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Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« on: January 18, 2008, 04:05:00 AM »

Does this surprise any of you?

'Out of Control: AIDS in Black America'
A Special Edition of 'Primetime' with Terry Moran and a Special Segment Featuring Peter Jennings Looks at America's Silent Killer
Aug. 23, 2006—

As the world marked the 25th anniversary of the first reported cases of AIDS this summer, one important story was mostly ignored: AIDS is an epidemic in the African American community and it's spreading fast.

Watch Primetime's special report "Out of Control: AIDS in Black America," Thursday, Aug. 24, at 10 p.m.

Shortly before his cancer diagnosis, Peter Jennings started work on a one-hour documentary devoted solely to the issue of AIDS in Black America. ABC News has now finished his work in a one-hour Special Edition of "Primetime," reported by Terry Moran, airing Thursday, Aug. 24, at 10 PM.

"In America today, AIDS is virtually a black disease, by any measure," says Phill Wilson, executive director of The Black AIDS Institute in Los Angeles. Wilson also points out that while many black American leaders and celebrities have embraced the cause of the epidemic's toll in Africa, few have devoted similar energy to the crisis here at home.

Jennings's contribution to the hour is a candid group discussion he conducted with HIV-positive African American men in Atlanta about the harsh realities of dealing with AIDS in Black America.

Black Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population but account for over 50 percent of all new cases of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. That infection rate is eight times the rate of whites. Among women, the numbers are even more shocking--- almost 70 percent of all newly diagnosed HIV-positive women in the United States are black women. Black women are 23 times more likely to be diagnosed with AIDS than white women, with heterosexual contact being the overwhelming method of infection in black America.

Terry Moran talks to experts in several key areas that contribute to the spread of AIDS in black America, including the disproportionate number of black men in prison. Prisons have AIDS infection rates five times higher than outside the walls, and many men go into prison HIV negative and come out infected, often without knowing it, since there is no comprehensive national testing, prevention, or treatment program for prison and jail inmates.

The failure of efforts in the 1990s to get federal support for needle exchange programs, which have proven successful in other countries in slowing the spread of AIDS among drug addicts, is also examined. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, remembers the struggle to get the Clinton administration to support such programs in the United States, knowing that without them the epidemic would continue to spread unchecked. "You could see it coming," says Fauci. "The handwriting was on the wall for a long time."

"Out of Control" also reports the results of studies from the Universities of Chicago and North Carolina which shed light on a complex reality that helps explain why heterosexual transmission among African Americans is so common. Black men are more than twice as likely as white men to have multiple female partners at the same time, these studies show. Rates of all sexually transmitted diseases are higher among African Americans than other groups, and once those rates start to rise, says Dr. Jim Thomas of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "It starts a cycle. Because now when a person goes to have sex with someone, the chances that the new partner is already infected are relatively high."

And because homosexuality and bisexuality carry such a strong stigma in black America, African American men may choose to hide their sexual orientation. Men who have sex with men, and then also have sex with women without necessarily telling their female partners about their male encounters, are one of the topics covered in back to back roundtable discussions led by Jennings and Moran. Black men and women talk openly about sexual patterns in black America, denial, secrecy, and shame. "I know of few communities as conservative as the African American community, especially about sex," says Debra Fraser-Howze, CEO of the National Black Leadership Commission on AIDS in New York. "And when it comes to homosexuality, it's a real problem. Nobody wants to talk about it."

Moran also reports on the role of the churches, traditionally the most powerful source of political and social activism in black America. Black churches have been silent on AIDS, says The Rev. Calvin Butts Jr., Rector of Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem. "When you see the numbers going up, you know you have not done enough," he says. Adds The Rev. Eugene Rivers of Boston: "I see the black church being challenged as never before. There are going to have to be some tough conversations within the black church, because the black church is the only thing that black people have left. And too many young people are dying because Black leaders have failed their children."

"Out of Control: AIDS in Black America" was produced by Elizabeth Arledge; Senior Producer is Kayce Freed Jennings. The Executive Producer is Tom Yellin.

Copyright © 2008 ABC News Internet Ventures
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline fjack

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2008, 07:16:55 AM »
This is too good to pass up without a comment from fjack. Calvin Butts is a white hater, jew hater and was made the head of a college in Westbury with absolutely NO ACADEMIC CREDITENTIALS AT ALL!! Aids is caused by a behaviour mood and a 'way of life' mood. If they would stop shooting drugs into each other and stop having sex at every chance and thing they can find to lay down with, that would put a stop to Aids. White people's tax money has been thrown away to the tune of billions and billions to stop these creatures from self destructing. Just imagine the bill when they put in 'hillary care', the price tab will go through the roof. If calvin putz wants to stop aids, he can go into shooting galleries and take away their works before they shoot up and he can also sneak into every knok and crannie and pull the couple apart before copulating.


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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2008, 08:12:25 AM »
Didn't the negros accuse the white-honkey government of contaminating the snack foods in the vending machines to get the black population down?

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2008, 09:02:26 AM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Just Erica

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2008, 01:22:43 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2008, 01:55:14 PM »
Unfaire? Life is unfaire and facts are clear: the AIDS is not spreading like wild fire among black comumity becouse of us Whites, the slavery has ended in America 140 years ago and It's high time to be responsible for your lifes "sister". The Bible teach us that the payment for sin is death, you can belive that homo sex is OK But AIDS proves my point.   
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!


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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2008, 01:55:50 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?

Just Erica

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2008, 02:54:46 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?


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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2008, 02:57:02 PM »


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?
Here we go again.

Read carefully.....................


I would say (on the whole) it's very level headed to look at reality backed up with mountains of evidence and then drawing conclusions based on the experience of many

For example:.

When we say that blacks* are a criminal society, we don't need to show that 100% of blacks are criminals, we just need to show that there is a severe criminal problem that is more pronounced among blacks than anyone else. If that is10% of the population, 30% of the population, 40% of the population, so be it, the exact numbers are inconsequential it's a question of per capita or proportionality.

*The same applies to mexicans & arabs being dirty, lazy and envious.


When we say that blacks are a society that produces illegitimate children, we don't need to show that 100% of blacks do this, again, we just need to show that it is a problem among blacks more than it is among anyone else, and that it is a particularly black problem, which it is. The severity of these things are unique to black communities, so it is fair game to point them out in generalized fashions.

It's just that whenever lierals see one of these broad statements, they instantly go into left/liberal reactionary mode, immediately believing that we mean every single black person. Their common defense of how they know some who are different than what we describe is an example of this.

Whenever there is a feature of the black community that is 1) disproportionate to blacks 2) recognized as a "black problem" 3) that's pervasiveness is unique to the black community, I'm going to recognize that as a component of the black community. Of course it doesn't have to even be a problem with the majority of people, just a large proportion.


When we point out anti-Semitism among Polish people for example, we don't need to prove that every single Polish person is an anti-Semite, we just need to point to the uniqueness of the problem to Poland, the pervasiveness of the problem, and the degree of the problem.


When we say Toyotas are reliable we don't mean every single one of the millions produced is. There are a few examoles of badly built or designed Toyotas but GENERALLY speaking the evidence of thousands of owner surveys and quality reports suggests that Toyotas ARE reliable.

These are the modes that these sort of things are discussed in and indeed when speaking of general habits of cultures and religions, this sort of thinking is commonly used all the time. Why should it not be used in reference to blacks, muSSlims, mexicans or anybody else?

It should be taken for granted that a statement beginning with.."Blacks are......" or "Arabs are......" or "Mexicans are......" is going to refer to the majority of them in general terms and not every, single one on the Planet.

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2008, 03:38:08 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?

Anyone who says the white man is the devil should be forced to spend the rest of his or her life in Kenya, Nigeria or Liberia.

Meaning a devil-free country.
Post questions here for the ASK JUDEA TORAH SHOW

my blog: Yehudi-Nation

Who is truly wise? He who can see the future. I see tommorow today and I want to end it - Rabbi Meir Daweedh Kahana

Just Erica

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2008, 05:38:06 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?

Anyone who says the white man is the devil should be forced to spend the rest of his or her life in Kenya, Nigeria or Liberia.

Meaning a devil-free country.
This proves my point. When a black person says "The White Man is the devil"...they should go to Kenya...when a white person says "Black people are gang banging, drug dealing, baby-mamas (daddies)...oh, and are the devil" blacks are supposed to understand that said white person is only talking about the majority of blacks who do wrong. I smell a double standard.

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2008, 06:58:45 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?

Anyone who says the white man is the devil should be forced to spend the rest of his or her life in Kenya, Nigeria or Liberia.

Meaning a devil-free country.
This proves my point. When a black person says "The White Man is the devil"...they should go to Kenya...when a white person says "Black people are gang banging, drug dealing, baby-mamas (daddies)...oh, and are the devil" blacks are supposed to understand that said white person is only talking about the majority of blacks who do wrong. I smell a double standard.

No, I suppose the white should go live in an all white country.

Wow, what a punishment!!!!!!!!!!!
Post questions here for the ASK JUDEA TORAH SHOW

my blog: Yehudi-Nation

Who is truly wise? He who can see the future. I see tommorow today and I want to end it - Rabbi Meir Daweedh Kahana

Just Erica

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2008, 07:23:39 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?

Anyone who says the white man is the devil should be forced to spend the rest of his or her life in Kenya, Nigeria or Liberia.

Meaning a devil-free country.
This proves my point. When a black person says "The White Man is the devil"...they should go to Kenya...when a white person says "Black people are gang banging, drug dealing, baby-mamas (daddies)...oh, and are the devil" blacks are supposed to understand that said white person is only talking about the majority of blacks who do wrong. I smell a double standard.

No, I suppose the white should go live in an all white country.

Wow, what a punishment!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you assuming that that's what I think whites should do? Because I'm black? What I'm saying is that when a black person uses "White people" in the same connotation as you use "Black People", all of a sudden blacks should go back to Africa. I don't think that ALL white people,NOR ALL blacks (or ALL of another race) is responsible for evil-doing just because of their ethnicity.

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2008, 07:41:53 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?

Anyone who says the white man is the devil should be forced to spend the rest of his or her life in Kenya, Nigeria or Liberia.

Meaning a devil-free country.
This proves my point. When a black person says "The White Man is the devil"...they should go to Kenya...when a white person says "Black people are gang banging, drug dealing, baby-mamas (daddies)...oh, and are the devil" blacks are supposed to understand that said white person is only talking about the majority of blacks who do wrong. I smell a double standard.

No, I suppose the white should go live in an all white country.

Wow, what a punishment!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you assuming that that's what I think whites should do? Because I'm black?

No, but I guess it's only fair if the Black guy who calll whites devils has to go to a devil-free country.
Post questions here for the ASK JUDEA TORAH SHOW

my blog: Yehudi-Nation

Who is truly wise? He who can see the future. I see tommorow today and I want to end it - Rabbi Meir Daweedh Kahana

Just Erica

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2008, 07:45:43 PM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?

Anyone who says the white man is the devil should be forced to spend the rest of his or her life in Kenya, Nigeria or Liberia.

Meaning a devil-free country.
This proves my point. When a black person says "The White Man is the devil"...they should go to Kenya...when a white person says "Black people are gang banging, drug dealing, baby-mamas (daddies)...oh, and are the devil" blacks are supposed to understand that said white person is only talking about the majority of blacks who do wrong. I smell a double standard.

No, I suppose the white should go live in an all white country.

Wow, what a punishment!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you assuming that that's what I think whites should do? Because I'm black?

No, but I guess it's only fair if the Black guy who calll whites devils has to go to a devil-free country.
That makes no sense. Its okay for you to say what you say, but not okay for a black person who holds the same opinion about ALL WHITE PEOPLE to say what they say. Double standard. (Mind you, I said I'm arguing with an ignorant black man right now about his choice of words saying that "The WHITE MAN IS THE DEVIL". and I think he's totally wrong.) Why should you get away with saying the same thing about blacks?


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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2008, 12:50:45 AM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?

Anyone who says the white man is the devil should be forced to spend the rest of his or her life in Kenya, Nigeria or Liberia.

Meaning a devil-free country.
This proves my point. When a black person says "The White Man is the devil"...they should go to Kenya...when a white person says "Black people are gang banging, drug dealing, baby-mamas (daddies)...oh, and are the devil" blacks are supposed to understand that said white person is only talking about the majority of blacks who do wrong. I smell a double standard.

No, I suppose the white should go live in an all white country.

Wow, what a punishment!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you assuming that that's what I think whites should do? Because I'm black?

No, but I guess it's only fair if the Black guy who calll whites devils has to go to a devil-free country.
That makes no sense. Its okay for you to say what you say, but not okay for a black person who holds the same opinion about ALL WHITE PEOPLE to say what they say. Double standard. (Mind you, I said I'm arguing with an ignorant black man right now about his choice of words saying that "The WHITE MAN IS THE DEVIL". and I think he's totally wrong.) Why should you get away with saying the same thing about blacks?
It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.

Just Erica

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Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2008, 12:56:26 AM »
When someone lives as animal he dies as one, no suprise here. AIDS is deasease which you can only get as result of some grave sinfull act. BTW American negroes are dieing just like their African cousins frorm uncivilised countries so it's not only culture that count ;)
Ultra, the AIDS rate in the black community is going up, however, like I've mentioned before, all blacks don't have it. It's really unfair for you to sit at your computer and damn an entire race because you don't like their 'culture'.


Before you left the last time Ze'ev and myself went to great lengths to explain the concept of generalisation.

Do we need to do it again?
Look, Newman. It's more than apparent that I have something against people saying "Blacks have AIDS". I also have something against blacks who say "The White man is the devil". (I'm acutally arguing with a black man on one of my videos.) Putting some or even MOST (according to stats) in front of those statement would take away the idea that someone is generalizing, don't you think?

Anyone who says the white man is the devil should be forced to spend the rest of his or her life in Kenya, Nigeria or Liberia.

Meaning a devil-free country.
This proves my point. When a black person says "The White Man is the devil"...they should go to Kenya...when a white person says "Black people are gang banging, drug dealing, baby-mamas (daddies)...oh, and are the devil" blacks are supposed to understand that said white person is only talking about the majority of blacks who do wrong. I smell a double standard.

No, I suppose the white should go live in an all white country.

Wow, what a punishment!!!!!!!!!!!
Why are you assuming that that's what I think whites should do? Because I'm black?

No, but I guess it's only fair if the Black guy who calll whites devils has to go to a devil-free country.
That makes no sense. Its okay for you to say what you say, but not okay for a black person who holds the same opinion about ALL WHITE PEOPLE to say what they say. Double standard. (Mind you, I said I'm arguing with an ignorant black man right now about his choice of words saying that "The WHITE MAN IS THE DEVIL". and I think he's totally wrong.) Why should you get away with saying the same thing about blacks?
It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.


  • Guest
Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2008, 01:06:24 AM »

It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.

Nobody is saying "The whole race is".

When people say "blacks are violent" they mean a large percentage or 'most' or alot.

It's like saying "Toyotas are reliable". It means MOST are, not every single one of the millions produced.

It may not be 'fair' to the minority who don't fit the description but that's life. Southerners who aren't rednecks have to put up with the redneck tag because most are. Northerners who AREN'T liberal have to put up with the liberal tag because most are. Blacks who aren't criminal, bastard baby-breeders have to cop that tag (on their community...not them personally) because most are.

Get it?

Just Erica

  • Guest
Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2008, 01:21:37 AM »

It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.

Nobody is saying "The whole race is".

When people say "blacks are violent" they mean a large percentage or 'most' or alot.

It's like saying "Toyotas are reliable". It means MOST are, not every single one of the millions produced.

It may not be 'fair' to the minority who don't fit the description but that's life. Southerners who aren't rednecks have to put up with the redneck tag because most are. Northerners who AREN'T liberal have to put up with the liberal tag because most are. Blacks who aren't criminal, bastard baby-breeders have to cop that tag (on their community...not them personally) because most are.

Get it?
You will never admit that WHOLE means AN ENTIRE THING or GROUP OF PEOPLE. I don't believe Toyotas are reliable..I believe that there could be glitches in the systems of some Toyotas but that dosen't mean that the WHOLE line is disturbed. I'll continue to stand up for both blacks and whites who aren't evil...because there are blacks who believe that ALL whites are evil. I think it comforts you to assume that the entire (WHOLE) race of blacks are evil. If that makes you happy, who am I to take that from you? I'll concede and drop the generalization debate with you.

BUT BEFORE I GO COLD TURKEY... You just said something I can deal with...

"Blacks who are... (not the  entire community)" . That separates those people from other blacks.


  • Guest
Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2008, 02:24:28 AM »

It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.

Nobody is saying "The whole race is".

When people say "blacks are violent" they mean a large percentage or 'most' or alot.

It's like saying "Toyotas are reliable". It means MOST are, not every single one of the millions produced.

It may not be 'fair' to the minority who don't fit the description but that's life. Southerners who aren't rednecks have to put up with the redneck tag because most are. Northerners who AREN'T liberal have to put up with the liberal tag because most are. Blacks who aren't criminal, bastard baby-breeders have to cop that tag (on their community...not them personally) because most are.

Get it?
You will never admit that WHOLE means AN ENTIRE THING or GROUP OF PEOPLE. I don't believe Toyotas are reliable..I believe that there could be glitches in the systems of some Toyotas but that dosen't mean that the WHOLE line is disturbed. I'll continue to stand up for both blacks and whites who aren't evil...because there are blacks who believe that ALL whites are evil. I think it comforts you to assume that the entire (WHOLE) race of blacks are evil. If that makes you happy, who am I to take that from you? I'll concede and drop the generalization debate with you.

BUT BEFORE I GO COLD TURKEY... You just said something I can deal with...

"Blacks who are... (not the  entire community)" . That separates those people from other blacks.
You half got it.

When somebody says...."blacks are......", "Toyotas are.......", "mexicans are...." or similar, you can take it as a given they mean "most" not "every single". So there is no need to constantly respond with "but I don't" or "all of them don't" or similar remarks. We already know. We're saying most do when we generalise.

I hope you be gittin it now. ummm hmmm.

Just Erica

  • Guest
Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2008, 02:37:43 AM »

It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.

Nobody is saying "The whole race is".

When people say "blacks are violent" they mean a large percentage or 'most' or alot.

It's like saying "Toyotas are reliable". It means MOST are, not every single one of the millions produced.

It may not be 'fair' to the minority who don't fit the description but that's life. Southerners who aren't rednecks have to put up with the redneck tag because most are. Northerners who AREN'T liberal have to put up with the liberal tag because most are. Blacks who aren't criminal, bastard baby-breeders have to cop that tag (on their community...not them personally) because most are.

Get it?
You will never admit that WHOLE means AN ENTIRE THING or GROUP OF PEOPLE. I don't believe Toyotas are reliable..I believe that there could be glitches in the systems of some Toyotas but that dosen't mean that the WHOLE line is disturbed. I'll continue to stand up for both blacks and whites who aren't evil...because there are blacks who believe that ALL whites are evil. I think it comforts you to assume that the entire (WHOLE) race of blacks are evil. If that makes you happy, who am I to take that from you? I'll concede and drop the generalization debate with you.

BUT BEFORE I GO COLD TURKEY... You just said something I can deal with...

"Blacks who are... (not the  entire community)" . That separates those people from other blacks.
You half got it.

When somebody says...."blacks are......", "Toyotas are.......", "mexicans are...." or similar, you can take it as a given they mean "most" not "every single". So there is no need to constantly respond with "but I don't" or "all of them don't" or similar remarks. We already know. We're saying most do when we generalise.

I hope you be gittin it now. ummm hmmm.
Newman, that is a pet peeve of mine. I don't come in here saying things like "umm hmmm" or "I be" because I believe most of you to be intelligent people who deserve to be spoken to as if you are intelligent. Don't do that to me. If I came in here and presented myself like that, that would give you a right to kick me out yourself but I show you the courtesy of not doing that.

And on the subject... half  or not, I'm glad we have some kind of understanding.


  • Guest
Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2008, 03:11:15 AM »

It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.

Nobody is saying "The whole race is".

When people say "blacks are violent" they mean a large percentage or 'most' or alot.

It's like saying "Toyotas are reliable". It means MOST are, not every single one of the millions produced.

It may not be 'fair' to the minority who don't fit the description but that's life. Southerners who aren't rednecks have to put up with the redneck tag because most are. Northerners who AREN'T liberal have to put up with the liberal tag because most are. Blacks who aren't criminal, bastard baby-breeders have to cop that tag (on their community...not them personally) because most are.

Get it?
You will never admit that WHOLE means AN ENTIRE THING or GROUP OF PEOPLE. I don't believe Toyotas are reliable..I believe that there could be glitches in the systems of some Toyotas but that dosen't mean that the WHOLE line is disturbed. I'll continue to stand up for both blacks and whites who aren't evil...because there are blacks who believe that ALL whites are evil. I think it comforts you to assume that the entire (WHOLE) race of blacks are evil. If that makes you happy, who am I to take that from you? I'll concede and drop the generalization debate with you.

BUT BEFORE I GO COLD TURKEY... You just said something I can deal with...

"Blacks who are... (not the  entire community)" . That separates those people from other blacks.
You half got it.

When somebody says...."blacks are......", "Toyotas are.......", "mexicans are...." or similar, you can take it as a given they mean "most" not "every single". So there is no need to constantly respond with "but I don't" or "all of them don't" or similar remarks. We already know. We're saying most do when we generalise.

I hope you be gittin it now. ummm hmmm.
Newman, that is a pet peeve of mine. I don't come in here saying things like "umm hmmm" or "I be" because I believe most of you to be intelligent people who deserve to be spoken to as if you are intelligent. Don't do that to me. If I came in here and presented myself like that, that would give you a right to kick me out yourself but I show you the courtesy of not doing that.

And on the subject... half  or not, I'm glad we have some kind of understanding.

What will you do when you're a teacher and you have to teach the kids that song..............

"Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. Sword & pistol by his side.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm."..........?

Just Erica

  • Guest
Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2008, 03:24:10 AM »

It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.

Nobody is saying "The whole race is".

When people say "blacks are violent" they mean a large percentage or 'most' or alot.

It's like saying "Toyotas are reliable". It means MOST are, not every single one of the millions produced.

It may not be 'fair' to the minority who don't fit the description but that's life. Southerners who aren't rednecks have to put up with the redneck tag because most are. Northerners who AREN'T liberal have to put up with the liberal tag because most are. Blacks who aren't criminal, bastard baby-breeders have to cop that tag (on their community...not them personally) because most are.

Get it?
You will never admit that WHOLE means AN ENTIRE THING or GROUP OF PEOPLE. I don't believe Toyotas are reliable..I believe that there could be glitches in the systems of some Toyotas but that dosen't mean that the WHOLE line is disturbed. I'll continue to stand up for both blacks and whites who aren't evil...because there are blacks who believe that ALL whites are evil. I think it comforts you to assume that the entire (WHOLE) race of blacks are evil. If that makes you happy, who am I to take that from you? I'll concede and drop the generalization debate with you.

BUT BEFORE I GO COLD TURKEY... You just said something I can deal with...

"Blacks who are... (not the  entire community)" . That separates those people from other blacks.
You half got it.

When somebody says...."blacks are......", "Toyotas are.......", "mexicans are...." or similar, you can take it as a given they mean "most" not "every single". So there is no need to constantly respond with "but I don't" or "all of them don't" or similar remarks. We already know. We're saying most do when we generalise.

I hope you be gittin it now. ummm hmmm.
Newman, that is a pet peeve of mine. I don't come in here saying things like "umm hmmm" or "I be" because I believe most of you to be intelligent people who deserve to be spoken to as if you are intelligent. Don't do that to me. If I came in here and presented myself like that, that would give you a right to kick me out yourself but I show you the courtesy of not doing that.

And on the subject... half  or not, I'm glad we have some kind of understanding.

What will you do when you're a teacher and you have to teach the kids that song..............

"Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. Sword & pistol by his side.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm."..........?
I doubt that I'll hear that song being sung in a 4th grade classroom, Newman. Perhaps if I were teaching Pre-K or 1st grade, I'd understand where that song would fit in to the music class....HOWEVER, songs like that are probably outlawed in public schools in America. They can't say the Pledge of Allegiance because the word "GOD" violates the Separation of Church and State laws. What makes you think that singing about a guy who rides a horse, carrying a Ginsu knife and a .45 "by his side" will be accepted? LOL


  • Guest
Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2008, 03:29:55 AM »

It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.

Nobody is saying "The whole race is".

When people say "blacks are violent" they mean a large percentage or 'most' or alot.

It's like saying "Toyotas are reliable". It means MOST are, not every single one of the millions produced.

It may not be 'fair' to the minority who don't fit the description but that's life. Southerners who aren't rednecks have to put up with the redneck tag because most are. Northerners who AREN'T liberal have to put up with the liberal tag because most are. Blacks who aren't criminal, bastard baby-breeders have to cop that tag (on their community...not them personally) because most are.

Get it?
You will never admit that WHOLE means AN ENTIRE THING or GROUP OF PEOPLE. I don't believe Toyotas are reliable..I believe that there could be glitches in the systems of some Toyotas but that dosen't mean that the WHOLE line is disturbed. I'll continue to stand up for both blacks and whites who aren't evil...because there are blacks who believe that ALL whites are evil. I think it comforts you to assume that the entire (WHOLE) race of blacks are evil. If that makes you happy, who am I to take that from you? I'll concede and drop the generalization debate with you.

BUT BEFORE I GO COLD TURKEY... You just said something I can deal with...

"Blacks who are... (not the  entire community)" . That separates those people from other blacks.
You half got it.

When somebody says...."blacks are......", "Toyotas are.......", "mexicans are...." or similar, you can take it as a given they mean "most" not "every single". So there is no need to constantly respond with "but I don't" or "all of them don't" or similar remarks. We already know. We're saying most do when we generalise.

I hope you be gittin it now. ummm hmmm.
Newman, that is a pet peeve of mine. I don't come in here saying things like "umm hmmm" or "I be" because I believe most of you to be intelligent people who deserve to be spoken to as if you are intelligent. Don't do that to me. If I came in here and presented myself like that, that would give you a right to kick me out yourself but I show you the courtesy of not doing that.

And on the subject... half  or not, I'm glad we have some kind of understanding.

What will you do when you're a teacher and you have to teach the kids that song..............

"Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. Sword & pistol by his side.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm."..........?
I doubt that I'll hear that song being sung in a 4th grade classroom, Newman. Perhaps if I were teaching Pre-K or 1st grade, I'd understand where that song would fit in to the music class....HOWEVER, songs like that are probably outlawed in public schools in America. They can't say the Pledge of Allegiance because the word "G-d" violates the Separation of Church and State laws. What makes you think that singing about a guy who rides a horse, carrying a Ginsu knife and a .45 "by his side" will be accepted? LOL
It's about a frog who rides off to marry a mouse and it's been sung at every scout jamboree and summer camp in America for over 100 years.

Just Erica

  • Guest
Re: Out of Control: AIDS in Black America
« Reply #24 on: January 22, 2008, 03:35:49 AM »

It's not a double standard at all.

Ti say all white people are racist is wrong because only a small percentage are. To say "blacks are criminal" is correct because a LARGE percentage are.
...The statistics state that a large percentage of blacks are violent; not all blacks...not the WHOLE race. I think your perception of blacks as a race is what makes you think the way you do. Basically a large percentage of blacks constitutes the entire race. That's not fair.

Nobody is saying "The whole race is".

When people say "blacks are violent" they mean a large percentage or 'most' or alot.

It's like saying "Toyotas are reliable". It means MOST are, not every single one of the millions produced.

It may not be 'fair' to the minority who don't fit the description but that's life. Southerners who aren't rednecks have to put up with the redneck tag because most are. Northerners who AREN'T liberal have to put up with the liberal tag because most are. Blacks who aren't criminal, bastard baby-breeders have to cop that tag (on their community...not them personally) because most are.

Get it?
You will never admit that WHOLE means AN ENTIRE THING or GROUP OF PEOPLE. I don't believe Toyotas are reliable..I believe that there could be glitches in the systems of some Toyotas but that dosen't mean that the WHOLE line is disturbed. I'll continue to stand up for both blacks and whites who aren't evil...because there are blacks who believe that ALL whites are evil. I think it comforts you to assume that the entire (WHOLE) race of blacks are evil. If that makes you happy, who am I to take that from you? I'll concede and drop the generalization debate with you.

BUT BEFORE I GO COLD TURKEY... You just said something I can deal with...

"Blacks who are... (not the  entire community)" . That separates those people from other blacks.
You half got it.

When somebody says...."blacks are......", "Toyotas are.......", "mexicans are...." or similar, you can take it as a given they mean "most" not "every single". So there is no need to constantly respond with "but I don't" or "all of them don't" or similar remarks. We already know. We're saying most do when we generalise.

I hope you be gittin it now. ummm hmmm.
Newman, that is a pet peeve of mine. I don't come in here saying things like "umm hmmm" or "I be" because I believe most of you to be intelligent people who deserve to be spoken to as if you are intelligent. Don't do that to me. If I came in here and presented myself like that, that would give you a right to kick me out yourself but I show you the courtesy of not doing that.

And on the subject... half  or not, I'm glad we have some kind of understanding.

What will you do when you're a teacher and you have to teach the kids that song..............

"Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. Sword & pistol by his side.
 Froggy went a courtin' and he did ride. umm-hmm. umm-hmm."..........?
I doubt that I'll hear that song being sung in a 4th grade classroom, Newman. Perhaps if I were teaching Pre-K or 1st grade, I'd understand where that song would fit in to the music class....HOWEVER, songs like that are probably outlawed in public schools in America. They can't say the Pledge of Allegiance because the word "G-d" violates the Separation of Church and State laws. What makes you think that singing about a guy who rides a horse, carrying a Ginsu knife and a .45 "by his side" will be accepted? LOL
It's about a frog who rides off to marry a mouse and it's been sung at every scout jamboree and summer camp in America for over 100 years.
And it would take nothing for the Chicago Public School System to shoot it down (no pun intended) if anyone ever decides to so much as hum it during school hours, on school property. You see how long it took the boards of education across the country to X- out prayer in schools, and Pledging to Old Glory.