many jews in left wing modern orthodox communities (And maybe reform and conservative and non orthodox) are masons. It is just a social old boys network. I knew a member who was about 40 though
There is a question about higher up..
I have a relative who is very high up, he has a special robe. He is a very upstanding guy, so that makes me think that perhaps 85% of members cannot possibly be in on conspiracies.
My dad was invited, but declined.. Another relative who is very high up in the jewish community, was invited, but declined. (he said he has enough ritual already, with judaism, and he does not want to had to do anymore!!!!!)
I knew a guy who would go to masonic meetings. Once for a joke he said look, you can read all about it. He showed his diary, it was written in some strange script or language, so only a mason could read it!
I have heard, from chamish i think, that arafat was a mason. And that they have some kind of theology