Why would a conservative man marry an ultra-left wing women, I suppose they couldn't sense there deception and fakeness?

Well, it's definitely understandable after what you've been through, the term racist is overused too much it doesn't sound like you're a racist.

A racist is a person who engages in violent behavior towards that race, or one wants to kill a race or person of that race because it doesn't fit their agenda.

on dictionary.com
#3 describes racist well.
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/racist3.) hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
Sometimes it's more than that

Mary Matalin, a former consultant to Cheney and who is involved with Fred Thompson's campaign, is married to James Carville, who was the campaign manager of Bill Clinton during the 1992 presidential election. I think he's supposed to be working for Hillary's campaign in some capacity.
It definitely seems like an odd marriage.
They've been guests on NBC's "Meet the Press" together along with others and they obviously disagree frequently on things.