This thread has gotten way off topic.
We can agree to disagree on the motives of MLK.
Erica - Why will you be voting for Obama. I don't see him as qualified to be President of the US.
I do hope you get your voter registration before the November election.
I love to exercise my right to vote!
Although it doesn't count for much here in NY.
I will be voting for Obama because he's pro choice. I like my Presidents non-invasive when it comes to womens' rights. He's against the way the NCLB Act is being run now and sees how much really needs to be done to revamp the entire program. He's for stem cell research and gay adoption also. I am hoping upon hope that he can come up with a decent way to get America out of the red when it comes to this huge deficit we're suffering from, though.
Thanks, Dubbyah! 
First of all Pro choice is a dead issue and I can't see why it is ever brought into this, Roe v. Wade is the law of the land and can not be changed that easy, you would have a better chance of getting struck by lightening then that law being changed.
The gay adoption thing is a crime they should lock up any gay that wants to adopt a kid, the kids always suffer, I have two mommies or I have two daddies, other children can be cruel why put a kid through that.
As far as a huge deficit how can a one term senator know anything about that, he has no experience, I see it's the Jimmy Carter years all over again.
And last, you have to admit it that black people vote for a black even if the guy is stupid as long as he's black it's ok but on the other hand you have a lot of whites voting for blacks all the time, the percentage of whites voting for Obama is a lot more then Blacks voting Hillary Clinton who use to be their girl.