
So, on the Russian Jewry question i raised.
You claim to want to see the Russian Jews set free, right?
And yet, when Heroic Chaim actually did something about it, you went and called Chaim a "terrorists". How dare you!
Infiltrator hey? Whose using me, and what mission? hahaha

I am trying so hard not to act like you, with your wild accusations of what YOU THINK I am... God Help me...
I mentioned MONTHS ago, when someone else mentioned that I didn't comment on Israeli subjects...and I didn't because that wasn't the reason I came here. However, I didn't mention that I'd viewed an hour-long documentary/ infomercial which basically begged Americans to help to send Jewish families home from the former Soviet Union. That broke my heart to see what I saw in that program. Children and adults crying because they were basically being treated like sh*^. I also mentioned here that if I had any money to send one family home, I would. As far as how I felt about Chaim's involvement in bombing, I said, when I came back that I'm not going to comment on it again. I've since sided with those who agree that the act was terroristic but he didn't hurt anyone. I stand by that.
I took myself away from that subject,and don't wish to visit it again. Also, you are the idiot who sought me out to accuse me of having a picture in my signature (which isn't uncommon here). You have a picture also...and it's politically motivated but you don't see me stalking you online about it, do you? Do you know why I'm not acting like a freaking lunatic? Because I don't give a damn what your signature depicts.
As for whose using you... I don't know man. I will tell you this much. You seem to be using JTF as a way to vent out your anger on the world while others here may actually be doing some good in helping Israel and the people there. Black people [censored] you off... But guess what? Stupid people turn me off... so why don't you go somewhere (I suggest to some kind of therapy) and spew how much you hate all black people. I would understand if I came into these forums saying "I hate the white man" but I never did. And instead of giving me the freaking benefit of the doubt, you did what any biggot would do: Assume that someone hates you because you hate what they look like. What a pity.