Author Topic: Jews: Please Fast Tomorrow for Our Heroic Sisters Imprisoned in Eretz Yisroel  (Read 1354 times)

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Offline OdKahaneChai

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This was orignially posted by Ya'aqov (not JTF Yacov) on the forum:


9 Shevat 5768

Daughters Of Zion

Some of our sisters and daughters are still being held in the Tirtzah Women's Prison. They were taken in for entering what the government calls "closed military area." These young women have refused to identify themselves to the secular criminal justice system, whose authority they do not recognize.

This is actually a repeat of two previous incidents. Back in 5765 (2005), three teen girls from K'far Tapu'ah were arrested for civil disobedience, protesting the impending expulsion of Jews from Azza. These three also refused to recognize the authority of the secular courts. As time passed the courts realized that they could not get away with the double standard they were perpetrating. They were holding three teen girls for civil disobedience until trial; whereas suspected perpetrators of violent crimes were given house arrest or released on bail.

The courts attempting to send them to a religious Kibbutz for "re-education" until their trial date. (Yes! That was the term used!) To the girls' credit, they refused, citing that the level of religious observance was not acceptable to them. The courts were willing to send them to a religious kibbutz, as they know full well that the State-loyalty indoctrination is just as effective in such a setting as in a secular setting. The courts eventually set a compromise, and released the girls' into the custody of on the girl's grandparents, living in the Greater Tel-Aviv Area. Releasing them back into the custody of their parents was not an option, as the judge believed the girls to pose a "dangerous influence" on their town. Yes, those were the judge's words.

More recently, Tzviyah Sariel face a similar ordeal. She also suffered for her failure to recognize the secular courts which enforced laws going against Torah.

And now, the government has resulted to even more treacherous deeds of,...yes, I will call it torture. That is essentially what it is. They are that desperate, and fearful of the power of faith in HaShem and dedication to the observance of His Torah, that this what they must stoup to.

Police Abused Young Religious Girls in Prison

    ( Police forced several girls under the age of 16 to strip in prison, where they have been held under harsh conditions and without being charged, their parents charged. Police also allegedly woke them up repeatedly in order to deprive them of sleep in an attempt to break their determination not to identify themselves.

    Judges have allowed the police to incarcerate the seven girls, ages 13 to 15, for entering a closed military zone and trying to establish a new hilltop community near Beit El, north of Jerusalem. The girls have refused to identify themselves because they say they abide by the law of the Torah and do not recognize the authority of secular judges.

    Police responded to the charges with a routine statement that parents "are welcome to file a complaint" and the police themselves will investigate the charges.

Rabbis have called upon us to fast in support of our sisters and daughters.

    Fast Day Thursday for Teenage Girls Held in Prison

    ( Leading rabbis, including Kiryat-Hevron Chief Rabbi Dov Lior, have called on people to fast on Thursday on behalf of seven girls, ages 13 to 15, who have been held in Neveh Tirza prison near Ramle, east of Tel Aviv. The girls were arrested for trying to establish a hilltop community and have refused to identify themselves.

    "In protest against the mistreatment and incarceration of these dear daughters of Zion and in protest against the terrible intention, G-d forbid, to endanger every single soul in Israel and to exile Jews from their homes and to expel them from their rightful inheritance, from Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, we call on all who are able to fast," said the Council of Rabbis of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza (Yesha).

    A Justice Ministry spokesman said, "The girls' release from prison is impossible until they agree to identify themselves because we cannot take legal action against the girls unless they divulge their names. Allowing these minors to leave prison before they identify themselves would establish a negative precedent which would allow criminals to avoid prosecution."

The residents of Yehudah and Shomron and their supporters have come under fire for sending our sisters and daughters out to fight for justice while the men sit on the sidelines. This scrutiny has come from the Haredi community, among others, which has repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to protest the anti-Torah state. The Haredi community does have a point.

However, the leftist media certainly controls what is reported and what is not, and is more than happy to be a participant in any rift between various religious communities.

Our men are fighting in a variety of ways. Many have even been silenced by the courts or police "stay away" orders.

Our sisters and daughters should be commended for their efforts and self-sacrifice.

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Mills:  "...A child in prison with no one! I can't believe this shame..."

And not a word of condemnation from the U.S. - So much for defending human rights.

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Offline OdKahaneChai

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Baruch Hashem!

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D

Offline Sue C

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The 'wars' necessitate, and the system set up as it is, necessitates only crie and terror increasingly over 2,000 years, while desecrating intelligence, mind, Torah, study above brainwashing for the wars. Each day, as Israel (see Daniel as the image is set up and throughout the 'Jews' are accused which continues) for the terror wars, must be forced against the 'enemy' and then accused of being the enemy. If not, they are railroaded as is my own case, daily attacks increasing from 1995, each time they add new terrorists, with split brains, programmed by this top. They arrest Rabbis and Jewsh for protestng and arrest them for not protesting at one point the settlements, and this goes on each day with the 'news' bringing up the wars and terror, and on both sides, the Jews are accused. Rabbis who protested the settlements arrested, then Rabbis protesting taking it down; Israel accused and the Jews taking abuse for the Palestianians put there, and accused after they are finally let go; it doesn't matter. And, there is more plasn for 'wars' on Israel as the accused.

Offline Sue C

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Those racketeering behind the 'Church' and manipulating all sides of the 'race' and religion' wars, with changes to right law, then claim as they did in WWII, (yet the holocaust did not end) a 'Win' for the Roman Catholic Church.  There is a plan, while this is only about money takenback to the top after running wars and every kind of crime in addition to the racketeering and using alternate criminals on Israelis and innocent persons. They then 'investigate' using new people. If you know of who is used and the crimes, they continue, like in many cases, to railroad crimes daily to your death. They are indicting drom 1920, all Isarelis and Jewish, while using corrupt officials for it who do not hold real undestanding of nor ideas of Torah or real law.

Racketeering indictments, while they deny daly rights and have obstructions, denial of terrorist reports

Daily, for the last 4 years, having illegally moved us to this area in Dover, Delaware, where this person linked to ongoing crimes and racketeering bribery line (as they did on Israel with radation and alterate criminals) continued and continue while I reported the terrorist crimes, day in and day out, to target my son and I from empty buildings, from those usin remote weapons, from NSA drug cartel and those programmed, helicopters from 1995, first the administration disseminating news that it is DARPA using radio-drome for 'End Times'

(They do this to keep you 'separated' andin holocaust rather than seeing the big picture; see Biblical text regarding the take of the Temple by having Jeiwsh follow the wars in reaction rather than actually seeing the big picture, seeing it in pieces)

In any case, they continued after messing up our move, to increase brain erasure of John, who even states it on paper and discusses it week in and week out as they cotinue using my sn and I as their daily target practice under radiation to over 150 times any used on one person, pulse weapons, terrorizing of which I have photos, and voice-to-skull, wit photos of beams. This goes on back and forth, one day claiming as I found out that it was hover crafts in Delaware to Texas, to DARPA, to acting as if theyare ATF while they run drugs around us from 1995 and we have no idea what is really taking place) They continue, to ue John, brain erasure each week, either way, attacks on him, he mentining it, and back to me, then attacks on my son, and having my husband back into la la land, energy weapons, memory lapse, refusing for over 4 years to do one thing at all, follow through with 'any' plans whatsoever, runnign us in circles financially every single month while they target us each day, the weapons, then stalking with terrorists, the other groups, and continued obstructions. It is the same reason they illegally murdered Israeli army, IDF, millions surrounding science who were Israeli and Jewish; for money and ongoing terrorism planned. They contiue from the Cheswold Airport, using those set up as 'testing' and spraying (New Zealand only reported this spraying after killing millions of Jewish by ill-health) They use voice-to-skull and in Israel to keep people in 'reaction' and therefore they continue isolation attempts, daily interferece wrecking, using John day in and day out back and forth in verbal circles, never remebering what he said earlier, never following through with anything, leaving over 10 years of thigns piled on myself while we hare hit every moment here with alternate crimes. This is atttempted murder since 1995, ongoing, attempted death (just as one Rabbi continued to fall asleep with 'deep sleep' weapons as thy tried to me in 1995 to 1999, then on to other terrorist attacks, then attempts at running us off the road in between all other attacks. Frm 1995 (of which the cartel with supposed 'mind controls' as they keep most in daly 'reaction' to arguments, rhetoric and staged wars, continue these crimes.