Author Topic: Who is Mia T?  (Read 1026 times)

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Offline SaveJudeaandSamaria

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Who is Mia T?
« on: February 14, 2008, 01:43:30 PM »
There is someone named Mia T who is seriously active in making sure Hillary does not become president. She has a site called, where she has a bunch of excellent videos and articles defaming her.

She also has on that site an astounding open letter to people like David Geffen and Maureen Dowd, dated December 7th, 2005 and posted on, that calls for them to find someone that can stand up to Hillary in 2008 (read it- it's crisp and fascinating - or

Is it a coincidence that last year Obama's campaign was jumpstarted by a cocktail party organized by David Geffen and  Steven Spielberg  (the Dreamworks people), and that Geffen told Maureen Dowd in an interview that "Everybody in politics lies, but they [the Clintons] do it with such ease, it's troubling." ? (Full story here -

And what do these left wing Jewish Hollywood millionaires like Geffen and Spielberg (and Katzenberg, etc.) stand for, anyway? Are they any good at all? Maybe they are simply trying to promote Obama to ensure that Hillary doesn't win?

I know some facts: Spielberg produced the movie Munich - which I still cannot decide whether it showed a positive image of Israel or not. On the one hand it did show how the main characters were morally superior to the Arab scumbag terrorists of Munich, and how they felt dehumanized by having to go around and kill the perpetrators, and on the other hand it depicted the Mossad operatives to be pretty evil-looking (which is not completely untrue by the way). I do have a feeling though, that Spielberg has some kind of an affinity for Israel and Zionism - after all Munich had already been produced in the past, so why do it again?

I know also that David Geffen donated money to help both Russian Jews and Ethiopian Jews in Israel in the early 90's.

So what do we make of this whole Obama - Clinton thing? Which one of them outworsens which? And who's more on our side?

Also, McCain constantly says how he's best buddies with Clinton - isn't that a little disconcerting, assuming that Hillary is a nightmare for America (and doesn't that mean that McCain is too, by extension)?

... And who in the world is Mia T ?

Does anybody know the answer to any of these questions?
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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Who is Mia T?
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 07:10:54 AM »
I wait hate to say this, but Hilterly seems like an angel next to Obama.

I would rather get rid fo hillary if she becomes teh demoncrat nominee...right now, fighting against her, helps Obama.
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