Author Topic: I propose a security wing of the JTF  (Read 3306 times)

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Offline White Israelite

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I propose a security wing of the JTF
« on: February 11, 2008, 10:55:06 PM »
I am proposing a security wing of the JTF, KansasJew and myself have talked several times in regards that many Jews are unarmed and have no desire or find it impossible to arm themselves. Cities with high Jewish populations are frequently vulnerable to MuSSlim and Nazi attacks. There have been a few rogue shootings in the past, and while getting a CCW permit is difficult in areas like New York City, it is possible. I think security would be a good enough reason to be able to get a CCW permit in New York as it is a "reason".

I think security of Jewish people is necessary and should be considered. I would like to discuss this in more detail as I think the future will be very difficult. While many Jews on this forum including myself are armed, we can only protect so many people and I would hope others would be willing to protect fellow Jews who do not have this protection. We cannot rely on police and even security will not be sufficient to make Jews 100 percent secure, but it will certainly decrease anti-semitic attacks in areas (similar to bouncers at night clubs).

If anyone is interested, feel free to post and perhaps we can organize something, I hope others will take this into consideration as the JTF should have a security wing of some sort, we talk the talk, do we walk the walk?

Offline KansasJew

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Re: I propose a security wing of the JTF
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2008, 01:44:21 AM »
I would propose the following items to ponder if a security detachment is to be started by the JTF. This would give the JTF another legit side of the house. Gives the JTF an appearance of Professionalism. I would say a standard uniform and a security badge. I have access to many products to assist.

1.) Incorporate the security detachment this removes any liabilities to JTF directly.
2.) Incorporation gives tax advantages.
3.) Incorporation requires a set of bylaws and guidelines for business and personnel.
4.) Required Training course(s) for Security Personnel.
5.) Incorporation allows you to conduct business in all 50 States. This gives the Security Detachment to be mobile.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 01:50:44 AM by KansasJew »
Remember there has to be strong silent men on the walls at night to protect the people. Be Strong but not aggressive. Be Peaceful but not weak. Defend the Jewish People at all cost.


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Re: I propose a security wing of the JTF
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 02:18:34 AM »
Use this as a model. This is a training and organisation system and NOT a militia per se full of conspiracy nuts.

KISS means "Keep It Simple, and don't be Stupid". The KISS Anti Terrorist Alliance (KISSATA) are  trained American citizens,  who learn the arts of homeland self defense, survival, (see "special note to survivalists") emergency first aid, land navigation, sniping,  and expertise with small arms. (see also MISSION STATEMENT)

KISSATA is for those of us who refuse to stand defenseless before terrorist attack, violent armed fringe groups, tyranny, criminals, or any other situation where the "thin blue line" has been stretched to breaking point. KISSATA is geared primarily to the rural environment, where police response is slow at best. It takes law enforcement twenty minutes at best to respond to calls in my neighborhood. In a disaster or major terrorist attack I doubt that a rural area could get any kind of law enforcement response. And that's o.k., if the police were everywhere, we would have  a police state.

Having said that, KISSATA is NOT "anti-government", (except for the French government) or anti-law enforcement. In the anti-terrorist role we would love to patrol areas of interest, in cooperation with local law enforcement, such as rural areas around dams and airports, power lines, power stations and sub stations, gas pipe lines, and airports. It would be great for KISSATA to practice it's training while doing something for the nation and community. We also believe that it is not the military's place to provide this type of "homeland security". It should be a cooperative effort between local law enforcement and armed, law abiding citizens.

KISSATA is NON POLITICAL. Your political beliefs are your personal beliefs, and you are welcome to them, but leave them at home when participating in the KISS anti terrorist alliance. As individuals we all have STRONG political beliefs. As a group, we must have NONE. Be politically active on your own, but separate it from KISSATA.

KISSATA IS RACIALLY INCLUSIVE. Divided we fall. KISSATA is not affiliated or associated with White Separatists, the Aryan Nation, Neo Nazis, Nation of Islam, Black Panthers, La Raza,  5%, or any other groups, militias, or individuals who subscribe to racist philosophy. All American citizens are welcome in the KISS Anti Terrorist Alliance. Within the KISS concept we are all GREEN.