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--- Quote from: sarah.... on December 02, 2006, 03:04:05 PM ---"I am very tired of the obscene levels of ignorance and arrogance promulgated by the delusional Liberal Left which only continues this drift towards Leftist debased policies and utter insanity"
Marzutra even if you are correct factualy about all your views you have to think about why these people have different opinions and how did they conclude to them....(i dunno if that makes much sense)
Only one of you is right and why do the opposition think they are right??UHHH I can't express my views properly uh .....
o.k...BOth of you believe that each one is correct....only one can be do you know its you?(u may say because u have more proof, it IS de da...but honestly we have to wait
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Sarah, in all honesty, what have I been telling you to do? I have told you all along that I am not interested in opinion but facts. I have so often told you to read both sides or listen to both sides and then research for yourself facts substantiating ones opinion. Therefore ones arguement is accredited with facts and not mere baseless opinions or politically directed, or religiously directed propganda....which consequently is the answer to your first statement. On certain issues I am very much right on others that I don't know about, I learn and research to form my hypothesis, which is an educated guess and too different than a statement of fact. A statement of fact would be "The average IQ of a black is 70." From that fact I can form the educated guess that the average black is dumb. I hope this answers your statement, questions and attacks on me. The only thing we have to wait for is a massive war, many useless deaths or a NWO.....
PS: I sense your direct talks concerning either the Balistinians or Islam not being a "Religion of Peace". I think the facts from both the source documents themselves and the unmolested factual reality on the ground today dictate the obvious.
Canada so much resembles East Germany under the Soviets today, that I could only suggest leaving the country as soon as possible.
If "W" succeeds in his New World Order "North American Free Trade Zone" (scheduled to be in effect by 2008), America will fall overnight to the status of a socialist Third World dictatorship hell.
"The Tree of Liberty is perennially watered with the blood of Patriots and tyrants!"...Thomas Jefferson
Gun control = SLAVERY!
Hate Speech = TYRANNY!
LIVE FREE..OR DIE! (New Hampshire State motto)
WE DARE DEFEND OUR RIGHTS! (Alabama State motto)
--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on December 04, 2006, 09:32:59 PM ---Canada so much resembles East Germany under the Soviets today, that I could only suggest leaving the country as soon as possible.
If "W" succeeds in his New World Order "North American Free Trade Zone" (scheduled to be in effect by 2008), America will fall overnight to the status of a socialist Third World dictatorship hell.
"The Tree of Liberty is perennially watered with the blood of Patriots and tyrants!"...Thomas Jefferson
Gun control = SLAVERY!
Hate Speech = TYRANNY!
LIVE FREE..OR DIE! (New Hampshire State motto)
WE DARE DEFEND OUR RIGHTS! (Alabama State motto)
--- End quote ---
Thank you very much. I am very glad there are knowledged people out there who know what Canada is truly like and can see through the immense "politically correct" propaganda we have here. By and large, Canadians don't like Americans. They see themselves as "better" than Americans and yet they are vastly ignorant to American history, American politics and American Society in General. 35 million Jimmy Carters and Bill Clintons live north of the border. Savage had one thing right "Liberalism IS a mental disorder". I'm afraid that if Israel, Europe and America finally get fed up and want to throw out all their Turd World, Islamic and Commust garbage Canada would run to the rescue opening up our borders as an expression of "Tolerance", "Diversity", "Multiculturalism" and "progressiveness" to the "closed minded", yet knowledged, Word causing national suicide in the process. What is that saying "The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions"...
"...The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions"...
Here's another verity:
The one great advantage opponents of this creeping totalitarianism have, is that the Leftists and their ilk believe in taking everyone's guns away. As a result, a peoples' uprising against them will face little resistance from the civilian populace.
Read the chapter in Gibbons' The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire where the nation state of Carthage, long given over to homosexuality and other sexual depravities (even a drag queen ruler in full drag at public functions) was conquered and slaughtered with no resistance by advancing barbarian hordes.
Canada, being followed soon by the U.S., has totally embraced homosexuality as an establishment "life style", anyone opposing it subject to criminal prosecution. Imagine a Red Chinese invasion of Seattle and San Francisco; both would capitulate with little if any resistance. It follows that a concerted effort of a mobilized patriot citizenry could also achieve victory...the only factors in question being (a) the national armed forces (which hopefully might have in its ranks many patriots willing to join in) and/or (b) UN or NATO forces (which by treaty may legally intervene militarily to aid any other fellow member states requesting assitance).
Hope is not lost.
I agree with every word you say. Canada, is dumbed down with Liberalism, wilfully unarmed and slouching towards gomorrah... Actually, Davkakach sent me a fabulous video by Dr. Stanley Moneith about flouride.
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