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We are ALL fools?

Yet another FOOLISH statement by Jewishron.

Jewishron said: "GOODBYE! I am done . . ."

What took you so long to realize you were done? ;D

El Cabong!:
Don't let the door hit ya.....

Shalom everyone.  After reading this persons thread, I had to laugh.  What does she expect anyone to identify those anti Jewish "Jews" like Chomsky?  This person has embraced "multi-culturalism" and all the Liberal Lies.  Judaism is not Liberalism.  As a matter of fact Liberalism, Marxism, Socialism, Nazism, Fascism etc. are all leftwing intolerant ignorant digressive ideologies.  This person, like most Liberals profess have never read Plato's Republic, Moore's Utopia nor Marx's Communist Manifesto.  If they ever did they would, no doubt, be lead to the vast fraud in their thinking.   This person needs help, in all seriousness.  There is a reason why the "Civilized" World is the way it is and there is a reason why Africa is the way it is.
Zei gezunt un shtark!


--- Quote from: Marzutra on August 31, 2006, 12:23:18 PM ---Shalom everyone.  After reading this persons thread, I had to laugh.  What does she expect anyone to identify those anti Jewish "Jews" like Chomsky?  This person has embraced "multi-culturalism" and all the Liberal Lies.  Judaism is not Liberalism.  As a matter of fact Liberalism, Marxism, Socialism, Nazism, Fascism etc. are all leftwing intolerant ignorant digressive ideologies.  This person, like most Liberals profess have never read Plato's Republic, Moore's Utopia nor Marx's Communist Manifesto.  If they ever did they would, no doubt, be lead to the vast fraud in their thinking.   This person needs help, in all seriousness.  There is a reason why the "Civilized" World is the way it is and there is a reason why Africa is the way it is.
Zei gezunt un shtark!

--- End quote ---

Very well put! Some people just want to be right and to admit they are wrong is to admit their friends and families are wrong too.

Liberals always think we are the ones with closed minds... what a crock. I know I started out rather liberal and came to my current beliefs through a lot of thinking, reason, and admission of being wrong. That's why I can make such strong arguments. Most people don't know why they believe the way they do... and that's sad!


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