There are lots of blacks far more qualified and worthy of the Presidential office than Mr. Barack "THE CRACK" Obama. One gentleman who immediately comes to mind is the extremely esteemed Mr. Gary Coleman. Why Gary Coleman you ask?! Well, for starters, because Gary Coleman wears the two American flags neatly embroidered on the shoulders of his minimum wage earning security guard uniform shirt with far more PATRIOTISM, LOVE FOR COUNTRY and SINCERE DIGNITY than Barack "THE CRACK" Obama could ever muster the strength and integrity to do in a million lifetimes... I believe this great nation could benefit much more from having a black man like Mr. Coleman in office, a black man who once "had it all" then "lost is all" (due to his parents stealing it from him)-- and then picked himself up and went on to live a productive life with dignity, than putting in an overly privileged, spoiled, narcissistic, self centered, self absorbed "CRACK HEAD" severely addicted to illicit sexual acts of depravity like Barack "THE CRACK" Obama clearly is... I'm sure that anyone of "unbiased" and "rational" mind would have to whole-heartingly agree with that logical and convervative assessment of the situation. You want a spoiled, overly privileged black President on CRACK or a strong-willed, dignified black man who worked hard and earned his life back? You decide. I firmly believe the proper choice is obvious......