Author Topic: ANNOUNCING: JEWS AGAINST OBAMA  (Read 12643 times)

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Offline Judeophile

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« Reply #50 on: February 17, 2008, 01:29:37 PM »
Here is a site that reveals the real Barack Hussein Obama, it is a trove of information for us to disseminate on message boards, to friends and neighbors, and to demand that the news outlets report on it.  It's run by Pamela Geller:

His foreign policy advisors are who should be targeted: Samantha Power, who's made a name for herself in 'genocide studies.'  She wrote a book about the Armenian genocide, and is involved in the Darfur conflict, but of course never mentions the Islamic Supremacist terrorist government of Khartoum, host to bin laden and every other depraved lunatic it can welcome.  She refuses to call enemies who swear to annihilate us all every single day as enemies: she refers to them as 'adversaries' and promotes negotiations.

The really frightening one is Zbigniew Brzezinski, from the Carter administration.  Yes, he of the Iranian hostage crisis, who is currently running around meeting with terrorists:

I read something yesterday that speculated that he was meeting with Khaled Mashaal of Hizbollah, but I am having trouble finding it.  Let me add that google searches are incredibly biased.  I am trying different search engines to see if I get better results.  But in the act of digging up the truth about these treasonous maniacs, and spreading the word is doing something!  If you like I can post more links...

Offline ELC

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« Reply #51 on: February 17, 2008, 04:16:15 PM »
Why are you saying the Obama is a black muslim nazi?  I am politically conservative and Jewish. I read conservative publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, etc.  I have heard isolated rumors that he has some muslim heritage, but that he is a practicing Christian.  I listened to your broadcast.  The speaker states contempt for politicians and businessmen. He also added Arafat's name to Hillary Clinton's.  Frankly, the speaker sounded a bit wacko, but he also struck me as being intelligent at the same time. I have made  a search of your website, and one would think that if Obama is a black muslim you would be supporting that view in a prominent way, yet I found nothing.  This causes me to be dismissive of your message, and if I wasn't a Jew, I probably would not be even writing this.  I don't have rose color glasses on.  I am well aware of the threat from radical islam, and I believe that this is the issue that threatens the US and especially Israel the most.  Please respond.  Thank you.

Offline mord

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« Reply #52 on: February 17, 2008, 04:23:32 PM »
I have never claimed obama is a moslem what i have said he attends a Black Supremict Church.If a candidate attended a Christian Identity church or a Kahanist synagogue he would be laughed out of the primarys.Obamas pastor travelled to Libya with Farrakan and awarded Farakan an award
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Ambiorix

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« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2008, 04:26:38 PM »
Why are you saying the Obama is a black muslim nazi?  I am politically conservative and Jewish. I read conservative publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, etc.  I have heard isolated rumors that he has some muslim heritage, but that he is a practicing Christian.  I listened to your broadcast.  The speaker states contempt for politicians and businessmen. He also added Arafat's name to Hillary Clinton's.  Frankly, the speaker sounded a bit wacko, but he also struck me as being intelligent at the same time. I have made  a search of your website, and one would think that if Obama is a black muslim you would be supporting that view in a prominent way, yet I found nothing.  This causes me to be dismissive of your message, and if I wasn't a Jew, I probably would not be even writing this.  I don't have rose color glasses on.  I am well aware of the threat from radical islam, and I believe that this is the issue that threatens the US and especially Israel the most.  Please respond.  Thank you.
Hi ELC, Welcome on the forum.

You will see in time that Chaim Ben Pesach is not wacko at all, but that his Kahanist message, is one of the only voices that speak the truth.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Cyberella

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« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2008, 05:19:51 PM »
Why are you saying the Obama is a black muslim nazi?  I am politically conservative and Jewish. I read conservative publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, etc.  I have heard isolated rumors that he has some muslim heritage, but that he is a practicing Christian.   Please respond.  Thank you.

Go to
This is a vast, on-going file on Obama by a very reputable author.
He has links to back it all up.

Offline mord

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« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2008, 06:21:15 PM »
Why are you saying the Obama is a black muslim nazi?  I am politically conservative and Jewish. I read conservative publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, etc.  I have heard isolated rumors that he has some muslim heritage, but that he is a practicing Christian.   Please respond.  Thank you.

Go to
This is a vast, on-going file on Obama by a very reputable author.
He has links to back it all up.

That is an excellent expose of Obama
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Cyberella

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« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2008, 07:21:37 PM »
Why are you saying the Obama is a black muslim nazi?  I am politically conservative and Jewish. I read conservative publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, the Weekly Standard, etc.  I have heard isolated rumors that he has some muslim heritage, but that he is a practicing Christian.   Please respond.  Thank you.

Go to
This is a vast, on-going file on Obama by a very reputable author.
He has links to back it all up.

That is an excellent expose of Obama

It's the best expose I've seen on Hussein Obama. The author starts off with Obama's grandfather on through the present - and the file just keeps growing. The author, Beckwith, even has a wicked sense of humor- which makes all that history easy to get through. LOL.

I correspond with Beckwith on occasion, and he asks that readers help him spot broken links. He says the Obama gang is scrubbing the net of detrimental material on him, and he has to scramble to find new links.
Also, he asks that any new material that we find on Obama to please submit it to him.

Offline mord

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« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2008, 08:19:53 PM »
Obama plans on giving U.N. 850 billion dollars           
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline cjd

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« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2008, 08:39:43 PM »
Obama plans on giving U.N. 850 billion dollars           
This is what we will get from this guy. The American middle class will have to work longer and harder for less while this guy takes our money and spends it on hopeless people in other parts of the world. Americans will have to work until they die because this guy is going to go on a save the world spree instead of shoring up Social Security and Medicaid. I hope all the young white  Liberal that are so in love with this guy feel the same way when in a few years they are working 60 hour weeks for no money and being taxed to death with little or no return for their money.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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« Reply #59 on: February 18, 2008, 06:52:47 PM »

You would think that do to free speach, that you would be allowed to post anything that you want to on youtube.

Are you familiar with "Honest Reporting"?

Okay. Here is an idea. Let us forget youtube for one moment.

There are sites out there such as "" and "World Net Daily".  You requested creative ideas, well, here is mine. Honest Reporting, to my knowledge is owned by Jews. Make a very factual video, ask to place a few on their site. (You can on their site, also put a link to your site).  First of all, we need to make those that hold the same views as ourselves, we need to unite together, with those such as I mentioned, and create a very tight network. First, we must let those likeminded to ourselves, KNOW that others like them are out there. Why? Because it will make them BOLDER.

I believe that there is a very good chance that you could get World Net Daily to host some of your videos, and that you could also influence them to write an article on your work.

Just a few ideas, maybe some stupid ones.

Back to the YOUTUBE business. Who is youtube? What are they about? How do they draw the crouds?

Listen, if you want to get these people, if you REALLY want to get these people to listen, then do not go on their communist, anti-Jew, anti-American site, and expect to try to just walk in and own the place. No. The opposite must be done. Read those three questions one more time. There are some very intelligent, computer savvy people on here. Let's get our own sites, like youtube, create our own video site, that will take them away from youtube and draw them to us. It can be created just like YOUTUBE, EXCEPT guess what? YOU own it, so you can post all, and any videos you want to. Know what I am saying? Jews are smart, they own a lot of things. They are creative, and have wits. Let's put it all to good use, and get our own youtube site, that will be bigger, and better and draw more people than youtube ever dreamed of.

Just an idea.

Another thing. Who owns Yahoo? Who owns myspace? Who owns facebook?  Ect, etc, etc. Not Jews, right? Well, why not? Why do not those of us that stand for right, why do we not try to take over the internet?

Just a question. Every Journey begins with a Vision.

Offline SavetheWest

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« Reply #60 on: February 20, 2008, 05:34:57 AM »
Great ideas, Walk Strong.

Offline YESHA

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« Reply #61 on: February 20, 2008, 12:11:02 PM »

•   OBAMA is a Black Muslim

•   OBAMA is an anti-semite

•   OBAMA HATES the United States

•   OBAMA hates white people

•   OBAMA hates Israel

•   OBAMA is anti-American

•   OBAMA is aligned with Black Nazi racists and supremacists, like Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

•   OBAMA enrolled in Muslim and catholic schools – always as a Muslim!

•   OBAMA belongs to a so-called “church” as a cover-up of his true identity and alienation: Islam and the evil, cruel, barbaric and murderous Muslim world.

•   The leaders of his church make constant anti-American speeches in their sermons and are hostile to the very idea of the U.S.

•   OBAMA wants to appease Arab and Muslim despots, dictators, tyrants and terrorists and would work with the Muslims in developing conventional weapons and non-conventional ones, like nuclear, biological and chemical ones.   

•   OBAMA, as president, would rush to share and transfer sensitive nuclear secrets and materials, enabling terrorist Muslim nations to develop weapons of mass destruction and destroy the U.S. and Israel – which they promise to do, were they to be able to get hold of such weapons.

•   OBAMA will allow Iran and other Muslim and Arab countries to build and develop nuclear weapons and an arsenal of other deadly weapons, destined for non-Muslims.

•   OBAMA would pressure and non-stop put demands on Israel to commit national suicide in capitulating to the Arab terrorists by withdrawing and surrendering parts of her tiny country, Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and the division of Jerusalem.

•   OBAMA would want Israel to retreat to indefensible borders, those of pre-1967 green-line Israel, making it vulnerable to attack by the Arabs who are committed to destroy her and commit a Holocaust against the Jewish people.

•   OBAMA is a danger to the free world and he is lighting and deceiving potential voters and U.S. citizens just to get elected as the next president.

•   It would be insane, crazy and unthinkable to elect such as horrible and terrible man like Hussein, to such a high, responsible and powerful office.

Offline YESHA

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« Reply #62 on: February 20, 2008, 12:45:02 PM »
What do ya think?

Offline Matthias Corvinus

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« Reply #63 on: February 21, 2008, 03:25:47 AM »

•   OBAMA is a Black Muslim

•   OBAMA is an anti-semite

•   OBAMA HATES the United States

•   OBAMA hates white people

•   OBAMA hates Israel

•   OBAMA is anti-American


(1) Use of the phrase "Black Muslim" in a derogatory context is racist. His skin color is irrelevant, and so is "Muslim" (as opposed to "Islamic Supremacist") even were he really a Muslim. He's a member of a Christian church with a racist pastor who says "white America" got its "wake up call" on 9/11, so let's stick with that; it is true, and it is bad enough.

(2) I have yet to prove that Obama is an anti-Semite, but he sure surrounds himself with them (Sharpton, Let's stick to the facts and make the other side defend itself.

(3,4) No proof that Obama hates the U.S. or white people, but again he surrounds himself with those who do (Jeremiah Wright hates white people and the U.S., Sharpton hates white people)

(5) No proof that Obama hates Israel, but again he surrounds himself with those who do (Wright,

As I keep saying, a weak or unsubstantiated argument is worse than no argument. The facts are damning enough, so why don't we stick with them?

Offline spiritus_persona

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« Reply #64 on: February 26, 2008, 11:46:56 PM »
Instead of Jews Against Obama, call it "Patriots Against Obama"  ZooTube loves patriots, but hates Jews.

Try it please.  It might work.
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!

Offline Minuteman

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« Reply #65 on: April 08, 2008, 01:35:39 PM »
You know I was in a few chat rooms and I was displaying the link to Islam Revealed and Obama is a Muslim videos.  One young person responded to my efforts as "and why should we care?"  I guess that sums up the whole problem right there.  It is popular today not to care.

Offline AsheDina

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« Reply #66 on: April 14, 2008, 02:23:58 AM »

•   OBAMA is a Black Muslim

•   OBAMA is an anti-semite

•   OBAMA HATES the United States

•   OBAMA hates white people

•   OBAMA hates Israel

•   OBAMA is anti-American

•   OBAMA is aligned with Black Nazi racists and supremacists, like Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

•   OBAMA enrolled in Muslim and catholic schools – always as a Muslim!

•   OBAMA belongs to a so-called “church” as a cover-up of his true identity and alienation: Islam and the evil, cruel, barbaric and murderous Muslim world.

•   The leaders of his church make constant anti-American speeches in their sermons and are hostile to the very idea of the U.S.

•   OBAMA wants to appease Arab and Muslim despots, dictators, tyrants and terrorists and would work with the Muslims in developing conventional weapons and non-conventional ones, like nuclear, biological and chemical ones.   

•   OBAMA, as president, would rush to share and transfer sensitive nuclear secrets and materials, enabling terrorist Muslim nations to develop weapons of mass destruction and destroy the U.S. and Israel – which they promise to do, were they to be able to get hold of such weapons.

•   OBAMA will allow Iran and other Muslim and Arab countries to build and develop nuclear weapons and an arsenal of other deadly weapons, destined for non-Muslims.

•   OBAMA would pressure and non-stop put demands on Israel to commit national suicide in capitulating to the Arab terrorists by withdrawing and surrendering parts of her tiny country, Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and the division of Jerusalem.

•   OBAMA would want Israel to retreat to indefensible borders, those of pre-1967 green-line Israel, making it vulnerable to attack by the Arabs who are committed to destroy her and commit a Holocaust against the Jewish people.

•   OBAMA is a danger to the free world and he is lighting and deceiving potential voters and U.S. citizens just to get elected as the next president.

•   It would be insane, crazy and unthinkable to elect such as horrible and terrible man like Hussein, to such a high, responsible and powerful office.

~It is SAD to me, to think that this CREEPY character is running for the Pres., and Leader of the Free World.. To be perfectly candid, I think that as the days pass on- most of these almost prophetic posts, I personally believe will come to pass- but this will not bother people that are with him.. To them, he can do NO WRONG- this is to their demise, and unfortunately, they could possibly bring the whole nation with them. If there is NO repentance in the Church and the synogogues/temples- I fear very badly for this nation- BUT I DO see that if they DO repent (change) then things can 'change' but NOT obama style. G-d's WAY.
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Offline AsheDina

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« Reply #67 on: April 14, 2008, 05:28:01 PM »
You know I was in a few chat rooms and I was displaying the link to Islam Revealed and Obama is a Muslim videos.  One young person responded to my efforts as "and why should we care?"  I guess that sums up the whole problem right there.  It is popular today not to care.

 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(What am I going to do with My America?? I am SO sad that these kids know NOTHING about their history and heritage.  IF they DID- they would NEVER  act like this- and women WONDER why I am SO DEAD SET against the fem nazi agenda- IT IS THE ROOT of everything gone WRONG.  Femz, they HATE our 'gorey' history, because men FOUGHT for it, this is REALLY hard for me to understand since the same agenda totally endorses abortion.  >:( :'(   Obama endorses abortion AND islam, he is CLEARLY a MURDERER.
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