thats a terrible site, and anything that is on it is not to be believed in of its self. The purpose of the site is to smear religious Haredim in general, and I have seen a post in their saying "rabbinic Judasim" implying that their is a different Judaim and all the problems are because of the Rabbis and the Talmud. I see its agenda, even if it might contain an ounce of truth (every lie does), it still has a very evil agenda.( the type that has been going on for years, where their were different accusations of this, robbery and all the other things. When it repeats itself, then the public thinks of all Jews who look like that as being that, or as bein thieves, etc. I wonder why that site wouldn't attack other pedofiles like whites, blacks and spanish people in the areas.
Also the heading says " A critical view of Orthodox Judasim"