But George and Condi were like elefants in a porcelain-store. I have read, that they did enorme damage to the "peace process".

[It's a Babelfish-translation, so please excuse bad english and mistakes]
Bush buries dream of the fast PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi state
Of Pierre Heumann, Tel Aviv
The US president came, in order to accelerate the peace process into the Near East. It reached the opposite: George W. Bush deepened the ditch between Israel and the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis with its attendance and exposed president Abbas.
Tel Aviv - US president George Bush is optimist. Thus it traveled this week to the Near East, in order to accelerate the peace process, which it activated at the end of of 2007 in the American Annapolis. It becomes in the next twelve months, which remain to it in the white house, which 60 years old Middle East problem loosen, say it and schwaermt courageously from a two-state solution: Israel and Eretz Yisrael, which live peacefully and harmoniously side at side.
But Bush reached the opposite with its attendance, which goes tomorrow to end, accurately. Instead of bridging the Israeli-PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi ditch, it still deepened it. It did not accelerate but did not make the solution more difficult of the problem. Bush demanded an end of the crew. At the same time it repeated however a promise at Olmerts predecessor Ariel Scharon, according to which Israel with border corrections could keep settlement blocks.
On the red carpet, which was unrolled for him in the holy country, it buried the State of Eretz Yisrael, before this was born.
Illusorily therefore, which kundtat Bush on a common press conference with president Mahmoud Abbas: Within a yearly should the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis their own state have. It is convinced that a peace treaty is signed still before expiration of its term of office in January 2009.
"I am confident that the State of Eretz Yisrael with appropriate assistance will develop", said for Bush. From negotiation partners was reported, Bush a further attendance in the region had offered, if this can give the necessary impulses to the peace process. As new special assigning for the conversion as Road appointed Bush admitted map of peace plan according to data of the US uS-Praesidialamts general William Fraser.
Bush exposes Abbas
But Bush has expectations, which cannot be converted in the Middle East insanity, almost naively to work. It seems to presuppose that there must be such a thing like an obligation to harmonious solutions of conflicts. The straight Bush attendance in the crisis area the Middle East showed painfully clearly once more, how inseparably the conflict is real. The contradictions are too complex. One will have to be already glad, if the conflict can be managen to some extent efficiently.
Even that is difficult, as long as the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi areas are divided. President Abbas lost the Gaza Strip in the summer and only governed in the west bank. Gaza is another planet, on which he does not have influence. Abbas was a weak guidance figure, now is almost impotent always already it. Even within its own Fatah party its Gefolgschaft and in the population shrank is its reputation on a tiefpunkt.
Without the Israeli military, which supports Abbas, would probably have geputscht the Hamas in the west bank against Abbas and its Fatah party, in order to take over power. Bush continued to weaken it now, by exposing him.
Division in two parts of the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi areas irreversibly
Because Abbas cannot fulfill high expectations, which the US president sets on him. Since the summer sommer-Putsch of the radical-Islamic Hamas in the Gaza Strip - which entmachtet there Abbas - to have the radical Islamics their power in Gaza systematically developed and strengthened. All important functions - of the police head over the teachers up to the highest judge - are occupied with Hamas faithful ones. For Abbas there is therefore none back after Gaza. The division in two parts of the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi areas is irreversible.
Helplessly demands Abbas of the Hamas to cancel their coup - he will only then talk again with it. But none knows better than it that he can wait for it still for a long time.
While Abbas of the peace schwaermt, fly from from the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip daily Kassam rockets to the south of Israel. Everyone white that Abbas can hardly turn that off, even if it wanted. Nevertheless Bush for it wants to take it into the obligation. As long as Gaza is a stronghold of terrorists, one can hardly think of serious peace discussions.
Bush demands "visions" for Gaza
Almost grotesque the advice of Bush works to his host, it is the population of Gaza "visions" to present. Then it would already decide "correctly" (thus for Abbas and against the chaos). As if free elections would be in an radical-Islamic dictatorship a realistic possibility. And like Abbas in a region visions to convert is not, in which he is powerlessly and neither able nor will to fight for his ideas white probably Bush.
Even if Abbas should actively look for the dialogue with the Hamas, in order to convince the ruling powers and the population in Gaza of the correctness of its politics and his visions: Bush (and Olmert) would be first, which would call "betrayal" in a general manner to cry and it in memory: "with terrorists one does not speak."
Which the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis already feared eh, during the Bush attendance one confirmed: that Bush of them more concessions expects than from the Israelis. They suspect that from Bush no fair proposal for solution is to be expected. However mini settlements already admitted to vacate the request of the Israeli government, as outguards, failed very smallloud. It fell so casually, as if thereby no new problems were created.
Pierre hay man is a Middle East correspondent of Swiss "world week"