Author Topic: Gandhi's grandson Israel worlds biggest trouble maker  (Read 2157 times)

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Gandhi's grandson Israel worlds biggest trouble maker
« on: January 10, 2008, 04:34:56 PM »
 >:( >:( ::)

Arun Gandhi: Disgrace of the Third Generation
Ignorance, bigotry...yes, anti-Semitism...thy name is Gandhi. How much dining out can you do on one famous last name? Shame on the Washington Post: Arun Gandhi: Jewish Identity Can't Depend on Violence

Jewish identity in the past has been locked into the holocaust experience -- a German burden that the Jews have not been able to shed. It is a very good example of a community can overplay a historic experience to the point that it begins to repulse friends. The holocaust was the result of the warped mind of an individual who was able to influence his followers into doing something dreadful. But, it seems to me the Jews today not only want the Germans to feel guilty but the whole world must regret what happened to the Jews. The world did feel sorry for the episode but when an individual or a nation refuses to forgive and move on the regret turns into anger.

The Jewish identity in the future appears bleak. Any nation that remains anchored to the past is unable to move ahead and, especially a nation that believes its survival can only be ensured by weapons and bombs. In Tel Aviv in 2004 I had the opportunity to speak to some Members of Parliament and Peace activists all of whom argued that the wall and the military build-up was necessary to protect the nation and the people. In other words, I asked, you believe that you can create a snake pit -- with many deadly snakes in it -- and expect to live in the pit secure and alive? What do you mean? they countered. Well, with your superior weapons and armaments and your attitude towards your neighbors would it not be right to say that you are creating a snake pit? How can anyone live peacefully in such an atmosphere? Would it not be better to befriend those who hate you? Can you not reach out and share your technological advancement with your neighbors and build a relationship?

Apparently, in the modern world, so determined to live by the bomb, this is an alien concept. You don't befriend anyone, you dominate them. We have created a culture of violence (and Israel and the Jews are the prime instigators) and that Culture of Violence is eventually going to destroy humanity.

Ignorance about Jews runs in the family. Gramps suggested the Jews sacrifice themselves to the Nazis in the hope of exciting the sympathy of the world. Grandson apparently thinks the Jews of today should do the same, but goes further in blaming them for the state of the world. Amazing. Jewish identity doesn't depend on violence, but Jewish survival does. It's an inconvenient world.

Via LGF where Charles recommends checking out the comments as well.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2008, 05:48:41 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Gandhi's grandson Israel worlds biggest trouble maker
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2008, 05:42:00 PM »
His grandfather was also an SOB, who was willing to sell out his own country, but the Muslims were too stupid to take it :::D
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline Maccabi

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Re: Gandhi's grandson Israel worlds biggest trouble maker
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2008, 06:28:28 PM »
execute him.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Gandhi's grandson Israel worlds biggest trouble maker
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2008, 06:56:45 PM »
Re:  "...Notice how it has a similar name to the party of the black South African Nazi..."

There is absolutely NO correlation between political parties in different areas of the world which have the same, or similiar names.


Japan's Liberal Democrat Party--as the joke goes, is neither "liberal" nor is it "democratic".

Tony Blair's Labour Party in the UK are Marxist-oriented, and many of the members have portraits of Karl Marx hanging in their offices, yet the "Conservative Republicans" consider Tony the staunch friend and ally of America.

But, isn't a socialist "the enemy"?

-Which would you prefer, given the choice of only two possibilities:

1.  A socialist oriented secular Israeli government which refused to even consider ceding one inch of Eretz Yisrael to anyone for any reason, or...

2.  A Netanyahu type of "conservative" Israeli government willing to compromise and "cut a deal" with anyone for any reason?

-Mapai socialists who once governed Israel, refused to consider a return to the pre-67 borders, and were as a whole intensely nationalistic and fiercely militaristic; much more so than the present group of "nationalists" we encounter today.

Don't believe it?

Research some old interviews with Golda Meir on American TV and see for yourself.

-If "capitalism" in and of itself is the criterion to which Israel or other countries should strive, and in a "capitalist" economy everything and everybody is literally for sale to the highest payer, then shouldn't Israeli capitalists have the right to sell any part of Israel's land or property to anyone, anywhere in the world willing to pay the highest price?

> If your answer to the above question is "no way", then you're not a believer in "capitalism" or "the free market".

-If approximately 16 Israeli capitalist families own and control 98% of all Israeli property and business, while the large percentage of the population struggles to survive on a daily basis, then isn't this the best State of Israel ever possible, being that many here claim free market capital to be their sole determinant of whether or not a country is "good"?

-Does not Torah command Jews to leave the corners of their harvest fields for the less fortunate?

-And if this be true, is this a socialistic command, or a capitalistic command?

-Isn't this simply taking the fruits of one's hard labor and investment and letting someone who didn't grow the food have it for free?

-And if you think it's a bad idea to "give away" things to those who aren't earning their own living, then why did Ha'Shem command Jews to do such a thing?

-Nowhere in Torah have I read a command from Ha'Shem telling Jews to sell anything and everything to anybody who will pay them!....Is Ha'Shem "anti-free market"?...Are the constant references to the Kings in support of the monarchy?...yes?

-Personally I don't want to live in an Israel in which children and old people go hungry and homeless, and I don't want to "Return" to a HomeLand after 2000 years just to find Likudniks and Kadima members selling Jewish property to foreign interests, which is their "right" as "capitalists".

-Your opinions?

Offline Maccabi

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Re: Gandhi's grandson Israel worlds biggest trouble maker
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2008, 08:46:19 PM »
capitalism can still be ethical.

It mostly depends on the individual and I'm not sure how you can legislate business ethics.

I'm definitely capitalist, and I don't want any muslims buying my products, or what I mean is, I don't want to sell my products to people who may use them against me or the Jewish people.

"-If "capitalism" in and of itself is the criterion to which Israel or other countries should strive, and in a "capitalist" economy everything and everybody is literally for sale to the highest payer, then shouldn't Israeli capitalists have the right to sell any part of Israel's land or property to anyone, anywhere in the world willing to pay the highest price?"

Of course not...national land will be under ownership of the state. It should be legal to sell it to Jews or resident aliens, but not to invaders.  After we destroy them in  GogMagog, the situation will be a whole lot easier to manage.  The people who want to live in Israel will have some respect, and a free market can reign this way.

I think you can still have massive, laissez faire capitalism, but the government would probably have to regulate certain industries, like weapons for 1 obvious example, and despite all of the loony global warming environmentalists, it is still good to have people interested in these issues to keep a check on big industry.  Public interest groups can still serve a good purpose I think.

I believe all of the Torah laws are good...leaving a corner of a field should be of no consequence for a prosperous person.
And the Torah mandated laws on social responsibility are of course more than 1000x superior to the way people try to be socially responsible on their own.

Basically, I think all out war is the solution and will fix everything.

I reiterate my position: Execute Arun Ghandi