Hi there!
I am a new member.

I fail to understand why there's so much hatred around here. It appears like a Nazi Forum to me. There are at least a couple of fundamental flaws in your understanding.
#1 You say Islam is the culprit, because it encourages people to commit atrocities against humanity. Even if it's true, why are people following it? Suppose a book says: go ahead and behead the first guy you see. Would you take it seriously? But the fact that some people
are taking it seriously proves that they're intrinsically hateful, venomous beings, and would've become terrorists, with or without a hateful koran to inspire them.
I am not sure if you understand this, but if you do, you'll see that people are evil, and religion simply gives them a moral sanction, perhaps some inspiration as well. So your idea that Islam is responsible for terrorism makes little sense. If there's no Islam, some other ideology would continue to inspire these blokes to become terrorists. Not so long ago, Christianity was doing a good job at this!

#2 Hatred is never the way forward. Love is. All I see here is hatred for the Muslims, hardly any love for the ideals you allegedly hold dear. Every nation, every civilization has been barbaric. They still are, and Islamic nations/civilizations are no exceptions to this. The western civilization is probably more barbaric than any, and all your talk about having invented 'this or that', having achieved 'this or that' doesn't wash.
Even the Nazis were intellectually superior, they had enough intelligence and creativity to convince millions. But does that mean they were right in trying to exterminating the Jews?

Absolutely not! Bottom line, just because the western civilization has achieved so much, it doesn't change the fact that they too were barbarians, they too slaughtered millions with their inquisitions, crusades, imperialism, and the rest. But hypocrites like you try to 'whitewash' these crimes as 'necessary evils', 'white man's burden', and what else not. Likewise, the Muslim may also justify his crimes as a 'Muslim's burden'

or whatever.
Point being, you hypocrites make it sound as if you're angels, and anyone other than a Judeo-Christian westerner is evil, scum of the earth. The things you say about Mexicans, Blacks etc. are so horrible, Hitler would be proud. It's commonly understood that you become the very thing you hate. By hating the Nazis, you've become Nazis. Congratulations!