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Hail Columbia:
If Quebec, and the First Nations, really see themselves as "nations within a nation", then how about if they secede from Canada?  Both parties stand to benefit greatly from that action.  The remainder of Canada can dump the multicult nonsense out of the window, and fully concentrate on imposing an Anglophonic Canadian culture on its population, informing those who resist to leave.


--- Quote from: Hail Columbia on December 01, 2006, 06:32:54 PM ---If Quebec, and the First Nations, really see themselves as "nations within a nation", then how about if they secede from Canada?  Both parties stand to benefit greatly from that action.  The remainder of Canada can dump the multicult nonsense out of the windown, and fully concentrate on imposing an Anglophonic Canadian culture on its population, informing those who resist to leave.

--- End quote ---
Thank you for reading that and making a truly intelligent comment.  I totally agree with you.  I wish it could be done.  Either, drop all the mulit-culturalism garbage and have, as Savage says: "Borders, Language, Culture", before it is (if it isn't already) too late.  You are correct.  It is a tragedy Quebec, the Natives and all the other Turd World trash have been feeding off of our "Politically Correct" dumbing down, Communist "Progressiveness" since Pierre Trudeau infiltrated this nation with Socialism.  If they did leave, the Atlantic Provinces would either benefit from Hibernia Oil fields, or become States to the US.  Alberta and Ontario are very productive without Socialism and the rest would too contribute.  You make great points. 

Did you know that smoking is now illegal in public places.  One has to be 16 feet away, apparently to smoke.  I don't like smoking but I dislike government even more.  Too it is ok to have "Blacks Only" in employment advertisements here in Canada.  Every job one applies for or University to attend or too employment has to fill out a "Self Identification Questionaire" reminescent of Soviet Russian Social Engineering.  Too in this "Questionaire" they ask for your age, sex, race, afterwhich is narrowed down further into Nationality.  For example it would say "African" and one would check a box or fill in a blank (Nigerian) if one was from Nigeria.  What I found totally disgusting was from when I had applied to teach at Dalhousie University in Halifax Nova Scotia, this same question was asked but the region was titled "Middle East" with nationalities: Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, Lebanese, Kuwaiti etc. "Palestinian" but NO Israeli?  I was so angry I had both filed complaints to the University, the local Jewish Congress and too the National Post for their piece by Barbara Kay called "Propaganda in the Classroom".   Hense, I didn't receive that position.  And Canadians, being so dumbed down with Marxist "political correctness" actually look down on Americans as stupid. 

To add to this arrogance we don't even have "free speech" in this country unless one is black, muslim or any member of the non-"Invisible Majority".  Savage is not allowed in Canada.  Imagine that, Michael Savage violate CRTC regulations but all this rap hip/hop degeneracy and this borderline porno filth can be splashed all over every media here..?   Where is the sanity in that. 

Again..the Trouble with Canada.....   I won't get on our open border, no guns, central banking with progressive taxation, admiration for the United Nations, wealth transfer policies for every Turd World, dumbing down educational system, "diversity training".....  Game, Set, Match....we lose..

Thanks for the comment... 

Sounds like a wonderfull place. I have had great interest in Canada for the past few years because I see whats happening to Canada is what is in store for America in a very short time. I could never understand how the division between the French and English part of Canada was allowed to fester and develop all the many years until you have what you see before you a group of people living in tribal settings with an ineffective centrail government. Moreover I am sick and tired of hearing about indigenous people and their rights no matter who they are Aboriginals, American Indian, Arawak Indian they should be a part of the country they live in or not receive any subsidies or get any advantage from that country. The problem with Canada is plain and simple they are willing to allow anything to populate their country and what you see there is the results. Americans  take heed this is where we are headed. Canadians should realize allowing all that trash into their country isn't worth the problems that comes along with them sometimes less is defiantly more.

You are 100% correct.  Like America had its corrupt Socialist leaders especially after FDR, Canada too has had its share of Liberal leaders "progressing" this country towards Gomorrah.  The worst American Presidents in my honest opinion was FDR, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton or this bastard Ghorge Wahabbi Bush.  Although Carter and Clinton stand out only because they are labelled "Democrats" I feel, this Bush is perhaps worse than both because he is the same only sold to the American public as a "Conservative" Republican. 

Canada's problems, in all honesty, came about in the 1960's when we had a Communist named Pierre Elliot Trudeau come to head the country.  He totally ruined this country with open borders to Turd World gain Liberal voters, "multculturalism", Charter of Rights and Freedoms which gave the "visible minorities" immense leverage and power over the dumbed down "politically correct" and stomped upon "invisible majority".  This is the same man who, stated by former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, wore a big swastika patch on his back while the Allies were at war with the Nazis.  The more delusional thing, which truly chaps my ass, is MOST Jews in Canada love Pierre Trudeau and hold him as the greatest leader in Canadian History.....  What does that tell?   20+ years under Liberalism and Leftist policies while continual socialist media: CBC, CTV dumbing down the masses, too with very limited Freedom of Speech....  This is what we have....  Disgusting isn't it?

Canada is finnished in my sincere opinion.  Much like American politics continually drifting to the "International Socialist" Left, so is Canada.  Asia has the Trilateral Commision, Europe has the Bildeberg Group, Britian has the Round Table Group and the Fabian Society, America has the CFR, the ACLU and NAACP while we Canadians have the Douglas-Caldwell Foundation and the Pugwash Group...all Communist front groups financed by massively powerful seudo-capitalists working hard towards International Socialism: World Communism....    That is how I see it anyway.

Canada is finnished unless someone with some testicles soon comes to power, but, like the US, that candidate would probably be ruined by the controlled media far before hand.  Thanks for the input.. you are correct...


--- Quote from: sarah.... on December 01, 2006, 05:28:02 PM ---thanx

youre pretty smart for a 28yr old lol....but very serious....

I wish i could have seen you smile ....Haha your arguements are so serious and determined to convey your point seemed impossible that you would lighten up!

o.k ill shut up in a weird mood, happy yet tired...

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Yes they are Sarah, I am very tired of the obscene levels of ignorance and arrogance promulgated by the delusional Liberal Left which only continues this drift towards Leftist debased policies and utter insanity.  Open borders, "Palestine", "The Palestinians", "The West Bank", "Multiculturalism", "diversity", "feminism", "shvartzism", "homo-ism", "Islam is a religion of peace".....the facts are there but people wish to expand their wilfull ignorance and not attain knowledge directly from the sources.  It is appalling.  While we see Europe ablaze, The Decline of the West, expanision of the NWO, Shvartza crime, Islamic Terrorism and expansionism all over the World, mass Communist Chinese/Russian/Cuban etc. and African inhumanities and we are still sold lies and kept dumbed down.  It is appalling to anyone with a modicum of inteligence.  I mean why in Hell would the Pope apply pressure to have Turkey accepted into the EU when Europe for a millenia was at war with the Muslim expansionist Caliphate?  Does he want to wreck Europe?  Does he want Europeans to truly see the appalling disaster of G-dless Socialism and the truth about those professing to "the religion of peace" creating a race war of extermination far surpassing the Holocaust only towards Muslims and/or Communists?  What?  It doesn't make any sense whatsoever....unless one knows the agenda.  While Arabs are responsible for ALL the inhumanities in Israel, Israel cannot "transfer" them out because it is "racist", but many other nations including the Muslims can?  The Vatican, like the CFR, Fabian Society and every Muslim Leader are corrupt to the core and have a purely vulgar agenda.   May piss be upon them all....


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