Ok, Erica... you say a lot of words that make no sense at all, are all over the map, never seem to answer the question, and have few organized thoughts... but that's ok. A lot of simple people don't have many thoughts. I'm not going to judge.
YES, I judged hillary because I actually have a basis by which to judge her on. I've seen her in action. She's using her husband's terms in office to gain votes and she's being vendictive and quite immature in this campaign. I don't judge what I don't know. I judge by what I'm being proven...by actions, not by thoughts.
Interesting... that's interesting because
we judge Obama for his actions. So exactly how is Hillary being vindictive and immature? I'd like some solid facts please... since that's what you judge on and all. Since you just don't judge on what you don't know.
And when was the exact moment you were proven using facts (and not what someone says - especially the person himself because that would be incredibly biased) that Obama was never a muslim? What was the pure scientific non-biased evidence that put you over the edge on this matter? I'm sure everyone here would like to hear!
Please... have the floor. Explain. We need some facts though... only facts. Not what people (especially the person in question!) say. Let's break this down.
I DID vote for Bill, Sporty. lol I don't like what he says and I have every right NOT TO like what he says. He's a completely different person out of office.
I am very glad you think I'm "Sporty".
But weren't you just SURE ol' Bill wouldn't let you down? Kind of like you are SURE obama won't let you down?
What if... and this is a big if here... what if Obama was different in his campaign and on TV than he was in real life? Do you ever consider that he might lie every long once in a while? If not and you think he's telling the truth 100% without any question at all, I'd really like a fact or two since you don't judge on what you don't know.
Really... please... some facts. Again... because you kind of have to be asked and told the same thing over and over again since you never really answer the questions and talk in circles because you can't really come up with anything that actually contains logic, reason, or human decency. Prove me wrong. Let's see those hard facts... again... for the more simple thinking... since you don't judge on what you don't know. You must have lived with him or grown up with him or SOMETHING that you saw with your own eyes that wasn't on TV!
Actually, he has campaigned for Hillary more than Michelle and even Mccain's wife.
I'm sorry, but I find this to be untrue... since all of them have campaigned non-stop... and one person doesn't have more time between weeks than another. But if you would like to argue... any fact would help. Just a fact since you, obviously, don't judge on what you don't know.
Oprah endorsed Obama... and invested a lot of money to his campaign, too. Good for him! But guess what? It's not because he's black. It's because he's a good candidate.
That's amazing how you KNOW this! Seeing that Oprah never endorsed a presidential candidate before in her life... and now she's actually giving money to this one. What part of Obama's campaign does she find her common ground? Please... just a fact would be nice. Why actually does the very objective Oprah... the "I love every book and movie where almost all men severely abuse women and all women are always innocent (except Hillary) and a victim and so are all black people"... love Obama so deeply?
It wouldn't happen to be that Oprah likes Obama so much and it's a very strange coincidence that both are black? Have you ever noticed that you can't find many black people that don't just absolutely love Obama? Isn't that a weird coincidence? Since none of them are racists?
No one is forcing you to vote for him.
WHEW! Thank goodness! That would be against my rights.
But I'll vote for whomever I want. If I gave a damn about what color someone was , I wouldn't be on this site right now yucking it up with you.
Please... be respectful to the rules of the forum. I don't tolerate cursing. It's not very "Christian like".
Have fun 
Actually... I am kind of having fun.