From what I heard Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ's 
Yes, my family is off-the-chart smart. (Why didnt they give me any smarts?
This is an ABSURD topic. Indians that come here are the Creme of the crop. There not coming over here like the mexicans because their government has failed them, and they cant even sign their own name.
BTW, Indians from India are actually lower than most western nations IQ.
I have to disagree with you a little bit i am not saying that indians are smart because of genes but because of indian mentality and society.Let me explain in india people consider studies as religion for many indians it is the only way out of poverty moreover the school system is such here that teachers can beat you even if you have not done your homework
same as parents who will beat you they will pressurisze you if your grades fall.So as a result most of the kids here study 10-16hours a day out of 100 percent we are expected to bring 95 percent below 85 its average.Now compare this with western schools were children will call police if parents and teachers beat them.So west has to change its education system i am not saying to beat children all the time which is harmful as many children commit sucide here because of bad grades but we should also not give them too much freedom.Same eduucation system is applied in china.
<<Now compare this with western schools were children will call police if parents and teachers beat them>>
You definitely make a point ASHISH.
But don't you smart people in the first place, to push their children to study in order to get a civilised society?
Look at Africa?
Why are they having such low IQ's?
An IQ is actually more a capability the a competence.
Even with a lower capability , a person can get stellar results , according to his IQ.
A person with a higher IQ still needs to use it.
Here in Europe companies also attract a lot of Indian IT-people.
But the outsourcing of IT-jobs to India , is getting less popular.
The Belgian Jewish diamond business is unfortunately been taken over by Indians.

All diamonds are cut in Bombay instead of Antwerpen nowdays..;