Author Topic: OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM!  (Read 5676 times)

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Offline Matthias Corvinus

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« on: February 13, 2008, 10:39:13 PM »
Saying that he is is self-destructive and it works against us.

There is a Latin saying, falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus ("false in one thing, false in all"). It means that if we falsely accuse Obama of being a Muslim, his defenders can point to that and say it reflects on everything we say about him, even if it's true. The National "Jewish" Democratic Council is pointing to this accusation to show that Obama's detractors are evil, dishonest, running a smear campaign, and so on. NJDC is actually a weak point in the opposing side's lines and it it is a good thing to attack politically, but not with weak and unsubstantiated arguments.

Instead, let's just tell the truth about Obama:

(1) Obama is not a Muslim. He is a member of a nominally Christian church with a racist and Israel-hating pastor. (We have not seen Jeremiah Wright say anything explicitly about "Jews," so we won't call him an anti-Semite.)

(2) Obama consorts openly with the prominent racist and anti-Semite Al Sharpton and his National Action Network. We should circulate pictures of this, along with the things Sharpton and his entourage have to say about Jews and white people in general.

(3) Obama solicited and accepted support from, an arguably anti-Semitic and anti-Catholic hate organization. This needs to be circulated in NY and PA, where we have a lot of Irish, Polish, and Italian Catholics. Show them MoveOn's photomanipulation of Pope Benedict waving a gavel in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

As stated by Aesop, birds of a feather flock together. If Obama doesn't want us to take him for an anti-Semite (and racist), he should not surround himself with anti-Semites and racists.

(4) Obama also supports live birth abortion (infanticide) as shown by his opposition to Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act. Even the pro-choice side isn't going to stand on that hill with him, and he can kiss Pennsylvania and possibly New York goodbye; there are strong pro-life movements here, and we need to involve them.


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« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2008, 10:47:53 PM »
In islam when your father is muslim YOU are muslim.
Obamas father IS a muslim, therefore HE is a muslim. (Not my rules, those are islamic rules)
IF he left islam then he is an APOSTATE, subject to death under islamic law.
Islam is the hotel california of "religion", he can check out any time he likes, but he can never leave.
The "church" he attends is a farce and cover up, God forbid he is elected, the mask will come off and we will see exactly how much of a muslim he is, or at the very least how much he sympathizes with them against us.

Just Erica

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« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2008, 11:03:46 PM »
In islam when your father is muslim YOU are muslim.
Obamas father IS a muslim, therefore HE is a muslim. (Not my rules, those are islamic rules)
IF he left islam then he is an APOSTATE, subject to death under islamic law.
Islam is the hotel california of "religion", he can check out any time he likes, but he can never leave.
The "church" he attends is a farce and cover up, G-d forbid he is elected, the mask will come off and we will see exactly how much of a muslim he is, or at the very least how much he sympathizes with them against us.
You can't be serious, kellymaureen. If you are a Jew and want to convert to Christianity, does that mean that once you're a Christian, you should be considered an 'under cover Jew'? And even if he was a muslim because his dad was a muslim, does that mean that he's at fault for what you think he is? You make it seem as though children born under that 'law' have control over what religion they'll be.

Offline KansasJew

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« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2008, 11:12:29 PM »
Many Americans have no idea about the dangers of Islam and what they teach...Thus why many can not understand why the Jewish People on this Forum are so against Obama.

I believe in the Three Strike Rule

1.) His Mother was married to TWO Muslim men and raised her son in the Muslim faith for a few years...These years are very formative when dealing with life issues. Any Social Psychologist will tell you that.

2.) You are who your friends are...In Psychology and Sociology people ofter gather and associate with like minded people to be a part of a group. Thus if you hang out with people that hate white people and are racist that makes you one as well. If you are not one you will not be a part of that group anymore.

3.) His policy on dealing with Terrorist Leaders and Nations. His immediate family are very much involved in Politics in Africa representing Islamic Ideas and Issues...Obama still is a Native and has citizenship in that nation. You can not tell me he will not be influenced by his family and African Issues on a Personal Level and thus make him Partial to National Security Policy in Africa and Muslim Countries.
Remember there has to be strong silent men on the walls at night to protect the people. Be Strong but not aggressive. Be Peaceful but not weak. Defend the Jewish People at all cost.


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« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2008, 11:13:35 PM »
Muslim laws are different, no other religion authorizes death if you leave it.
These arent my rules, this is islamic law.
“The punishment for apostasy (riddah) is well-known in Islaamic Sharee'ah. The one who leaves Islaam will be asked to repent by the Sharee'ah judge in an Islaamic country; if he does not repent and come back to the true religion, he will be killed as a kaafir and apostate, because of the command of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "Whoever changes his religion, kill him." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3017).

The rules are different under other religions, I am not a Christian any longer, however Christianity does not sanction death for leaving....oh and even those who CONVERT to islam and then leave it, are subject to death.

Muslims DO leave islam, and it takes plenty of bravery to do it, however he has not been straighforward about his islamic upbringing, what is there to hide.  If he left islam and converted to Christianity, and that "church" is hardly "Christian" (what Christian church would sympathize with the nation of islam or their leaders or followers) then why not say it.
Again, if you do not like the rules of islam, speak to your local imam to see about getting them changed, I didnt say anything that any devout muslim wouldnt tell you, or that you couldnt pick up the koran and read for yourself.

Offline Shlomo

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« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2008, 11:26:58 PM »
His full name is Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Hussein is a muslim name, which comes from the name of Ali's son - Hussein Ibn Ali. And Obama is named after his late Kenyan father, the late Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. (a muslim).

And while Obama may claim to be Christian, that's not how the arab nazis see it. Under islamic law, if your father is a muslim, so are you. In islamic eyes, Obama is a muslim.

Obama went to Wahabbi (extremist Sunni) Madrassa (islamic religious academy) muslim school. His mother, Anna, married an Indonesian muslim man (Indonesia has the largest islamic population in the world).

And Obama has a "born-again" affinity for the nation of his muslim father, Kenya, and his Kenyan sister. Kenya has engaged in a good deal of religious violence and riots against Christians and Kenyan courts apply Sharia law.

Wrote Turow:

Obama's father died in a traffic accident in Nairobi in 1982, but while Obama was working in Chicago, he met his Kenyan sister, Auma, a linguist educated in Germany who was visiting the United States. When she returned to Kenya in 1986 to teach for a year at the University of Nairobi, Obama finally made the trip to his father's homeland he had long promised himself. There, he managed to fully embrace a heritage and a family he'd never fully known and come to terms with his father, whom he'd long regarded as an august foreign prince, but now realized was a human being burdened by his own illusions and vulnerabilities.

Looks like Hillary Clinton's camp of lunatics agrees and has dug up more info that confirms suspicions about Obama and his muslim background. Even these leftists say Obama is covering up his muslim past.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Just Erica

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« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2008, 11:34:27 PM »
Many Americans have no idea about the dangers of Islam and what they teach...Thus why many can not understand why the Jewish People on this Forum are so against Obama.

I believe in the Three Strike Rule

1.) His Mother was married to TWO Muslim men and raised her son in the Muslim faith for a few years...These years are very formative when dealing with life issues. Any Social Psychologist will tell you that.

You can't tell a person who they should or shouldn't marry simply because you don't like the religion they follow. Barack attended a school that taught of the Muslim faith from the time he was 6-8 years old. Formative years are between the ages of 13 and 17 when the influence of your religion can make or break your child. At 6 you don't retain much more than what he  "REALLY" learned at the school he attended in Indonesia. It wasn't a madraza at all... I dont' know why some of you are thinking that Obama was in this classroom dressed in some kind of military gear chanting obscenities against Jews when all they were playint then were "Duck, Duck, Goose". lol

2.) You are who your friends are...In Psychology and Sociology people ofter gather and associate with like minded people to be a part of a group. Thus if you hang out with people that hate white people and are racist that makes you one as well. If you are not one you will not be a part of that group anymore.

Really? So because I have a best friend who use to be Muslim, I was a musliim also? And because I have white friends, that' makes me white, too? Does that go for my friends with farrets as pets? Am I supposed to have one two? lol

3.) His policy on dealing with Terrorist Leaders and Nations. His immediate family are very much involved in Politics in Africa representing Islamic Ideas and Issues...Obama still is a Native and has citizenship in that nation. You can not tell me he will not be influenced by his family and African Issues on a Personal Level and thus make him Partial to National Security Policy in Africa and Muslim Countries.

I'll bet money that somewhere in my lineage there are Africans who were Muslim. But that doesn't make me a Muslim. That makes me "SOMEONE WHO IS RELATED TO PEOPLE WHO ARE MUSLIM". I know for certain he won't be influenced by his African family ... As a President, he has to learn how to separate personal business from the business at hand, which is running a country. Anyone who would get into office concentrate more on their family (whether near or far) in the public eye needs brain surgery. I mean, look at Dubbyah's Twins.... going on drinking binges and things of that nature. Eventhough I didn't like him as President, he never brought his daughter's personal problems into world issues.

Offline Shlomo

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« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2008, 11:48:22 PM »
Erica, you should read my post.

Just because some muslims are black or Obama is black, doesn't mean you should defend them.

And to think for one moment that none of his past matters is absolute insanity. Do you not think his family and his extremist sunni muslim upbringing (at Wahabbi Madrassa) will effect his decisions on national security and the islamic threat?

When you can get past defending someone over skin color, then perhaps we can have a more educated discussion. Until then, it sounds like you are defending someone evil because of your own insecurities.

As a President, he has to learn how to separate personal business from the business at hand, which is running a country.

That's some very nice sounding idealistic rhetoric but you are saying something this guy "should" do. How many people truly separate personal from business? Let's be honest here. Bush has personal interests in oil... doesn't look like he took this "higher road". No one truly separates the two... ever.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 11:54:09 PM by Shlomo »
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline KansasJew

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« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2008, 12:01:54 AM »
Actually Depending on which Psychologist you speak too. Nature vs Nuture debate these years (6-8) social skills and concrete thinking is starting to be more involved.

And additionally he was not totally taught Islam at the school. His home life would have to be 100 percent Islamic...24 hours a day 7 days a week being fed Islam and the Muslim way of life....

And yes who your friends are says a lot about who YOU are. Race has nothing to do with it...Your likes, dislikes, opinions and goals are what makes you who you are.

And anybody that says that you can separate your personal life from your work is fooling only themselves...I have worked in many areas.....Law Enforcement, Nursing, Military, Restaraunts, Your Personal Life does affect your day to day operation and thus your line of work is affected. 
Remember there has to be strong silent men on the walls at night to protect the people. Be Strong but not aggressive. Be Peaceful but not weak. Defend the Jewish People at all cost.

Offline Cyberella

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« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2008, 01:05:06 AM »
In islam when your father is muslim YOU are muslim.
Obamas father IS a muslim, therefore HE is a muslim. (Not my rules, those are islamic rules)
IF he left islam then he is an APOSTATE, subject to death under islamic law.
Islam is the hotel california of "religion", he can check out any time he likes, but he can never leave.
The "church" he attends is a farce and cover up, G-d forbid he is elected, the mask will come off and we will see exactly how much of a muslim he is, or at the very least how much he sympathizes with them against us.

You are absolutely right. Islamic law says you cannot leave.

Why is it so hard for Muslim to become a Christian or join with another religion?
Mohammed said, “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” (Hadith Al Buhkari vol. 9:57)
This command is practiced in almost all Islamic Fundamentalist countries today.

Hussein Obama tells us in his books of his admiration for Islam.
How d*mn plain does he have to make it??

Quote from Barack Obama's book, Dreams Of My Father:
"The person who made me proudest of all, though, was [half brother] Roy .. He converted to Islam."

From 'Dreams of my Father', "In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school"
"I studied the Koran.."

From 'Audacity of Hope: "Lolo (Obama's step father) followed a brand of Islam ...."I looked to Lolo for guidance".

From 'The Audacity Of Hope, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

And indeed he has! He has already been interfering in his father's native country's  politics (imagine what he'd drag the U.S. into if he were president!).  He went to Kenya and made speeches in support of his terrorist cousin, Odinga- who had made a pact with Muslims to force Islam on the country if elected, and was behind the terrorist activities such as burning a Christian church with 50 people inside.

Obama's older brother still lives there. Abongo "Roy" Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture." He urges his younger brother to embrace his African heritage

"Nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people".
Barack Hussein Obama
He later tried to revise history by insisting he had said "Nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people from the failure of the Palestinian leadership". However, the well-respected and the Des Moines Register newspaper (which has an audio record) dispute Obama's "redo".

The jew-hating, pro-Islamic  United Trinity Church of Christ is a 'cover'.

I definately think we should get him on all this.

Just Erica

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« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2008, 04:35:03 AM »
Erica, you should read my post.

Just because some muslims are black or Obama is black, doesn't mean you should defend them.

And to think for one moment that none of his past matters is absolute insanity. Do you not think his family and his extremist sunni muslim upbringing (at Wahabbi Madrassa) will effect his decisions on national security and the islamic threat?

When you can get past defending someone over skin color, then perhaps we can have a more educated discussion. Until then, it sounds like you are defending someone evil because of your own insecurities.

As a President, he has to learn how to separate personal business from the business at hand, which is running a country.

That's some very nice sounding idealistic rhetoric but you are saying something this guy "should" do. How many people truly separate personal from business? Let's be honest here. Bush has personal interests in oil... doesn't look like he took this "higher road". No one truly separates the two... ever.
I'm not defending him because of his color. I'm defending him because you keep picking at him being a Muslim at 8 years old.. the man is 45 (or so) years old. Are you worried about the candidate who is a Mormon, promoting (stereotypically) bigamy...or even polygamy? No, you're not. So you pick on a black man (who most of you dont' want to do ANYTHING good simply because he's black. When Jesse and Al ran for President, I wasn't old enough to vote but I know clowns when I see them so I wouldn't have voted. If i really voted because someone is black, I would have voted for Carol Moseley Braun just because she's black. But I didn't want her to be President...and obviously no one else did either...she didn't even make it to the Primaries.

So dont' assume that just because I'm black that I'm going to vote for someone whose black. I voted for Clinton, Kerry AND Gore. 3 WHITE MEN.

Get your facts straight. Anyone who votes because of race is an idiot and should have their voting rights stripped from them.

Offline RationalThought110

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« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2008, 05:39:14 AM »
So you're attempting to label those who oppose Obama's candidacy, racists who have contempt for any politician who is Black? 

Just Erica

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« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2008, 06:48:47 AM »
So you're attempting to label those who oppose Obama's candidacy, racists who have contempt for any politician who is Black? 

I'm not attempting to do anything. I'm saying that some of you have racist views when it comes to Obama's candidacy ...calling him a "black" muslim ...emphasising "black" and capitalizing on his being muslim as a child who had no control over picking his religion. He's clearly  a grown man who has exercised his right to choose which religion he wants to worship in. Then you call him a racist? And for what? The man is biracial...or did you miss that bit of information?

Not voting for him because of his policies is one thing and totally ETA *replacing unacceptable with acceptable (unacceptable came to mind because your attitude towards the man being black.* ...not voting for him because he's a black man whose dad was Muslim, mom was white, and because he has an African family line is racist.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2008, 02:17:06 PM by Just Erica »

Offline KansasJew

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« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2008, 07:35:16 AM »
Here is a bit of shocking news.

Everyone of us including Erica has prejudices towards people, food, groups, ethical and religious ideologies.

And the one thing I always find interesting is if you stand up against someone that is a "Muslim" your immediately branded a racist. I could care less if he is black. I am against his background as a politician...I am concerned about his connections to Islam as a potential leader of the USA....If you do not care about his connections to Africa and Islam.

Your a an example of what is wrong with this nation as a whole. No One cares where you come from to see what you will be in the future.

That is the Bottome line...He can be white and I would still be against him due to his upbringing. You keep bringing up the race card...I am against his connections and history...If you do not learn from history you are doomed to repeat mistake that others have done.
Remember there has to be strong silent men on the walls at night to protect the people. Be Strong but not aggressive. Be Peaceful but not weak. Defend the Jewish People at all cost.


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« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2008, 09:31:31 AM »
Here is a bit of shocking news.

Everyone of us including Erica has prejudices towards people, food, groups, ethical and religious ideologies.

And the one thing I always find interesting is if you stand up against someone that is a "Muslim" your immediately branded a racist. I could care less if he is black. I am against his background as a politician...I am concerned about his connections to Islam as a potential leader of the USA....If you do not care about his connections to Africa and Islam.

Your a an example of what is wrong with this nation as a whole. No One cares where you come from to see what you will be in the future.

That is the Bottome line...He can be white and I would still be against him due to his upbringing. You keep bringing up the race card...I am against his connections and history...If you do not learn from history you are doomed to repeat mistake that others have done.

I couldnt agree more!  I could care less if a muslim is white, black, brown, yellow, gray, or pink with green polka dots....a muslim is dangerous in any color.  Even if he isnt a practicing muslim, having sympathies towards them and saying he would talk with islamic leaders to "find out their needs" (give me a call obama I can tell you what their "needs" are in 10 min) doesnt give me a feeling of security...I want to hear how the borders will be protected, how illegals will be tossed out, how he will deal with the REAL threat of islamic terror, etc.  If his muslim upbringing was not a big deal then why doesnt he want to talk about it....because he KNOWS that Americans will NOT put a muslim in power.
As for me, I would vote for a black canidate IF he or she were a true conservative republican and was strong on the points that are important to me.....obama is not that fact the republican running isnt that person, this election we have crap and more crap to choose from.


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« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2008, 09:44:50 AM »
Anyone who even thinks of negotiating with muSSlim leaders is dangerous!

(muSSlims): "You will obey us and institute sharia in your country".

(appeaser); "Ah, yep see......"

Doesn't work. It's like negotiating with child mollesters.

Just Erica

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« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2008, 02:19:58 PM »
Here is a bit of shocking news.

Everyone of us including Erica has prejudices towards people, food, groups, ethical and religious ideologies.

And the one thing I always find interesting is if you stand up against someone that is a "Muslim" your immediately branded a racist. I could care less if he is black. I am against his background as a politician...I am concerned about his connections to Islam as a potential leader of the USA....If you do not care about his connections to Africa and Islam.

Your a an example of what is wrong with this nation as a whole. No One cares where you come from to see what you will be in the future.

That is the Bottome line...He can be white and I would still be against him due to his upbringing. You keep bringing up the race card...I am against his connections and history...If you do not learn from history you are doomed to repeat mistake that others have done.
And if he becomes president and doesn't do any of the crap you say he's going to do to "bring the country down" I hope you'll then reflect on your negative judgement call. If not,I'd expect you to do nothing but what you've been doing...try to find something else to demonize him on. What's next? His  hair is too short?

Just Erica

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« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2008, 02:22:56 PM »
Here is a bit of shocking news.

Everyone of us including Erica has prejudices towards people, food, groups, ethical and religious ideologies.

And the one thing I always find interesting is if you stand up against someone that is a "Muslim" your immediately branded a racist. I could care less if he is black. I am against his background as a politician...I am concerned about his connections to Islam as a potential leader of the USA....If you do not care about his connections to Africa and Islam.

Your a an example of what is wrong with this nation as a whole. No One cares where you come from to see what you will be in the future.

That is the Bottome line...He can be white and I would still be against him due to his upbringing. You keep bringing up the race card...I am against his connections and history...If you do not learn from history you are doomed to repeat mistake that others have done.

I couldnt agree more!  I could care less if a muslim is white, black, brown, yellow, gray, or pink with green polka dots....a muslim is dangerous in any color.  Even if he isnt a practicing muslim, having sympathies towards them and saying he would talk with islamic leaders to "find out their needs" (give me a call obama I can tell you what their "needs" are in 10 min) doesnt give me a feeling of security...I want to hear how the borders will be protected, how illegals will be tossed out, how he will deal with the REAL threat of islamic terror, etc.  If his muslim upbringing was not a big deal then why doesnt he want to talk about it....because he KNOWS that Americans will NOT put a muslim in power.
As for me, I would vote for a black canidate IF he or she were a true conservative republican and was strong on the points that are important to me.....obama is not that fact the republican running isnt that person, this election we have crap and more crap to choose from.
That's the thing about being one-sided... you surely have that right. But you can't possibly think that just because you have conservative views that everyone should share your views. I don't  dilute myself into thinking that any of you will become more open-minded because it's not in you to be that way. But I dont' bash you for being conservative either.

Offline Shlomo

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« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2008, 02:48:58 PM »
And if he becomes president and doesn't do any of the crap you say he's going to do to "bring the country down" I hope you'll then reflect on your negative judgement call. If not,I'd expect you to do nothing but what you've been doing...try to find something else to demonize him on. What's next? His  hair is too short?

Are you serious?

I hope he NEVER becomes president, and if he does, G-d forbid, and screws this country royally and turns against Israel... I hope you reflect on your intellectual dishonesty and how JTF was 100% correct AGAIN... because JTF has always been 100% correct on predictions and that's a pretty darn good track record.

His hair too short?? What on EARTH does that have to do with his muslim background and his disdain for Jews and Israel?? TOTALLY different issues there... one is the way the moron looks and the other has to do with life or death. That argument is about the worst argument I've seen in a while... it doesn't even make sense.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Just Erica

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« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2008, 02:55:11 PM »
And if he becomes president and doesn't do any of the crap you say he's going to do to "bring the country down" I hope you'll then reflect on your negative judgement call. If not,I'd expect you to do nothing but what you've been doing...try to find something else to demonize him on. What's next? His  hair is too short?

Are you serious?

I hope he NEVER becomes president, and if he does, G-d forbid, and screws this country royally and turns against Israel... I hope you reflect on your intellectual dishonesty and how JTF was 100% correct AGAIN... because JTF has always been 100% correct on predictions and that's a pretty darn good track record.

His hair too short?? What on EARTH does that have to do with his muslim background and his disdain for Jews and Israel?? TOTALLY different issues there... one is the way the moron looks and the other has to do with life or death. That argument is about the worst argument I've seen in a while... it doesn't even make sense.
It was a sarcastic question. When he proves you all wrong, what will you bash him on next? I know that the hair thing is stupid's really as stupid as this thread is. Playing soothsayser by looking at a picture, determining that Michelle and Barack aren't happy or a powerhouse  couple. Just more diggs.

Offline Shlomo

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« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2008, 03:02:30 PM »
Erica, let me ask you this... when has any Kahanist prediction ever been wrong?

You are saying "when" and you should had said "if". I still think you are defending this terrible excuse for human excrement because he is black and that is so typical and wrong.

Tell me... what are his "plans" for saving this country?
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Just Erica

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« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2008, 03:17:00 PM »
Erica, let me ask you this... when has any Kahanist prediction ever been wrong?

You are saying "when" and you should had said "if". I still think you are defending this terrible excuse for human excrement because he is black and that is so typical and wrong.

Tell me... what are his "plans" for saving this country?
I could also say the same about Hillary and John McCain... they both have "when" and "if" hovering over their heads now. And what you THINK, isn't true. And this is how I know that you'll never except anything I say. I JUST said not long ago that people who vote for candidates because they're black need to have their voter's registration cards revoked. I wasn't lying about that. That's just as bad as the KKK voting for a candidate just because they're white...its a wasted vote. I take voting seriously. I'm not a 'race' voter.

I agree with his policies on freedom of choice, gay adoption, stem cell research, and education reform. What will really make me vote for him in November  is if he decides to do away with the Affirmative Action title and REALLY make seeking a job, education and such an equal playing field.


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« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2008, 03:34:33 PM »

I agree with his policies on freedom of choice, gay adoption, stem cell research, and education reform. What will really make me vote for him in November  is if he decides to do away with the Affirmative Action title and REALLY make seeking a job, education and such an equal playing field.

So you think kids should grow up around two men who sodomise each other and eat each others' faeces????

You're sick!

Just Erica

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« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2008, 05:23:26 PM »

I agree with his policies on freedom of choice, gay adoption, stem cell research, and education reform. What will really make me vote for him in November  is if he decides to do away with the Affirmative Action title and REALLY make seeking a job, education and such an equal playing field.

So you think kids should grow up around two men who sodomise each other and eat each others' faeces????

You're sick!
No, newman. You're the sick one. You take homosexuality and turn it into an animalistic action when it isn't like that at all. You equate homeosexuals with pedophile....that's okay. People like you make that mistake every day. Just because two men and two women want to share their lives with each other and ulitmately raise kids together doesn't mean they're going to be having gay orgies in front of them. Gay couples adopt all of the children that some heterosexuals pick over because of physical deformaties, emotional or mental problems and even babies with AIDS. I'm glad they care. But for you to make this subject a "Perv Alert" everytime is actually quite trife.

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« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2008, 06:13:41 PM »
As a Nurse by Trade many people are very ignorant about the actual sexual practices of those involved in homosexual relationships. There is more going on behind closed doors than most people realize. I can tell you first hand the actual practices I have heard and studied on it would make you shiver.

I will tell you this Judaism and Christianity does not recongize Homosexual relationships as wholesome and benefical to the community and the world.

But I went on a rabbit trail....WHY would anyone take a chance on the "maybe" situation in electing an offical. If you know something is wrong shout it from the rooftops.
Remember there has to be strong silent men on the walls at night to protect the people. Be Strong but not aggressive. Be Peaceful but not weak. Defend the Jewish People at all cost.