Author Topic: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"  (Read 3598 times)

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"We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« on: February 20, 2008, 05:46:33 AM »
Re: Katrina and it's aftermath:

The social implications of a disaster situation. 

.  Feedback from my contacts in the LSP and other agencies is very worrying. They keep harping on the fact that the "underclass" that's doing all the looting is almost exclusively Black and inner-city in composition. The remarks they're reporting include such statements as "I'm ENTITLED to this stuff!", "This is payback time for all Whitey's done to us", and "This is reparations for slavery!". Also, they're blaming the present confused disaster-relief situation on racism "Fo sho, if Whitey wuz sittin' here in tha Dome waitin' for help, no way would he be waitin' like we is!" No, I'm not making up these comments... they are as reported by my buddies. This worries me very much. If we have such a divide in consciousness among our city residents, then when we hit a SHTF situation, we're likely to be accused of racism, paternalism, oppression, and all sorts of other crimes just because we want to preserve law and order. If we, as individuals and families, provide for our own needs in emergency, and won't share with others (whether they're of another race or not) because we don't have enough to go round, we're likely to be accused of racism rather than pragmatism, and taking things from us can (and probably will) be justified as "Whitey getting his just desserts". I'm absolutely not a racist, but the racial implications of the present situation are of great concern to me. The likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the "reparations for slavery" brigade appear to have so polarized inner-city opinion that these folks are (IMHO) no longer capable of rational thought concerning such issues as looting, disaster relief, etc.

Offline Angry Panther

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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2008, 07:08:18 PM »
Interesting story about New Orleans, when my mother arrived there by train about 8 years ago, she was staying in a hotel across the street from the Amtrak station, she had to take a taxi from the station to the hotel (about a 25 second taxi ride) because the streets were so unsafe. She told me the streets were filled with blacks and they hustled her into the hotel and locked the door of the hotel very quickly. The next morning the same procedure only in reverse.


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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2008, 08:22:49 PM »
Interesting story about New Orleans, when my mother arrived there by train about 8 years ago, she was staying in a hotel across the street from the Amtrak station, she had to take a taxi from the station to the hotel (about a 25 second taxi ride) because the streets were so unsafe. She told me the streets were filled with blacks and they hustled her into the hotel and locked the door of the hotel very quickly. The next morning the same procedure only in reverse.

It's a city full of apes with an ape in charge. White people must move out of black cities and leave them to rot. Only then will the sheeple see the reality.

Offline fjack

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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 08:24:29 AM »
This is common in all places where blacks live. This is no surprise. When obamination squarts in the white house he will make mayor of new orleans the head of homeland security.

Offline spiritus_persona

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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2008, 10:28:52 PM »
We should just abandon big cities like D.C. and see what happens in 3 years.  D.C. is already very black and if a black guy becomes president, he's going to turn Iowa or another farm state into a major urban crime-ridden hellpool.
Me: Muslims get offended too easily.
Muslim: What!?  That is an outrage!  Take that back or I kill you!


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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2008, 10:37:17 PM »
We should just abandon big cities like D.C. and see what happens in 3 years.  D.C. is already very black and if a black guy becomes president, he's going to turn Iowa or another farm state into a major urban crime-ridden hellpool.
I'm with you. The middle class whites should abandon black cities. Leave them to go to rack & ruin like Detroit so the liberals who remain will suffer. It doesn't matter what spin the liberal media put on it. If half a dozen cities become hell holes due to white flight, the sheeple in the rest of the country will get the picture loud and clear.


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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2008, 10:38:45 PM »
I could understand taking food, baby supplies, even shoes in the case of a disaster like that, but I fail to see how taking a 52" plasma TV is going to help you survive a flood ::)  They were stealing just to steal, not to survive.


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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2008, 10:42:59 PM »
I could understand taking food, baby supplies, even shoes in the case of a disaster like that, but I fail to see how taking a 52" plasma TV is going to help you survive a flood ::)  They were stealing just to steal, not to survive.

It's all BS and excuse making. Like being poor as a kid results in pack-raping women in Central Park! They are murderous, raping savages by choice.
.........The remarks they're reporting include such statements as "I'm ENTITLED to this stuff!", "This is payback time for all Whitey's done to us", and "This is reparations for slavery!". ........

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2008, 11:38:56 PM »
In the Deep South, whites have redefined "progress" and "growth".

Whites flee the downtowns, move out into the suburbs and build new suburbs to accommodate more whites...malls, etc...

They turn the downtown over to the 3rd worlder types, who destroy it and make it a very dangerous place to be.

Then, thanks to the Civil Rights Laws, eventually a few Negroes start shopping at the white neighborhood malls, and soon enough a few of them rent apartments in those areas.

Soon enough, critical mass is reached...more and more Negroes come into the white enclaves, and at the malls & villages rapes, robberies, burglaries, crime of all sorts start to grow, especially as Negroes start to buy houses and fill up apartment areas.

So, then the whites move out into the country twenty or thirty miles away, build all new suburbs, schools, malls, houses, and apartments.

And then the same cycle repeats and repeats.

No longer does research and development, inventions and scientific discovery fuel the economic engine of "progress" and "growth".

Today, the sum total of "progress" and "growth" is defined as the financing of new neighborhoods, malls, churches, hospitals, and living places, and the consequent salaries and opportunities presented to those in the business of constructing them and governing them.

In other words, Whitey keeps on a' runnin' away from the darkies, and the cost of runnin' is called "economic upturn".

Sad way to run a civilization, if you ask me!


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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2008, 11:52:00 PM »
In the Deep South, whites have redefined "progress" and "growth".

Whites flee the downtowns, move out into the suburbs and build new suburbs to accommodate more whites...malls, etc...

They turn the downtown over to the 3rd worlder types, who destroy it and make it a very dangerous place to be.

Then, thanks to the Civil Rights Laws, eventually a few Negroes start shopping at the white neighborhood malls, and soon enough a few of them rent apartments in those areas.

Soon enough, critical mass is reached...more and more Negroes come into the white enclaves, and at the malls & villages rapes, robberies, burglaries, crime of all sorts start to grow, especially as Negroes start to buy houses and fill up apartment areas.

So, then the whites move out into the country twenty or thirty miles away, build all new suburbs, schools, malls, houses, and apartments.

And then the same cycle repeats and repeats.

No longer does research and development, inventions and scientific discovery fuel the economic engine of "progress" and "growth".

Today, the sum total of "progress" and "growth" is defined as the financing of new neighborhoods, malls, churches, hospitals, and living places, and the consequent salaries and opportunities presented to those in the business of constructing them and governing them.

In other words, Whitey keeps on a' runnin' away from the darkies, and the cost of runnin' is called "economic upturn".

Sad way to run a civilization, if you ask me!

They follow whites from country to country too. The blacks ask whitey to leave THEIR countries in africa and elsewhere. Whitey leaves and soon the black discovers he's in a backward hole with no opportunities so he moves to the whitey's country.

Wherever people who invent, create, build and invest go............the parasites follow.

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2008, 11:43:26 AM »
This is common in all places where blacks live. This is no surprise. When obamination squarts in the white house he will make mayor of new orleans the head of homeland security.

Rush Limbaugh had it right when he referred to the mayor as "Nay-ger" instead of "Nagin"

Offline fjack

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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2008, 03:01:41 PM »
When you look at the news and you see that the mexicraps have infested white locals in rural areas, it is due to the fact that not even the lowest of the low from mexicrap to south crapland does not want to live with the blacks. Look at hoprah and any african with a little piece of change, the first thing they do is to 'flee' the hood far away from their beloved bros and hos. You can also see the trend in the hell hole of africa, one tribe does not want to live with another tribe. They cannot even stand each other in their own 'homeland'. Yet, when whites flee the black and brown hordes he is called all the names in the world by tolerant and commie loving white trash self haters.

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Re: "We has a right to steal dis stuff, ummm hmmm!"
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2008, 03:30:22 PM »
It is a very heartwarming to see Jtf-ers agreeing on these points.

I think in the USA abandonning cities, and letting them rot is the best technique to save the European-americans from the parasites.

It reminds me of the "terre brulée" technique of the Russians.

Maybe we should abandon those cities, and sabotage them, so it becomes a mouse-trap.

However, I'm in Europe, and here it is not possible to flee anywhere and rebuild, it is too small.

We need to keep isolate the muzzy nieghbourhoods, and to declare the state of emergency, marshall law, and arrest all people of muzz-origin, and deport them to the Sahara-desert.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.