Yes, MW, I remember that other one from when I was a kid too. Must be something about Buffalo. I think the older one was even worse, straight out of a horror movie. Clint Malarchuk was the goalie I believe. Well, I'm glad both of those guys will be okay. Oh yeah, MW, since you're a cartoonist, take a look at the idea I posted in the Idea Section. Maybe we could put something together when you get back. 
On March, 1989, Buffalo’s Clint Malarchuk suffered one of the visually most gruesome injuries the sport has ever seen. Steve Tuttle of the St. Louis Blues and the Sabre’s Uwe Krupp collided near Malarchuk’s goal crease, and Tuttle’s skate caught Malarchuk on the neck, slicing open his external carotid artery. With pools of blood filling virtually the entirety of the goal crease, Malarchuk somehow left the ice under his own power with the assistance of the Sabres’ team trainer. Many in the Buffalo arena were physically sickened by the sight, with seven fainting and two suffering heart attacks.
yes thats the story. I remember when that happen and you just oh god when you saw that but the Richard Ziddnik one wow. Again both very lucky.