You forgot Cleopatra Jefferson's Mayonnaise Dip Heaven 
Not 2 mention Cripp's fried Chicken & Biscuits across the street from Blood's Fried chicken & Ribs.Talk about cut-throat competition ! 
Man I wish you guys knew what I know.
& what would that be ? Please enlighten Us !
Not that youwould believe it but not all blacks like fried chicken. There are no Crip owned chicken places, nor do any bloods own them. But for those blacks who do own restaurants or diners, it's a good living for them. Food shouldn't be racially trivial.
Fried chicken and watermelon ISN'T a BLACK food. French fries and mayo is NASTY and no black person I know would eat them both together.
For the life of me, I don't know why some of you speak about certain foods as if blacks have a patent on it and that's what is consumed by blacks 24/7. There are blacks who are vegan..but you wouldn't know that because you're consumed with blacks eating fried chicken and watermelon. There are blacks who are health concious and wouldnt' dare eat fried chicken but would eat certain parts of the chicken (breast) baked with healthy seasonings. But you wouldn't know that because your memories are littered with old pictures of bug-eyed blacks salivating over a bucket of chicken.
*Those pictures are actually scary to me because they look obsessed and almost demon-like. It upsets me when people like you joke about what you think you know about black culture (sans the evil culture we all dispise). The more I tell you about the good, the more you refute it and hang on to the negative aspect of black culture.