Why can't we come up with a succesful JTF online business idea? 
Theres a lot of reasons, first of all the porn industry is mainly run by shady people from overseas, some of these people make hundreds of thousands sometimes millions on their business practices. They are generally involved in the spam industry, multimedia industry, the hosting industry (I know this because they are my competitors and I refuse to accept porn on my servers), the malware/spyware industry (they make thousands of dollars making viruses then selling you their software), and other practices. They are also heavily connected to the people behind the online gambling business, it's a huge circle of online e-commerce that filters down.
The pornography industry is so saturated that most make money on the niche market focusing on people looking for a particular "fetish" and then sell their rights to be sole licensed or streamed which is then marketed via spam, high google searches, and other TGP websites.
Another method is investment, many of these companies also hire out famous porn stars for their movies which is used for a marketing gimmick and the fanbase will stick around for that specific stars movies generating plenty of money necessary. All of these videos are found all over including popular "hubs" for streaming videos where you pay to view videos by the minute or by pre-purchasing minutes (like you would pay for a cellphone).
How do I know this? Again I am in the hosting industry and we've been asked/subcontracted to create scripts that allow functionality for these porn sites. Of course we've never asked the clients what the scripts are for, but after finding out what they are used for, i've started to include in my contract that the client must list the purpose of the script and what not.
It's a huge industry generating billions of dollars, it's an easy business but it isn't necessarily morally correct. It was one thing in the 50's for little Johnny to find a playboy magazine and look at it with his friends, but nowadays, hardcore pornography being available to kids on the internet has certainly taken a toll for the worse. It's pretty bad.