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Until Shiloh Comes:

--- Quote from: jewishron on August 30, 2006, 10:09:57 PM --- They are a disgrace too and are using all of you to suppport their filthy habbits in the name of justice and they are using your bank accounts to do it> you are suckers if you give money to them!

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Hello, and good day to you.

You insult folks who give money to JTF?  What other American organization directly support the activities of the last noble Bible-believing Torah true Jews in Israel?   You're statement on intermarriage is likewise anathema to any Torah true Jew, and you should reconsider your beliefs and views, which seem to be more secular then religious.

Good luck to you, and G-dspeed.

Joe Gutfeld:
It's dopes like this one that votes for Hilary Clinton and that arab who is running for pres. in 2008.


--- Quote from: jewishron on August 30, 2006, 10:09:57 PM ---GOODBYE! I am done wasting my time with the morons on this forum. To anyone who has used the terms "self hating jew", schvartza, faggot, dyke and so on, You are a disgrace to all Jews and are in serious need of a re-education!  If the JTF condones this They are a disgrace too and are using all of you to suppport their filthy habbits in the name of justice and they are using your bank accounts to do it> you are suckers if you give money to them!

I am leaving as the entertainment value of your stupidity has come full circle. 


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Firstly, "Those who cannot debate...defame"- Rabbi Meir Kahane, Zecher tzadik livracha.  Secondly, what is this about "re-education" are we now in Soviet, "social engineering" Russia?  Perhaps your Skinnerian "education"...oops psychological conditioning from the lengthy studies on rats and other animals has actually programmed your brain to become DUMBED DOWN.  Have you not heard of, nor honor the concept of "Free Speech"?  To you, I suppose "Same Sex Marriage" is acceptable?  Perhaps Homosexuality is a righteous example of morality?  Dear Judenrot "Ignorance and arrogance are the poisons of the Liberal mind"- Ibid.

You are not only an ignoramus but an embarrassment to any open minded and thinking individual, especially Jewish… 

I may not know how much a bunch of 9's are all lined up in a row, but I can sure hire a sharp Jewish accountant to tell me.


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