Thank you.
But DALMACIJA went as far as threatening me,
willing to find my identity, what is that for a behaviour ?
What about his major insults to my Father,
Mother, Myself, and Family in general ?
I was banned by Shlomo for far much less than that.
This is sickening.
How would anybody just "calm down"
after such threats and bashing ?
DALMACIJA should be banned.
I never ever did a tenth per cent
of such ugly insults to anybody,
and (almost) not towards even
NAZICROATS themselves !!!
Scriabin was reprimended for "scumbag".
Will "faggot" towards me and my Father,
who's got a cancer, be allowed ?
Will his F...ING my Mother remain unpunished ?
Will the many threats towards me be unpunished ?

All this because he couldn't "tolerate"
our "criticism" towards iSSlam !!!