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Ask Newman

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--- Quote from: OdKahaneChai on February 15, 2008, 03:41:54 PM ---
--- Quote from: Merkava on February 15, 2008, 03:41:05 PM ---Dear Newman,

If a man is born with three testicles, does that make him more of a man ?

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From a common sense and a biological standpoint, no.

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Any relation to Paul?


--- Quote from: Ari on February 18, 2008, 10:40:56 PM ---Any relation to Paul?

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A friend and I, a long time ago, developed a "stupid test."  You go up to someone, and ask them if they know who Paul Newman is.

 If they say, "Isn't he that actor?," and/or name a movie, they're decently smart.

If they've heard of him, but they don't know from where, they at least have some sort of a brain.

If they've never heard of him, they're pretty average.

And if they say, "Izint he dat guy on da McDonal's dressin'?," it's pretty self-explanatory.

Tina Greco - Melbourne:
Will Newmanland have its own flag? If so what will it be?


--- Quote from: Skippy on February 19, 2008, 12:25:45 AM ---Will Newmanland have its own flag? If so what will it be?

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Two crossed assault rifles with a human middle finger flipping 'the bird' underneath.


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