraqi civilians had handguns- they could take out the bomb makers in their neighborhoods, themselves- BEFORE the bombs go off in a crowded market!
Anyone know how I can get the above items sent to INNOCENT Iraqi citizens without them being stolen by insurgents or confiscated by heartless, cheap American troops?

 So far- with your CHEAP pencils, paper, chalk boards, candy and used clothing- you Americans have prooved yourself nothing but CHEAP and HEARTLESS!

             [email protected]

The sooner YOU pay for what Iraqis need to survive-the sooner your big business protection army will come home!

 Want to train Iraqis better? Let them come OVER HERE if they so wish. IT'S SAFER and people tend to teach and learn better when bullets aren't flying all around them!

 No question also that AMERICAN IRAQIS could do a hell of a lot better training their countrymen OVER HERE, than the U.S military has done for the past 4 years over there!