Author Topic: Why the hatred?  (Read 8178 times)

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Offline abdithefaithful

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #50 on: February 08, 2008, 03:14:07 PM »
I stand by my position expressed in my earlier post.
If you don't like The Great Chaim, then you sure as heck wouldn't like me!

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #51 on: February 08, 2008, 03:49:53 PM »
Hi there!

I am a new member. :)

I fail to understand why there's so much hatred around here. It appears like a Nazi Forum to me. There are at least a couple of fundamental flaws in your understanding.

#1 You say Islam is the culprit, because it encourages people to commit atrocities against humanity. Even if it's true, why are people following it? Suppose a book says: go ahead and behead the first guy you see. Would you take it seriously? But the fact that some people are taking it seriously proves that they're intrinsically hateful, venomous beings, and would've become terrorists, with or without a hateful koran to inspire them.

I am not sure if you understand this, but if you do, you'll see that people are evil, and religion simply gives them a moral sanction, perhaps some inspiration as well. So your idea that Islam is responsible for terrorism makes little sense. If there's no Islam, some other ideology would continue to inspire these blokes to become terrorists. Not so long ago, Christianity was doing a good job at this! ;D

#2 Hatred is never the way forward. Love is. All I see here is hatred for the Muslims, hardly any love for the ideals you allegedly hold dear. Every nation, every civilization has been barbaric. They still are, and Islamic nations/civilizations are no exceptions to this. The western civilization is probably more barbaric than any, and all your talk about having invented 'this or that', having achieved 'this or that' doesn't wash.

Even the Nazis were intellectually superior, they had enough intelligence and creativity to convince millions. But does that mean they were right in trying to exterminating the Jews? ;) Absolutely not! Bottom line, just because the western civilization has achieved so much, it doesn't change the fact that they too were barbarians, they too slaughtered millions with their inquisitions, crusades, imperialism, and the rest. But hypocrites like you try to 'whitewash' these crimes as 'necessary evils', 'white man's burden', and what else not. Likewise, the Muslim may also justify his crimes as a 'Muslim's burden' :D or whatever.

Point being, you hypocrites make it sound as if you're angels, and anyone other than a Judeo-Christian westerner is evil, scum of the earth. The things you say about Mexicans, Blacks etc. are so horrible, Hitler would be proud. It's commonly understood that you become the very thing you hate. By hating the Nazis, you've become Nazis. Congratulations!

More ignorance.  Take a hike to a library and actually learn something....
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline fjack

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #52 on: February 09, 2008, 08:21:32 PM »
Dear Ghandi, Why don't you go back to camel land and cook some curry and sit and goove on the turd world slum it took you and your porkers a thousand years to create. You have some nerve even mentioning the name of the United States and even this forum. You belong in the sand paradise from which you sprang from, not among a civilized country. You belong back in the stone age with the child molester founder of your evil cult. Take your do do ran and use it in place of toilet paper. It is far better than using your hand and then chow down with a wonderful meal of goat innards.


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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #53 on: February 09, 2008, 09:05:01 PM »
You guys, I refuse to take seriously anyone who calls himself Mahatma Ghandi.  As Kahane Loyalist correctly pointed out, Ghandi was a dorkless excuse of a man who insisted that Jews go passively to their deaths, rather than fighting the Nazis.  After the Holocaust, he had the nerve to be against a Jewish state, because he did not want his beloved goat forinicators to be "displaced." 

So frankly, we're not interested in your moral relativism.  Don't you dare come here and compare the actions of Western nations fighting wars to a bunch of sand monkey terrorists who are so afraid of fighting like men, that they hide behind the skirts of their women and children. 

We are proud of living in a First World country.  If you think the West is so evil, you are free to move to any Third World craphole country of your choice.

With foul-mouthed women like you, I am not surprised that the early Christians had to indulge in witch hunting! 8) May the practice be revived, if only to put people in their place.

OH, who's the Nazi now?  I think i sense a hipocrite... :::D
This is the PERFECT example of your "peace" open-minded freaks of this world. They don't understand, that what causes a quarel between neighbours, is what causes war between princes. And look at this bozzo, quick to forget his "peacefully moral" "values".


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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #54 on: February 09, 2008, 09:25:05 PM »
You guys, I refuse to take seriously anyone who calls himself Mahatma Ghandi.  As Kahane Loyalist correctly pointed out, Ghandi was a dorkless excuse of a man who insisted that Jews go passively to their deaths, rather than fighting the Nazis.  After the Holocaust, he had the nerve to be against a Jewish state, because he did not want his beloved goat forinicators to be "displaced." 

So frankly, we're not interested in your moral relativism.  Don't you dare come here and compare the actions of Western nations fighting wars to a bunch of sand monkey terrorists who are so afraid of fighting like men, that they hide behind the skirts of their women and children. 

We are proud of living in a First World country.  If you think the West is so evil, you are free to move to any Third World craphole country of your choice.

With foul-mouthed women like you, I am not surprised that the early Christians had to indulge in witch hunting! 8) May the practice be revived, if only to put people in their place.

OH, who's the Nazi now?  I think i sense a hipocrite... :::D
This is the PERFECT example of your "peace" open-minded freaks of this world. They don't understand, that what causes a quarel between neighbours, is what causes war between princes. And look at this bozzo, quick to forget his "peacefully moral" "values".

So true, Boer!
He's a BIG hypocrite!
Witch hunts got many innocent people KILLED!
NOW this crazy person is advocating killing????
"Why the hate" dude?
Why the hate? you HYPOCRITE?
peace now bro, don't be that evilish...we have to stop killing, love, pot, much love that we overpopulate the earth...and starve of oxygen...yeeeeaaaasssss...hmm mmmm. Peace out bro, have a pottie

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #55 on: February 09, 2008, 10:25:44 PM »
Ghandi sounds like a troll who wants us to be moderate and peaceful :D :D :D ;D

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #56 on: February 09, 2008, 10:26:41 PM »
I wonder if he will go off and starve himself  ^-^

Offline JTFFan

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #57 on: February 09, 2008, 10:29:06 PM »
I wonder if he will go off and starve himself  ^-^

Same here, lol ;D :D

Offline cjd

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2008, 10:35:12 PM »
Its pointless to keep something like this around he has done nothing here but insult and divide. Lets hasten the demise. Starvation is a long process.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #59 on: February 09, 2008, 10:37:12 PM »
Starvation is a long process

I have know people to last a couple of months without food, water on the other hand is a different story.

Offline The Shadow

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #60 on: February 09, 2008, 10:43:51 PM »
Hi there!

I am a new member. :)

I fail to understand why there's so much hatred around here. It appears like a Nazi Forum to me. There are at least a couple of fundamental flaws in your understanding.

#1 You say Islam is the culprit, because it encourages people to commit atrocities against humanity. Even if it's true, why are people following it? Suppose a book says: go ahead and behead the first guy you see. Would you take it seriously? But the fact that some people are taking it seriously proves that they're intrinsically hateful, venomous beings, and would've become terrorists, with or without a hateful koran to inspire them.

I am not sure if you understand this, but if you do, you'll see that people are evil, and religion simply gives them a moral sanction, perhaps some inspiration as well. So your idea that Islam is responsible for terrorism makes little sense. If there's no Islam, some other ideology would continue to inspire these blokes to become terrorists. Not so long ago, Christianity was doing a good job at this! ;D

#2 Hatred is never the way forward. Love is. All I see here is hatred for the Muslims, hardly any love for the ideals you allegedly hold dear. Every nation, every civilization has been barbaric. They still are, and Islamic nations/civilizations are no exceptions to this. The western civilization is probably more barbaric than any, and all your talk about having invented 'this or that', having achieved 'this or that' doesn't wash.

Even the Nazis were intellectually superior, they had enough intelligence and creativity to convince millions. But does that mean they were right in trying to exterminating the Jews? ;) Absolutely not! Bottom line, just because the western civilization has achieved so much, it doesn't change the fact that they too were barbarians, they too slaughtered millions with their inquisitions, crusades, imperialism, and the rest. But hypocrites like you try to 'whitewash' these crimes as 'necessary evils', 'white man's burden', and what else not. Likewise, the Muslim may also justify his crimes as a 'Muslim's burden' :D or whatever.

Point being, you hypocrites make it sound as if you're angels, and anyone other than a Judeo-Christian westerner is evil, scum of the earth. The things you say about Mexicans, Blacks etc. are so horrible, Hitler would be proud. It's commonly understood that you become the very thing you hate. By hating the Nazis, you've become Nazis. Congratulations!


Come on, we Jews ain't that stupid.  Well some are, if they believe what you write.  We know the Arabs have been killing us for thousands of years.  And the Koran tells them to do it!  And you know it!  So stop being insincere!!  I resent it!

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #61 on: February 09, 2008, 11:39:06 PM »
Western christiannity has undergone a reformation and rejected the mentallity behind the inquisition and crusades.
They make it less obvious these days...

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #62 on: February 10, 2008, 01:05:00 AM »
The word Mahathma in Indian language means "Great Soul" (Maha - Great & Athma - Soul).  Unfortunately that "great" soul's message of "love" is still destroying India!  He was the one who was responsible for the creation of muslim Pakistan and the growth of Islam in India. He was constantly opposing the actual patriotic Indian freedom fighters who wanted to suppress islam in the Indian sub-continent.  India and the rest of the world are still paying the price for "Mahathma's" irresponsible actions. 
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline artgijo

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #63 on: February 10, 2008, 01:38:21 AM »
This fellow is a dirty Muslim from India, who has taken the name Mahatma, they deceice cheat and achieve their goals. Kick him out of the forum, he is supporting Muslim Terrorists.

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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #64 on: February 10, 2008, 09:38:01 AM »
Judea non Capta already banned him.


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Re: Why the hatred?
« Reply #65 on: February 10, 2008, 09:45:07 AM »
This fellow is a dirty Muslim from India, who has taken the name Mahatma, they deceice cheat and achieve their goals. Kick him out of the forum, he is supporting Muslim Terrorists.

Persian and Indian muSSlims are more pathetic than arabs. Stupid arabs have nothing better. But Indians and Persians have/had great cultures and traditions of their own before iSSlam ever befouled their lands.

Gigo and Ashish are proud hindus who defend their people's traditions, history and culture. Indians like mahatma is a spinless ants who bend over while iSSlam rapes them and their country.