Dearest Chaim,
Posted here is a repost of what I said in Yacov's Japanese thread here. I think he is mistaken about the historical Japanese people and nation.
Yacov, you had better run this by Chaim. The Japanese are NOT good people, and were 100% behind Hitler and his Final Solution. Shintoism, just like Odinism, taught that they were a "master race", and the Japanese Tojo Nazis embarked on a holocaust against the Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos, and countless other "untermensch" Asian nations. Millions upon millions of Asian peoples were savagely murdered on the spot by Tojo Nazi soldiers, or died even crueler, more protracted deaths in Japanese stalags or "comfort women" rape camps.
Do you know what the Tojo Imperial Marines (the Japanese SS) did to the American garrison in the Philippines that surrendered in 1941 during the Bataan Death March? Did you know that the favorite pasttime of Japanese soldiers stationed in the Philippines was to toss Filipino infants up in the air and "catch" them on the ends of their bayonets? My grandfather was an Army Ranger who served in the Pacific, and he told me of the favorite killing technique of the Tojo Nazis upon their POWs: the executioners would use an ultra-sharp katana sword to make dozens of tiny, fine cuts upon the length of their naked bodies, so that the victims would not bleed to death, but slowly lose all of their intecellular/lymph fluids and dehydrate painfully.
The fact that a few Japanese tolerated a miniscule number of Holocaust refugees does not in any way reflect positively upon the Japanese people. A couple of Germans sheltered Holocaust refugees too; does that mean the Reich was pro-Jewish?
The Japanese Nazis were hardcore Hitler-lovers in every imaginable way, and I have no doubt that the vast majority of Japanese who lived during WWII, and quite a few after, are rotting in Gehenom alongside their Aryan brethren. I have zero doubt that had there been a significant Jewish population in Japan, the Japanese would have enthusiastically partaken in the Final Solution.