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Is height important?

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--- Quote from: q_q_ on March 20, 2008, 10:29:41 PM ---
--- Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on March 20, 2008, 10:16:53 PM ---I know. I must be the most shallow person ever  :'(. I'm really sorry about it. I just can't help it.

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It is commonly in a woman`s nature to want to feel protected.   A psychological feeling..

It does show a sweetness and feminine vulnerability. Nothing to be sorry about!

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Except she throws good men in the dirt, to get her tall man (neanderthal mentality) who runs away with another prettier girl and leaves her paying her own child support.  I see it all the time.  Personally, I like a woman being feminine, but she should give all men their chance to prove their spiritual and masculine selves..  A big bozo can just as easily ruin your life as I have seen many do their women, who just whine and cry how it could happen to them.  WHat do they expect?  They marry a big piece of flesh, not a human; its all eugenism, she says she needs taller children, not holier children.  My belief, and forgive me, as  I  could be wrong, is that if Mills had to choose between tall handsome non-religious man and short half-decent looking man who is spiritual and adheres to Torah and livese a holy way of life, she would choose the former.

At one time I was like this, before I came closer to G-d... I only wanted a very curvy, voluptuous woman with good body who was shorter than myself.  But when I had my awakening, suddenly I learned deeper meanings of the universe and saw how futile our carnal desire are.  This is what the wise men of the past spoke of, how many are fixiated on the tempting woman who has brought many down to Sheol..

Anyhow, religious Jews don't do so much pre-marital dating, so I know we are dealing with the secularized Jew, and most do desire the carnal, rather than the inner-most being that Torah teaches.   Love is spiritual bond, not physical so much, since we lose our beauty very quickly; we are all withering in the sands of time.  When our sweet blossom of flesh fades, it is less than the dust which remains.

Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)


--- Quote from: Jasmina on March 20, 2008, 11:36:41 PM ---  I'm 5'9 and my boyfriend is taller then me..I think this is normal...and yes I think height is important.

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Why because you need to look good in heels?  Where in Torah does it talk about that?  

Thickness is more important.


--- Quote from: newman on March 20, 2008, 11:39:15 PM ---Women (generally) hate little men. Thank G-d I'm 5'11". :)

--- End quote ---

How much do you weigh?  Women hate skinny men more, men with small shoulders and scrawny chests or women like breasts hanging down from too much junk food.  I have analyzed all this...

Once again its too bad us Jews have degraded ourselves so much like this as to worry about these rubbish things.  Some of the greatest Jews ever were not tall or muscular or handsome even. 


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