You're really afraid that there'll be an eminent end to white people everywhere.
In every white nation, even in those in which whites are the indigenous people, whites are in decline. Massive nonwhite immigration into Europe and other white countries is one of the biggest problems. Race mixing makes the problem worse, especially when it's as rampant a problem as it currently is.
Whites are in serious danger as our nations are taken from us and our people's numbers shrink year after year.
I'm a minority and I'm no more dead than you are. If the 17% of blacks that reside in America today took on your idea of doom and gloom, we'd all be running back to Africa to be with people our own color.
I wouldn't object to that.

However, one thing you don't seem to get that as a minority in a white nation, you are protected. Whites are compassionate. We care for people who aren't our own and try to make sure that all people, even minorities, are treated fairly.
Do you think the Chinese would give a crap about "minority rights" if they took over a place? Do you think the Arabs would? How do you think whites are treated in black ghettos or Mexican barrios? Whites as a group are suicidally being so altruistic and helpful to other races and forgetting to protect our own interests.
Don't even think for a moment that "AA" programs and such would exist to help whites if whites were to become the minority.
We're not doing that, are we? You make up 80% of the U.S's population. Preserve your race, Ruby...I won't fault you for that. We all have a right to. But I dont' think it's up to you to say that Blacks need to go here.. whites' over here...Asians over there...It's like being in a high school cafeteria where everyone makes themselves unaccessible. I guess that's segregation for you.
There were some bad things about segregation, such as the "separate but equal" facilities not really being of equal quality. I believe however that the problems with segregation could have been repaired to make it a more fair system, without doing away with segregation itself.
Whites were FORCED to integrate with people they were incompatible with at the point of a gun.
Nobody is going to care more about you than your own people. Everyone deserves to live among their own in their own nations with people who look like them, share their values, and form a cohesive community.
Whites don't deserve to have their cities full of criminal non-whites, or to be forced to keep fleeing from places we established. First we fled to the suburbs, now we're fleeing to the Northwest in droves, and eventually we'll have nowhere to run to. Then what do you think? Whites will either have to die or fight, and I'm more inclined to do the latter, if there are enough left to resist.