I was going to get a mac due to the more stable os but its just much more money period. You can get insane deals on windows laptops and their is no such thing in the mac world. You are forced to pay the going apple rates.
Hey, hey, I was going to buy myself
an expensive 24" screen Imac Intel,
thinking it was exceptionnal, concerning bugs, spams,
and other such common things on a windows....
But, I had the opportunity to work on both of them,
Imac and Windows, and I can assure you
that the Imac does crazy things also,
which ones, I can't remember very well,
since this occured in june/july 2007.
A friend of mine, who's webmaster,
told me that Imacs get into troubles
(almost) as often as a Windows.
His father was a journalist,
and had an Imac. My friend was fed up
with the troubles the Imac got into constantly.
I'm so glad I didn't buy an Imac,
EXPENSIVE, and as "troublable"
as any Windows System...

It's JUST nice...

Nothing else.