Author Topic: His Predictions coming true - today more than ever!  (Read 2959 times)

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Offline Yochanan

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His Predictions coming true - today more than ever!
« on: December 05, 2006, 12:00:53 PM »
A few news items today should serve as an enormous alarm bell to all Jews and righteous Gentiles.

The assault on Israel starts at home by these bolshevik treacherous bastards. Indeed, with friends like these, who need enemies???

1. Olmert: "Better to Leave IDF Soldiers As Captives" ...
2. Education Minister Calls to Show Children Israel Without Six-Day-War Gains ...
3. Israeli-Arabs Shoot Cow-Farmer for His Land ...

Then we are told something we did not know!

3. Hamas Chief Promises War Even if Arab State is Established ...
4. Khaled Mashaal: Cease-Fire a Tactic in War Against Israel ...
5. Haniyeh Boasts: My Government Never Hampered Terror Efforts ...

The Arabs unashamadely and without reserve openly call for the "legal" liquidation of Israel as R' M Kahane predicted so long ago. We all know R’ M Kahane z”tl was more than right after all. Did he not warn us of what to expect if we allowed the treacherous Bolshevik animals running (should be read ruining) our country on this road to perdition. Who knows what Prof Alan Dershowitz think today? Who knows if he recalls his debate with the Rav? Who knows if he has the decency to publicly admit he was wrong and the Rav was right?

Today more than at any other time is backs to the wall time, and a time to re-affirm “the Arabs MUST go!” It is time we call them Arabs again – not Palestinians – not Israeli. They are Arabs – alien to our culture – alien to our Land.

Let us all make more than a concerted effort to identify benefactors who can finance the Kahanist take over of Eretz Yisrael – not before it is too late (because it is already too late) but before the enemy achieves what they set out to do a long time ago.

"The wise person is the one who sees tomorrow" - R' M Kahane z"tl
« Last Edit: December 05, 2006, 12:49:34 PM by Yochanan »


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Re: His Predictions coming true - today more than ever!
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2006, 05:02:25 PM »
No alarm bell there, we've known all this for ages...