Author Topic: here we go again...  (Read 2261 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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here we go again...
« on: February 10, 2008, 09:06:01 PM »
vatican smoking gun... here we go again...
« on: February 01, 2008, 05:25:40 AM » Quote Modify Remove  

once again... let me reiterate... i only write for the general discussion board... please put it back up there... and leave it there... in other words please go and retrieve it from "saving western civ..." and put it back up here... or i will have to do so myself... but no one likes it when i copy and post... nik. out...

here is what some of you asked me for a little while back... proof that the vatican did the holocaust... for how can they threaten one today if they cannot deliver on it...? and if they can deliver on one now... then they must have always had this power... and must have exercised it many, many times over in history... which indeed they have done... to wit check out francisco gil-white... see link below... but first read barry's research... and when you combine the two of these offerings together... you get... CHECKMATE!!! game... set... and match... i gotcha you nazi-slime... "the truth will out..." nik. out...

The Barry Chamish Website

The Vatican Threatens Olmert with Holocaust
by Barry Chamish
December 26, 2006
How could such a palpable hint of mass murder be so ignored? Please read the following: newsid=17596728&BRD=2737&PAG=461&dept_id=585832&rfi=6
1. Italian Guards Leave Posts At Jewish, Israeli Institutions In Rome

"Italian police guards have been withdrawn, without warning, from Israeli and Jewish institutions in Rome.

About 10 days ago, without warning or explanation, the police cars that had been permanently stationed for over 10 years outside the El Al office in Rome, at Jewish community offices, the Jewish school and the synagogues throughout the city, suddenly disappeared - at all times on the eve of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's visit to the city, a visit that ended Wednesday night.

The surprising step aroused apprehension among Jews in Rome, who have not forgotten the terrorist attack at the synagogue in 1982, when a 2-year-old boy, Stefano Tasha, was killed and 40 people were injured. Since then, the leaders and institutions of the Jewish community have had total protection - until this week. The city's Jews, who prayed last Saturday at 10 synagogues without security guards, fear that history will repeat itself and the next terrorist attack is drawing near.

The Jewish school is also a priority target for terrorism. At least that is how it was described in the Italian media only about two months ago, and after angry protests from the Jewish community, it was agreed that the guards would be restored - temporarily. The police headquarters stated that it was intended that the police guards would be returned - perhaps even Thursday morning - to all the places which they had been guarding, but parents told Ma'ariv that they were 'angry and concerned' about the new security instructions.

A police car was first stationed outside the El Al office in Rome after the terrorist attack at Fiumicino Airport in 1985, when 16 people were killed and 70 wounded. For the most part, the police car prevented suspicious vehicles from parking there, and the police were instructed to keep a close watch. Now, however, there is no police car there, and it is feared that the El Al office, which is a palpable Israeli symbol, would be an easy target.

At present, the Israeli embassy in Rome does not intend to approach the Italian Foreign Ministry and turn the issue into a diplomatic confrontation between the two countries, especially in light of the cordial atmosphere Wednesday at the joint news conference of the two prime ministers. On the other hand, the security officer at El Al is expected to have a meeting with his Italian counterparts in an attempt to reach an agreement.

Asked for a reaction, the Israeli embassy in Rome said it does not discuss security matters with the media. The Italian police also refused to comment on why, in the wake of re-evaluations of the security situation by the Italian security establishment, a decision had been made to withdraw the security guards from a list of diplomatic missions, airline offices and other institutions that had been protected for decades."

2. In my previous article now at I summarized that Olmert was ordered by the Pope to appear in the Vatican. There he was to agree to give the Vatican sovereignty over parts of Mount Zion and to accept "the Spanish initiative," replacing the Israeli army in Gaza with soldiers from Catholic Europe.

Hoping not to repeat the fiasco of Pres. Katzav's refusal the year before, this year the Vatican promised Olmert a Holocaust. With no police guarding Jewish institutions, it was just a matter of informing the Muslims to get the Jewish blood aflowing.

The Bulletin reporter, the reliable David Bedein, completely missed the significance of his scoop. We finally see the power of the Vatican. Life in Rome's little Jewish community would disappear into the blood within a day. The true slaughter would be in France where 7 million angry Muslims would swoop down on the 700,000 Jews without fear of the police.

Have we forgotten Protestant Britain? Of course, Britain could repeat its long forgotten Eretz Yisrael policy of keeping the police away from a massacre of Jews. There may be some outrage, a few delays, but the Jews will lose their security when the police appear halfheartedly, if at all.

The mood is 1938. There are more than enough rabid anti-semites to burst the slaughter into reality.

So how does the Israeli reporter react to this threat to the last Jews of Europe? According to the Israeli Embassy, the prime ministers of Italy and Israel got along so well, why disturb the fun and ask who ordered the police removed.

Now does the reporter ask how Olmert reacted to the Vatican threat? No such luck. Well, in fact, Olmert returned to Israel and during a Kassam storm, had a meeting with, we think, leader of the opposition Mahmud Abbas, and gave him $100 million and a promise to release lots of prisoners whether we get our ONE returned or not.

But, best of all, he upped the war on Judaism by closing religious schools:

3. Religious-Zionist Schools on Strike

"A total of some 100,000 students are on strike, Glatt told Arutz-7's Hebrew newsmagazine. "We have traditionally tried not to take the students away from their Torah and other studies," Glatt said, "but there is simply no other choice. The budget for 2007 is about to be voted on this coming Thursday, and the astronomical sum of 130 million shekels is being cut. We simply will not be able to open the school year if this is the case."

At stake are more than 250 educational institutions, Glatt said, asking, "Could it be that there is someone who wants to specifically harm the religious-Zionist education?"

MK Orlev, participating at the sit-in today, said, "The government is holding the budget and our children as political hostages just because we're in the opposition. The parents already pay astronomical sums, and cannot pay more."

"This political persecution is liable to destroy our schools," Orlev said, "even though our graduates are the backbone of Israeli society. The government had better wake up before it cuts off the branch on which the State sits."

Their principals are not resting, however. They are holding a protest sit-in outside the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, warning that some of their schools will be forced to close if the funding is not at least partially restored."

Can you imagine all these principals sitting outside the prime minister's office and not a one understanding that Olmert has already promised the real world leaders, meeting in the Vatican, that he would drown the pesky religious community once and for all? Without funds to run their own schools, the children will enter public schools and fuel a religious/secular gang war.

All to divide the Jews before the end!

My readers know I've proven Israel's leaders are run by our worst enemies. The Vatican's highest ranking agent in Israel is Shimon Peres. The details of how he and Olmert rid themselves of Sharon is found in my new book, Bye Bye Gaza (details below). Olmert supposedly became number one in Israel, and Peres, two after the last election. Once the results were tallied, Peres flew to the Vatican for instructions. He would drop out of the scene and let Olmert do the public dirty work.

We can only surmise that Olmert felt guilty about destroying Israel or there would have been no need for the police show in Rome. Whatever the display taught Olmert, it should have taught the Jews of Israel to think coup as the only way to save themselves from utter and horrid destruction.

and here begins the link to francisco...

(and lest any of you say that this is just about the roman empire and not the catholic church... just remember... the vatican assumed the power of the empire when it collapsed and expired during the 5th century... do you recall "the holy roman empire..." which took its place...? well this is exactly my point... whatever policies rome had and greece before them... the church now took over as they were them just in a different era and in another incarnation and thus viter down throughout all the world-dominating nations ever since... rome just moved it's central address of power but it never, ever once relinquished its hold on the control of policy-making... i.e. war and genocide plannings and operations)...

and now away we go...

by Francisco Gil-White© 2005
 Volume 1.

 The Book of Genesis

   The Birth of the Jewish People
  NOTE: If you would like to consult the bibliography, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.

Table of Contents


<   Preface   <


Part 1

Before Ezra (B.E.)

Chapter 1

The Roman ‘Final Solution’ in the first and second
centuries; why it happened, and why
you never heard about it.

<   Interlude   <

Why do historians write like this?

Chapter 2

Enter the villain: Alexander.

<   Interlude   <

The First Law of Class Warfare.

Chapter 3

The ancient Greeks: The reality,
and the apology.

<   Interlude   <

Were the ancient Greeks fascists?

Chapter 4

The ancient Achaemenid Persians, and their
philosophy of World Government.

<   Interlude   <

Where did the Persians come from?

Chapter 5

What Herodotus really said about
the Greco-Persian wars.

<   Meta-Interlude  <

What is Judaism?

Part 2

After Ezra (A.E.)

Chapter 6

Ezra, Nehemiah, Artaxerxes,
and the birth of Judaism.

<   Interlude   <

Warfare, and the reproduction of class
in the Roman system.

Chapter 7

How the Greek-Jewish conflict became
a Roman-Jewish conflict.

<   Interlude   <

Who were Cicero and Catiline?

THIS CHAPTER will be posted soon. If you would like to be notified
when it goes up, please let us now by sending us an email.
(If you have already been notified once, there is no need to
ask us again, you are on the list.)
[email protected]

Chapter 8

Julius Caesar, and the banning of
the synagogues in Rome.

<   Interlude   <

What was Augustus Caesar like?

Chapter 9

Augustus Caesar's policy of
anti-Jewish genocide.


 This book will soon be out in a hardcover version, but we are facing an historic emergency, so I am making it immediately available on the web.

History, as the saying goes, is the propaganda of the victors. The Jews have not been the victors. Therefore, the portrayal of history has been terribly unfair to the Jews. This is why people still do not understand why there has been massacre upon antisemitic massacre in the Western world for over two millennia, making this one of the more stable cultural traditions of our ‘civilization.’

I am predicting that soon -- very soon -- there will be another antisemitic genocide. It will take place in the State of Israel, and it will be directly carried out by the antisemitic forces of the Muslim world. The Western world will look the other way. Later, it will build Holocaust museums and people will put on grave looking faces and shake their heads. Or perhaps they will celebrate. It all depends on which direction culture takes in the coming years. But though time may be running short, this genocide can still be prevented. In order to do so, good people in the West must understand what is at stake. They certainly don't understand it now. They have no clue why there is hatred of Jews, and they are utterly confused about their own antisemitic prejudices.

Why is there antisemitism?

The Crux of World History answers this question. I show that there has been and still is so much antisemitism in the West because Judaism is the original mass movement of the political left. It is the original movement of progressive politics, preaching freedom, justice, equality, ethics, and compassion. This is precisely why the Western ruling classes have always persecuted the Jews and taught ordinary gentiles to hate them, lest ordinary people learn from the Jews that they have a right to live in freedom and equality. Once this is understood, the history of the West, with its endless sequence of anti-Jewish massacres, will, for the first time, make sense. Only if good people quickly come to understand this can the next genocide -- already upon us -- be prevented.

This is the great struggle of our time. We need a burst of Enlightenment or the Jews will be massacred once again, and the consequences -- the terrible consequences -- will not be felt only by the Jews. As in World War II, ordinary people everywhere will be the victims, because an attack on the Jewish movement is an attack on ordinary people.

It is always the worst among us who attack the Jews. The good people of this Earth will once again abandon their own selves to the worst among us if they do not defend the Jewish people. This is what is at stake. This is what has always been at stake.

It is The Crux of World History.

I invite you to read it.

Francisco Gil-White
« Last Edit: Today at 09:02:30 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator  

"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Senior JTFer

Posts: 315

one of my earliest rebbeim/rav nachman bulman zt"l

     Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2008, 12:33:40 PM » Quote Modify Remove  


the following is the article he referred to as discussing the vatican threat of a holocaust against european jewry made by the slime over their demands for control of har habayit... nik.


The Barry Chamish Website

Bye Bye Gaza
by Barry Chamish
December 13, 2006
Welcome to my dream. It all seems real.
In Barry Chamish's nether world, he gave a speech in Jerusalem last winter. It became the source of powerful articles and a dramatic CD-ROM. He insisted that the Israeli government, led by Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin, had already promised East Jerusalem to the Vatican. He named the Vatican and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) as Israel's prime enemies. He predicted that both parties wanted parts of Jerusalem in Vatican hands within a year to destroy the lives of the Jews of Gaza. This author watched how the naifs of Yesha were led from one trap to another by their local council. He raced to Kfar Maimon and Ofakim.

In the days leading to the disposal of the Jews, he spoke to significant audiences in Neve Dekalim and Eli Sinai. But his message of resistance was too real for Gush Katif.

I have a new book called, Bye Bye Gaza. In ten chapters, it recounts the battle for Gaza and the subsequent government torture of the refugees. Each chapter begins with a striking photo of the living Gush Katif as photographed by Gemma Blech. You can purchase the book in color, or the much less dear, black and white.


black and white:

Welcome back to my world. Is all my craziness coming true?
Such a good boy. And with such a keen understanding of Catholic liturgy. Of course we'll make the CFR's executive Henry Kissinger a papal adviser. And Henry's barely in his new leather adviser's chair when Ehud Olmert "decides" to take a trip to meet...da pope. And such threats you never heard if Israel doesn't surrender a nice chunk of Jerusalem and put Catholic troops outside Gaza instead of the IDF.

So while Israel is one step away from a final, mortal blow, Olmert loses his cool and thoughtfully reminds the world that we have nukes. So where are the Jews of the world as Israel teeters on a nuclear holocaust? Why the biggest crooks, like the viciously pro-Gaza removal squad of Stephen Cohen and Daniel Abraham, are funding expensive charities to fuel the death march. Look at the CFR names on the board of "Jews for justice;": Holbrooke, Tisch, Zuckerman and lots more inside.

Every organization and personality representing the Gaza settlers was a defeated snitch. The one hope for a Gaza battle was in a hotel complex where 2,000 protesters resided. That last hope was crushed when a gang from Kach gave the government what it sought; a phoney fight between Jews and Arabs over Gush Katifnspiracy against the Jews. The author is not settled enough to print the book -- YOU GOTTA GO TO LULU.COM



Could you please send this article out far and wide. I need a lot of Help Here.

*_Kissinger to Serve As Papal Adviser?_*

*Pope Benedict XVI has invited Henry Kissinger, former adviser to Richard Nixon, to be a political consultant and he accepted.
*Israel Agrees to Reopen Mt. Zion Talks with Vatican
Sunday, December 10, 2006 / 19 Kislev 5767

* PM Olmert will meet in the Vatican this week with Pope Benedict - two weeks after Israeli diplomats confirmed the reopening of talks over the status of church property on Mt. Zion and elsewhere.

"In a move that surprised observers," reports, "Israel has agreed to re-launch negotiations with the Holy See over church status in the Holy Land that have been stalled since the Olmert government came to power."

A year ago, Arutz-7 reported that a Foreign Ministry official admitted that a blueprint of an agreement with the Vatican giving it control of parts of Mt. Zion in Jerusalem - also known as King David's burial site - had been received.


When Prime Minister Ehud Olmert meets in the Vatican next week with Pope Benedict XVI; they will discuss a number of issues including Iran and the PA (PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi Authority). The pope has recently held meetings with Iranian officials as well as with PA Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah, who heads the Hamas administration.

Mr. Olmert will call on the pontiff to make public statements against Iran's continued call for the eradication of the State as Israel, as well as seeking the Vatican's assistance in strengthening Islamic moderates in the region in the hope of preventing fundamentalists from gaining power.,7340,L-3337714,00.html

*Olmert says open to international force in Gaza

Prime minister tells Italian TV he's ready to discuss Italy's proposal to send international troops to Gaza when he meets with Italian PM in Rome Wednesday*
Associated Press

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Friday he was ready to discuss Italy's proposal to send international troops to Gaza when he travels to Rome next week for a meeting with the Italian premier.

*/Justice for Jews from Arab Countries (JJAC)

/**Honorary Chairs*: Irwin Cotler [Canada], Shlomo Hillel [Israel],
Richard Holbrooke [USA], Leon Levy [USA], Lord Weidenfeld [UK], James
Tisch [USA], Mortimer B. Zuckerman [USA]

*Founding Chairman*: S. Daniel Abraham [USA]
The Israel Policy Forum is clearly working to destroy Israel; and is not to be trusted.
--------- Example one - position on Jerusalem

*_O Jerusalem_*

*July 28, 2000 Issue #9*

**Excerpts: * It is *also where it *agreed that*,/ at the end of the day, even *_Jerusalem would have to be discussed._ * /Likud leaders like Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert may deny that. But they have to know that the only way to avoid discussion of Jerusalem’s future would be by scuttling the negotiations entirely. How could Jerusalem not be discussed when each side points to the city as the very heart of what one calls Israel, the other Eretz Yisrael?

*"*Lieberman*, who reported frequent meetings with ministers and senior officials, said he informed and coordinated with police before and during every protest....Lieberman was not questioned regarding the source of funding for the sham civil disobedience campaign. In 2005, left-wing critics said the protests were financed through millions of dollars in government funding.

Other lulu books:
Israel Betrayed
Shabtai Zvi
Save Israel
Return of the Giants (black and white)
Return of the Giants (color)

Please email me at Barry.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2008, 09:58:50 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: here we go again...
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2008, 09:06:24 PM »
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"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Honorable Winged Member
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Posts: 6957

    Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2008, 12:38:08 PM » Quote 

By doing this your taking the blame from the long time 'peace now' olmert family who are really to blame
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Senior JTFer

Posts: 315

one of my earliest rebbeim/rav nachman bulman zt"l

     Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2008, 01:04:26 PM » Quote Modify Remove 

no i am not... they are all slime and they are all in on the plot to destroy israel... here have a look at this piece and see for yourself... everyone should read the book "vatican ratline" by mauri which barry quotes... i just now ordered it on-line at amazon books... nik. out...


The Barry Chamish Website

Front Line, Vatican, My Catholic Friends
by Barry Chamish
February 26, 2007
I point out that Israel's leaders are deliberately wiping out the nation, and the Jews boycott me. I prove the Vatican's fingers are in Israel's upcoming ruin and two top-notch Catholic writers rush to my side. I knew Francisco Gil-White was a terrific writer years ago and so we've remained corresponding writer buddies. Since being fired from his professor's post for defending Jews, he has entered the heights of living legend status in a few circles. Before putting out his latest piece, he commented:

"Finally getting better. Thanks! My article on Perfidy is finished. I will put it up today on a blind link so that you can see it and give me last minute comments. I want to publish it tonight. Francisco Gil-White"
Naturally, I replied that he wrote a triumph. It's time for a parade. Look how he concludes his essay:

From Francisco Gil-White:

"This is the most important lesson/: just as the Nazis needed Rudolf Kastner to distract and reassure the Hungarian Jews, so do the forces that would now destroy the Israeli Jews need Ehud Olmert or any of the main current pretenders to the Israeli prime ministership to distract and dupe the Israelis -- and to repress any protest, too -- while the next slaughter, due very soon, is being prepared."
"This is a very difficult lesson for Jews to learn because they don’t know the above history, educated as they have been by the leaders of Labor Zionism, who to this day control most of the major Jewish organizations in the Diaspora, as well as the Israeli government, the Israeli education system, and the Israeli media And it is difficult to learn because they would rather cling to their illusions than to their very lives. As George Santayana correctly said 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' The Jews are about to repeat their own tragic past."
"Is this inevitable? Well no. But without a revolution, it is a certain outcome. If the Israeli Jews simply trust that their so-called leaders will defend them, or that their Diaspora brethren will come in a white horse to rescue them, their fate will be identical to that of the Hungarian Jews in WWII."
"The Hungarian Jews trusted. And they died."
Why, he sounds just like me. So maybe someone will listen to him. After all, he's not...well, me.

And look at the week enjoyed by King Juan Carlos. Yes, the same one I exposed in my book, Save Israel. Go to and look. I claim that every diplomatic move in the Middle East must first pass by his grimy talons. I show that he believes he is the rightful "Guardian Of Jerusalem's Holy Places." But did you know that the Jesuit-educated monarch is also Council of Arab House in Madrid. And betcha you didn't know that he gathered a group of the Middle East's hottest foreign ministers to discuss Israel's removal from the Golan and Eretz Yisrael. That's what the Vatican does on its day off:

*MADRID,(SANA)_ King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain opened Thursday in Madrid the Arab House and Spanish Political Conference with the participation of Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem and Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Tunisia, Yemen, Iraq and Jordan.*

*King Carlos, who heads council of Secretaries in the Arab house, hoped this conference would be the starting point for an Arab-Spanish ministerial forum and a framework for political interaction for reaching joint stances in future.*

*Al-Moallem, in a speech he delivered, underlined importance of reviving the Arab-Europe dialogue, touching upon the important role that Spain is playing as "a bridge between the Arab and Europe in understanding the region's causes."*

*He called for reviving the Middle East peace process with the aim of reaching a just and comprehensive settlement that ends the Israeli occupation of the occupied Arab territories in the Golan and Eretz Yisrael.*

He underlined necessity of Europe to shoulder a more dynamic role towards a number of causes on top of which is the Middle East peace process and offering the necessary aid to the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi government.

*The Ministerial declaration of the conference stressed the dire need for finding a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

*Those who know my writing have long concluded that any Israeli who touches the Vatican their way, will become mighty sullied. Yitzhak Rabin was murdered and his wife, at the first legal opportunity, flies to the pope. Why? Oh, just to hear herself threatened not to open her mouth and get Shimon in trouble. Ex- Pres. Katsav wouldn't give the Vatican the Last Supper Room on Mount Zion. He faces 6 charges of rape a year later.

Now my charming Catholic friend has sent me her new book, Vatican Ratline by Mauri, For years she has keep my morale high by commenting on my handsome looks. And she means it, girls. And now I learn, she knows of what she speaks. That is a secret between me and book buyers.

Of the Vatican's burning desire for the Last Supper Room, she writes:

"The first celebration of the new Church was of the Last Supper of Christ. This later developed into the Catholic mass. While I can understand the emotion of the crucifixion, it is still a celebration of death."
I am proud to say, I receive proper referrals in the volume as I have in such books as Gideon's Spies, Gordon Thomas; Lies, Dr. David Morrison, A Cup Of Tea, Tim White, David's Uncle, Hebrew, this 900 page volume is now mostly credited to Dr. Hillel Weiss, etc. Now here is a fine modern writer, Mauri, who believes in my research. Refreshing, no?

pp 59 - "By the Vatican's own definition of a Crusade, the Catholic Church Crusade continues in secret down to the present day. It's goal is the creation of 'A New World Order' under the Church Of Rome."
pp 60 - "Combine an obsession with death and the need for a scapegoat to spread passion to the flock, and The Passion Play is given birth."
pp 102 - 'The goal of a one world religion is to come out on top and then consume all the competing religions into your flock. The biggest player is the Roman Catholic Church, whose goal is to give Jerusalem to the 'infallible' pope so that he may rule the world from Solomon's rebuilt Temple and be worshiped as a living G-d. The Jews would prove important in their plans by the use of both sympathy and by creating global anti-Jewish fury. The Muslims have a role to play, mostly terrorist."
pp 103 - "The false messiah, Shabtai Tzvi, founded the Donmeh sect in the 1600s. His followers founded the Sabbataian cult. The movement spread through Europe in the 18th Century by Jacob Frank and his followers, the Frankists. Add Jesuit influence and the automatic result is the deterioration of the cult into mind-controlled criminal activity and Satanism. Could such a group work with the Nazis in the killing of millions of fellow Jews?"
pp 108 - "The principles of Zionism, the creation of a Jewish State in Eretz Yisrael, seem a benevolent answer to worldwide anti-Semitism. But one must always question the random acts of kindness by the global elite. Zionism may have led to the Holocaust of the remaining Jews in Europeloser to reality, through the help of corruption at the highest levels of the Zionist movement in Israel. That extra element of War, was added by pushing the Muslims around in the area, so that there could be no peace. Jimmy Carter of the Council On Foreign Relations ordered a covert war against the Soviets in Afghanistan and the CIA funded the Taliban. The secret training and funding of Muslim groups for war continued alongside the training and funding of Israel. The end result of this intentional setting of one group against another was a guaranteed holocaust in the Middle East."
pp 120 - "The Vatican had gone to a lot of trouble to get the Jews where they wanted them, which was in Israel. And they didn't want them prematurely wiped out. The Jews were the scapegoat for the war in Europe, and the Vatican was positioning them to be the scapegoat for the coming war in the Middle East."
pp 121 - "No one in this Game is operating with free will. It is the intent of the Game, world domination, which needs to be destroyed. It is time for Rome to disappear into history."

Go to my site. On page one are the latest radio interviews. We are updating constantly. Hear me.

And now, a special. If you buy Bye Bye Gaza, even the $10 download, from, I'll send you for the price of Canadian postage, $10, EITHER: The only book not on, THE LAST DAYS OF ISRAEL autographed or the 2 disc CD ROM set, ZION FIRST: The Vatican's New Crusade For Israel, autographed.

OR if you send me any kind of donation, tell me and then choose your gift.



At last I have my own copy of Bye Bye Gaza by Barry Chamish*.

As always, Barry's most recent book is a tour de force of information, sources and quotes showing how the forces of Israel's elite have conspired to destroy the Jewish State – or at least its truly Jewish individuals and communities – and sadly how the majority of the 'Right' have ignored or spurned his warnings. I guess I have a minor axe to grind as all the Gush Katif pictures in the book – and on the cover – were taken/supplied by me!

It is true that most cannot handle the reports of murders, conspiracies and corruption in high places and rather than get their heads around it, they reject Barry's findings as exaggerated or even untrue.
Nothing could be further from the case as we know too well from the destruction of Gush Katif and the on going hope of many in high places, to empty Judea and Samaria of Jews and to allow the Vatican to take over Jerusalem and more...

But, I do hope that with all these provisos you will take this review and the book seriously – get it, read it and pass it around!

Gemma Blech - Jerusalem


black and white:

And while you're there, look at the latest book by me on WHO MURDERED YITZHAK RABIN.  This is the most complete volume of all with many dozens of never before revealed photos and documents.

I am amazed at the wonderful people I've come to know: Barry Chamish, POB 81018, Burnaby, B.C.E. CANADA V5H 4K1


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"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Master JTFer

Posts: 1610

     Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2008, 01:08:03 PM » Quote 

I wouldn't trust Chamish...
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One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D
Senior JTFer

Posts: 315

one of my earliest rebbeim/rav nachman bulman zt"l

     Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2008, 01:28:15 PM » Quote Modify Remove 

i would... 
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"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Senior JTFer

Posts: 336

      Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2008, 01:52:10 PM » Quote 

Quote from: OdKahaneChai on February 01, 2008, 01:08:03 PM
I wouldn't trust Chamish...

I agree. I think hes a nut.
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Tzvi Ben Roshel
Master JTFer

Posts: 1505

    Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2008, 01:54:28 PM » Quote 

Quote from: OdKahaneChai on February 01, 2008, 01:08:03 PM
I wouldn't trust Chamish...

Same (didn't read the article anyway). Can their just be a ban on anything and everything that Chamish says on this forum?
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‏119:139 צִמְּתַתְנִי קִנְאָתִי כִּישָׁכְחוּ דְבָרֶיךָ צָרָי
My zeal incenses me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
‏119:141 צָעִיר אָנֹכִי וְנִבְזֶה פִּקֻּדֶיךָ, לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי.
 I am young and despised; I have not forgotten Your precepts.

" A fool does not realize, and an unwise person does not understand this (i.e. the following:) When the wicked bloom like grass, and the evildoers blossom (i.e. when they seem extremly successful), it is to destroy them forever (i.e. they are rewarded for their few good deeds in this World, and they will have no portion in the World to Come!)

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Eliezer Ben Avraham
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Master JTFer

Posts: 1244

    Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2008, 02:13:51 PM » Quote 

also check out the holocaust conspiracy by William perl who was a member of Betar and helped Jews get into Eretz Yisrael during the Holocaust
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Senior JTFer

Posts: 315

one of my earliest rebbeim/rav nachman bulman zt"l

     Re: chamish exposing the vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2008, 03:45:08 PM » Quote Modify Remove 

check it out to see what exactly...? and you guys are a bit daff... chamish's research and investigative journalism is real and true or the slime would not have taken 2 shots at killing him off... that's certain proof... nik. out... 
« Last Edit: February 02, 2008, 10:10:17 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Ultimate JTFer

Posts: 3515

Downwithislam Fan

    Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2008, 03:51:17 PM » Quote 

Nik, you are insane.
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If you decide to lose your whole life, you might just find yourself in the process.
Senior JTFer

Posts: 315

one of my earliest rebbeim/rav nachman bulman zt"l

     Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2008, 04:04:42 PM » Quote Modify Remove 

thanks so much really... but it takes one to know one... ta... 
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"i am nikmatdam humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."
Ultimate JTFer

Posts: 3418

    Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2008, 04:49:35 PM » Quote 

"There he was to agree to give the Vatican sovereignty over parts of Mount Zion and to accept "the Spanish initiative," replacing the Israeli army in Gaza with soldiers from Catholic Europe."

Do you mean UN "Peace-Keeping" forces? 
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Master JTFer

Posts: 2052

     Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #13 on: February 02, 2008, 07:39:42 PM » Quote 

You guys, this is sounding a lot like Catholic bashing, which JTF is against. 

Now granted, we may not agree with policies of the RCC.  But this forum is really not the place for RCC conspiracy theories.   
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Ultimate JTFer

Posts: 2736

    Re: vatican smoking gun...
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2008, 07:55:23 PM » Quote 

This is insane
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."