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Ask Newman

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--- Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on February 19, 2008, 03:22:58 AM ---Dear Newman,
Does your "ask Newman" thread have any rules? IE, if someone asks you a question and you answer and ask another, would you absolutely require that the asker answer all of your questions no matter what?

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That depends.

I am a tyrant and a despot and likely to make rules up as I go.


--- Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on February 19, 2008, 03:28:10 AM ---Oh! LOL.
What's that word you use? piking? piked? I don't remember  :'(
I've never heard of that word.

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I try to Americanise my posts but sometimes an Aussie or Brit one gets through the net.

Piking out means 'whimp out' or 'back down' in that context.

There are some funny differences in our uses of English.

The funniest is the word 'fanny'. To americans it means butt. In Australia and Britain , 'fanny' is slang for vagina! There have been some hysterical moments when after a long and uncomfortable journey an American female tourist starts up at full volume about how sore her 'fanny' is. :::D


--- Quote from: ~*Mills*~ on February 19, 2008, 03:41:34 AM ---

WOW! A few years ago there was an exercise program called the "Fanny Lifter"  ::) It was on TV. LOL.

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That couldn't be on TV here. Everyone would either cackle hysterically or blush.

JTF has changed you a lot Newman. Do you see it in yourself?


--- Quote from: Sarah on February 19, 2008, 04:30:30 AM ---JTF has changed you a lot Newman. Do you see it in yourself?

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Yes. I'm much better for being in it. :)


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