I dont know but something is really wrong here. If Israel went to war to get back these captured soldiers and to stop the rocket attacks then what have we really achieved?.. Nothing. - No captured troops back and continuing mortar fire from the Islamic terrorists.
Why?- because our enemy hides behind civilians EVERY TIME! and tries to court further international condemnation by firing on Isrealis from behind civilians; getting Isrealis to fire back and pointing to the Jews as the murderers. What is really freaky here is that these animals, these scum, would have their own families targeted by hiding behind them in a war.... OMG!
That message should be the one that Israel bangs on about again and again to the world press; as it is pure evil and the palestinian terrorists who utilise this cowardly tactic do not deserve any rights under international law. They must all be taken out and if they want to hide behind their civilain families then so be it. They are not worth one Jewish life for doing this.
Let us not forget those poor and desperate Israeli soldiers who were captured so many months ago and then became a cause celebre for a few weeks!-
They are still not home to their families! What is the Israeli government doing about it? We have to fight against a people and an Ideology - (Islam) that has no mercy for anyone, even their own kind!
Do not back down...do not give an inch of land, get the Israeli soldiers home... execute palestinain terrorists and bomb their strongholds... NEVER give in or we will loose Israel to the barbaric Islamist scum.