Author Topic: For every Jew-a .22!  (Read 17975 times)

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For every Jew-a .22!
« on: March 04, 2008, 02:46:24 AM »
OK, I know pistol permits are tough to get in NYC and elsewhere. That doesn't mean you can't defend yourself or get good, cheap firearms training. 'Non-assault' sporting rifles are not as hard to legally obtain. But where to start?

Meet America's favourite little 'do-everything' gun. The Ruger 10/22 on sale NEW for around $220-$250.

This is a ten-shot semi-automatic carbine that is innocent-looking and legal in every US duristiction (including NYC). Weighing around 5.25 lbs and being only 3 feet long, it can be operated effectively by EVERYBODY in the family from pre-teen children to the frail & elderly. THERE IS NO RECOIL, either!

These ultra-reliable, well-made rifles fire the ubiquitous .22LR ammunition that can be bought in 500 round 'bricks' for around $15-$20! This means each shot is around $0.04 each as opposed to $0.20-$1.00 per shot for centerfire rifle & pistol ammunition. That means you can afford to train/shoot LOTS & LOTS.

You can also fire .22 LR rifles at indoor pistol ranges, too (a big consideration in NYC). The lack of excessive penetration means means you won't shoot the guy next door if you shoot an intruder in your apartment.

Don't under estimate the humble .22 either. Whilst not an ideal choice for combat/defense, the .22LR has been used by MOSSAD to kill more terrorists than any other type of ammunition (and that's using even lower velocity sub-sonic rounds fired from small Beretta pistols)! The IDF also use a special version of this very rifle for silent killing and/or non-lethal leg shots on rock throwers.

There's more, too. You can modify to 10/22 to opitomise it for defense & training. The M-16 type sights below enable you to familiarise yourself with military battle sights prior to US or Israeli military service.... all at a cheap price.

Let me say that a .22 is not exactly the first choice for serious home defense. However, the .22 you can shoot and operate well is a better choice than the more powerfull weapon you cannot. This little rifle is a great place to start. When you become really proficient, move up to a more powerfull weapon if you're so inclined. Either way, you'll have a means to get lots & lots of shooting practice for very little $ PLUS you'll give the next burgler, rapist or pogromist something to think about!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 05:56:09 AM by newman »

Offline Ithaca-37

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2008, 12:40:01 PM »
As you note, the .22 is a thin round compared to other rifle/ pistol/ shotgun options.  And you're correct that the .22 is affordable to shoot.  Allow me to note suggest something that gives even a .22 some impact:  ammunition like 'Stinger' by CCI.  The Stinger is a slightly smaller piece of hollowpoint lead atop a slightly longer shell case, given the bullet more impact.

See this for yourself, as I have:  Get plastic gallon milk jugs and fill with water.  Use these for targets, with some jugs shot with standard .22s and others with Stingers.  You'll observe a remarkable difference in impact on the target.



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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2008, 06:00:23 AM »
Those little 'mini-magnums' as they're sometimes called add great versatility to the already handy .22. Sub-sonics enable quiet practice and CB Caps enable practice in your own basement.

The 10/22 will cycle most rounds from the sub-sonic right up to the stingers & vipers. There are only one or two types factory guns have had dramas with and a little action pollish down at the gunsmith's will fix that.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2008, 08:54:38 AM »
For the price i'm paying on .223 ammo, I could buy about 11,000 rounds of .22lr, maybe a good investment.


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2008, 02:25:26 AM »
For the price i'm paying on .223 ammo, I could buy about 11,000 rounds of .22lr, maybe a good investment.

Even at $20/brick (500) for good subsonic stuff, it's a bargain. Subsonic solids will still penetrate well out to 100 yards and they're quiet as.......

Offline old06

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2008, 10:26:28 PM »
I have three 10-22 and many other 22 rim fire and it can be a great fire arm in the hands of a well trained marksman and with ammo being cheap and gun's as low as 50 bucks for a used semi auto you can make the dum idots pay


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2008, 10:17:46 AM »
I have three 10-22 and many other 22 rim fire and it can be a great fire arm in the hands of a well trained marksman and with ammo being cheap and gun's as low as 50 bucks for a used semi auto you can make the dum idots pay

Liberals crapping on about 'assault weapons' are so stupid. Try walking around with one. Aside from a small number suicidal mass-shootings by lunatics, they don't feature in crime. They're large, loud and draw lots of attention.

If I wanted to do real harm in a place like the USA, I'd have a folding stock 10/22 with both night & day scopes and a brick of .22 Subsonic ammo. A soda bottle over the muzzle is an effective silencer. The whole lot would fit neatly into an attache case or under a trench coat and do it's 'business' quietly. A sniper so-equipped could do increadible harm in a large city and never be caught.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2008, 11:11:17 AM »
I have three 10-22 and many other 22 rim fire and it can be a great fire arm in the hands of a well trained marksman and with ammo being cheap and gun's as low as 50 bucks for a used semi auto you can make the dum idots pay

Liberals crapping on about 'assault weapons' are so stupid. Try walking around with one. Aside from a small number suicidal mass-shootings by lunatics, they don't feature in crime. They're large, loud and draw lots of attention.

If I wanted to do real harm in a place like the USA, I'd have a folding stock 10/22 with both night & day scopes and a brick of .22 Subsonic ammo. A soda bottle over the muzzle is an effective silencer. The whole lot would fit neatly into an attache case or under a trench coat and do it's 'business' quietly. A sniper so-equipped could do increadible harm in a large city and never be caught.

A soda bottle? Well I seen that in the movie Shooter but I didn't think that it would be a serious or effective way of making a silencer? Doesn't seem like it would stay on there good


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2008, 01:16:43 AM »
I have three 10-22 and many other 22 rim fire and it can be a great fire arm in the hands of a well trained marksman and with ammo being cheap and gun's as low as 50 bucks for a used semi auto you can make the dum idots pay

Liberals crapping on about 'assault weapons' are so stupid. Try walking around with one. Aside from a small number suicidal mass-shootings by lunatics, they don't feature in crime. They're large, loud and draw lots of attention.

If I wanted to do real harm in a place like the USA, I'd have a folding stock 10/22 with both night & day scopes and a brick of .22 Subsonic ammo. A soda bottle over the muzzle is an effective silencer. The whole lot would fit neatly into an attache case or under a trench coat and do it's 'business' quietly. A sniper so-equipped could do increadible harm in a large city and never be caught.

A soda bottle? Well I seen that in the movie Shooter but I didn't think that it would be a serious or effective way of making a silencer? Doesn't seem like it would stay on there good

The rebels in Chetchnya used .22s to devastating effect on Russian troops and YES they used plastic drink bottles (or potatos) as silencers (it's only a .22, remember). They would lie in wait in an old building or drainpipe. Because of the weapon's quitness they could operate close. When Russians appeared, they didn't worry about defeating body armour etc, they just went for the face, neck or knees. Didn't knock them over but it took them out of the fight.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2008, 10:38:24 PM »
   I wonder how compact they could make a flamethrower. If it was packaged like a cigarette lighter with a compressed flammable gas, it might be able to work. Given that you might only get a single shot, it would be awesome to see a criminal set on fire. Like that Iraqi kid who should have not been brought here to the United States their true appearances would be revealed and they would look just as ugly.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2008, 10:48:54 PM by takebackourtemple »
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2008, 12:42:08 AM »
   I wonder how compact they could make a flamethrower. If it was packaged like a cigarette lighter with a compressed flammable gas, it might be able to work. Given that you might only get a single shot, it would be awesome to see a criminal set on fire. Like that Iraqi kid who should have not been brought here to the United States their true appearances would be revealed and they would look just as ugly.

There is a 12g shotgun load called 'Dragon's Breath' that sends out a 20+ feet pillar of flame. Such a load loaded lightly enough could be used in a 12g flare pistol legally sold in any surplus store or boat chandlery.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2008, 05:20:20 AM »
OK, I know pistol permits are tough to get in NYC and elsewhere. That doesn't mean you can't defend yourself or get good, cheap firearms training. 'Non-assault' sporting rifles are not as hard to legally obtain. But where to start?

Meet America's favourite little 'do-everything' gun. The Ruger 10/22 on sale NEW for around $220-$250.

This is a ten-shot semi-automatic carbine that is innocent-looking and legal in every US duristiction (including NYC). Weighing around 5.25 lbs and being only 3 feet long, it can be operated effectively by EVERYBODY in the family from pre-teen children to the frail & elderly. THERE IS NO RECOIL, either!

These ultra-reliable, well-made rifles fire the ubiquitous .22LR ammunition that can be bought in 500 round 'bricks' for around $15-$20! This means each shot is around $0.04 each as opposed to $0.20-$1.00 per shot for centerfire rifle & pistol ammunition. That means you can afford to train/shoot LOTS & LOTS.

You can also fire .22 LR rifles at indoor pistol ranges, too (a big consideration in NYC). The lack of excessive penetration means means you won't shoot the guy next door if you shoot an intruder in your apartment.

Don't under estimate the humble .22 either. Whilst not an ideal choice for combat/defense, the .22LR has been used by MOSSAD to kill more terrorists than any other type of ammunition (and that's using even lower velocity sub-sonic rounds fired from small Beretta pistols)! The IDF also use a special version of this very rifle for silent killing and/or non-lethal leg shots on rock throwers.

There's more, too. You can modify to 10/22 to opitomise it for defense & training. The M-16 type sights below enable you to familiarise yourself with military battle sights prior to US or Israeli military service.... all at a cheap price.

Let me say that a .22 is not exactly the first choice for serious home defense. However, the .22 you can shoot and operate well is a better choice than the more powerfull weapon you cannot. This little rifle is a great place to start. When you become really proficient, move up to a more powerfull weapon if you're so inclined. Either way, you'll have a means to get lots & lots of shooting practice for very little $ PLUS you'll give the next burgler, rapist or pogromist something to think about!

What a crappy gun for self-defense, nice for hitting bottles..  What can you do with that gun, which ahs a very unlikely chance of killing your attacker on first hit?  Most thugs these days carry illegal high powered guns, sawed off high calibered shotguns and rifles.  Don't let that little toy build your confidence.  I think the shortest length high powered gun with high accuracy is the best chance if you cannot obtain handgun.  Personally, I think every Jew ought to take a handgun training course and obtain a permit, no matter at what cost.  Dont forget lot of thugs are strong and full of adrenaline and if you hit them with a .22 and dont kill them, what then?


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2008, 06:41:00 AM »
OK, I know pistol permits are tough to get in NYC and elsewhere. That doesn't mean you can't defend yourself or get good, cheap firearms training. 'Non-assault' sporting rifles are not as hard to legally obtain. But where to start?

Meet America's favourite little 'do-everything' gun. The Ruger 10/22 on sale NEW for around $220-$250.

This is a ten-shot semi-automatic carbine that is innocent-looking and legal in every US duristiction (including NYC). Weighing around 5.25 lbs and being only 3 feet long, it can be operated effectively by EVERYBODY in the family from pre-teen children to the frail & elderly. THERE IS NO RECOIL, either!

These ultra-reliable, well-made rifles fire the ubiquitous .22LR ammunition that can be bought in 500 round 'bricks' for around $15-$20! This means each shot is around $0.04 each as opposed to $0.20-$1.00 per shot for centerfire rifle & pistol ammunition. That means you can afford to train/shoot LOTS & LOTS.

You can also fire .22 LR rifles at indoor pistol ranges, too (a big consideration in NYC). The lack of excessive penetration means means you won't shoot the guy next door if you shoot an intruder in your apartment.

Don't under estimate the humble .22 either. Whilst not an ideal choice for combat/defense, the .22LR has been used by MOSSAD to kill more terrorists than any other type of ammunition (and that's using even lower velocity sub-sonic rounds fired from small Beretta pistols)! The IDF also use a special version of this very rifle for silent killing and/or non-lethal leg shots on rock throwers.

There's more, too. You can modify to 10/22 to opitomise it for defense & training. The M-16 type sights below enable you to familiarise yourself with military battle sights prior to US or Israeli military service.... all at a cheap price.

Let me say that a .22 is not exactly the first choice for serious home defense. However, the .22 you can shoot and operate well is a better choice than the more powerfull weapon you cannot. This little rifle is a great place to start. When you become really proficient, move up to a more powerfull weapon if you're so inclined. Either way, you'll have a means to get lots & lots of shooting practice for very little $ PLUS you'll give the next burgler, rapist or pogromist something to think about!

What a crappy gun for self-defense, nice for hitting bottles..  What can you do with that gun, which ahs a very unlikely chance of killing your attacker on first hit?  Most thugs these days carry illegal high powered guns, sawed off high calibered shotguns and rifles.  Don't let that little toy build your confidence.  I think the shortest length high powered gun with high accuracy is the best chance if you cannot obtain handgun.  Personally, I think every Jew ought to take a handgun training course and obtain a permit, no matter at what cost.  Dont forget lot of thugs are strong and full of adrenaline and if you hit them with a .22 and dont kill them, what then?
I agree with your points but I repeat:

Let me say that a .22 is not exactly the first choice for serious home defense. However, the .22 you can shoot and operate well is a better choice than the more powerfull weapon you cannot.

Multiple hits with .22s are better than misses with .45s.

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2008, 10:39:31 AM »
The more people apply for firearms, I believe the harder it is to implement gun control.  One thing the gun control lobbyists have in their favor is that there are a lot of righteous people who don't want to even bother trying to obtain a weapon.  First of all they feel there is no chance of getting a firearm.  Second they are afraid of being embarrassed by uncomfortable questions from different authorities as to why they want a firearm, and the feeling of then being watched by those authorities.  Bottom line, it is easier to simply forget about it if it is a lot of trouble.  Like a smoke alarm, a firearm is something that appears to be something you'll never need or use, until the time comes where you do need it.

If most Americans applied for firearms it would be impossible to deny most of the law abiding citizens, because of the paperwork involved, and almost all politicians would support the right to bear arms because based on the number of people applying for gun permits; it would then become political suicide to stand against the 2nd amendment.

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2008, 10:42:44 AM »
Guns are the best i got 9  ;D

Offline White Israelite

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2008, 04:14:38 PM »
I question the effectiveness of a .22 for a self defense caliber as well. I've heard good things about the round but I'm not sure if that says how effective it is. I have heard that a .22 being shot at the head will bounce around in the brain, not sure how much evidence exists about this. With the standard capacity of most modern .45 (like Glocks, USP, etc.) being in the 12-13 range, I don't think missing is a problem, and unlikely the bad guy is going to get up for more.


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2008, 09:46:24 PM »
You're all missing the point of the post.

A Toyota Yaris is NOT ideal for a cross-country road trip but it whoops the hell out of walking.

The issue is affordability of purchase, affordability of traing, safety in an apartment-dwelling/ urban environment and training venues.

The post is aimed at NYC Jews who've never fired a gun in their lives, not gun guys from Florida or Wyoming who own a dozen or more centerfires and have 300 meter ranges twenty minutes from their homes.

Do you think a NY Jew can just buy a .45 auto, high capacity 9mm, AR-15 or AK? Think again.

All 'assault weapons' are banned. Pistols with magazines over 10 rounds are banned. Any rifle-type centerfire round has exessive penetration for urban environments.

Yes, that does leave shotguns, centerfire revolvers, single stack pistols and pistol calibre carbines. But do you think a NYC Jew with 6 kids and high rent can buy sufficient ammo to practice effectively at over $0.50/round?

Where does he practice in Brooklyn other than at an indoor range that only accepts .22s or pistols?

Do you think his wife will just agree to a 12g pump in the home out of the blue.

A .22 is the STARTING POINT to shooting for many such people. Nobody is claiming it's the be-all and end-all of personal defense. From little seeds, big trees grow.::)

If the apes have another pogrom in Crown Heights, would it be better for ALL the Jews to be armed with 10/22s or beg the government for help?

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2008, 10:01:59 PM »
Well I must say that a 22 is better that to try that reasoning crap with some one hell bent on hurting you or your love one I read a while back the FBI had a stat that more 22 are used to shoot some one than any other round, the Eskimos hunted all there meat for years with well worn 22, its one round that early bullet proof vest could not stop, president Reagan was almost killed withone. Next I have shot coyote, deer and many small game with one and yes I know the 22 is not leagel in many areas to hunt with I think in the hands of a skilled marksman it is so deadly by the way the CIA developed a sub sonic round better known as the CB cap to be used by there assassins. Yep I may not grab it first but I have shot many fire arms in my life and have qualified marksman in the service but if I was in a bind and had to flee fast i would grab a 22 
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 10:10:03 PM by old06 »


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2008, 10:14:14 PM »
Well I must say that a 22 is better that to try that reasoning crap with some one hell bent on hurting you or your love one I read a while back the FBI had a stat that more 22 are used to shoot some one than any other round, the Eskimos hunted all there meat for years with well worn 22, its one round that early bullet vest could not stop, president Reagan was almost killed withone. Next I have shot coyote, deer and many small game with one and yes I know the 22 is not leagel in many areas to hunt with I think in the hands of a skilled marksman it is so deadly by the way the CIA developed a sub sonic round better known as the CB cap to be used by there assassins. Yep I may not grab it first but I have shot many fire arms in my life and have qualified marksman in the service but if I was in a bind and had to flee fast i would grab a 22 

That's another point.

Re: Bugging out.

Many take it forgranted they'll have use of their half-ton pickup or SUV when the SHTF. LOL!

When the gas pups are off and ALL highways clogged, jammed or closed, you're gonna be on foot, like it or not.

If you limit ammo to 15 lbs (remember you've got weapons, food & camping gear to carry) here's what you can pack:

15 lbs of .308......................225 rds
      "       .223......................390 rds
      "        12 g.....................123 rds

15 lbs of .22 LR....................1,850 rds!!

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2008, 11:06:47 PM »
Well I must say that a 22 is better that to try that reasoning crap with some one hell bent on hurting you or your love one I read a while back the FBI had a stat that more 22 are used to shoot some one than any other round, the Eskimos hunted all there meat for years with well worn 22, its one round that early bullet vest could not stop, president Reagan was almost killed withone. Next I have shot coyote, deer and many small game with one and yes I know the 22 is not leagel in many areas to hunt with I think in the hands of a skilled marksman it is so deadly by the way the CIA developed a sub sonic round better known as the CB cap to be used by there assassins. Yep I may not grab it first but I have shot many fire arms in my life and have qualified marksman in the service but if I was in a bind and had to flee fast i would grab a 22 

That's another point.

Re: Bugging out.

Many take it forgranted they'll have use of their half-ton pickup or SUV when the SHTF. LOL!

When the gas pups are off and ALL highways clogged, jammed or closed, you're gonna be on foot, like it or not.

If you limit ammo to 15 lbs (remember you've got weapons, food & camping gear to carry) here's what you can pack:

15 lbs of .308......................225 rds
      "       .223......................390 rds
      "        12 g.....................123 rds

15 lbs of .22 LR....................1,850 rds!!

Newman you and I think alike a mountain bike, back pack and MRE in the barn and my wife ask me why I keep that junk for the last 15 years I tell her you never know when this stuff will come in handy its better than gold    O0


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2008, 11:32:52 PM »
Well I must say that a 22 is better that to try that reasoning crap with some one hell bent on hurting you or your love one I read a while back the FBI had a stat that more 22 are used to shoot some one than any other round, the Eskimos hunted all there meat for years with well worn 22, its one round that early bullet vest could not stop, president Reagan was almost killed withone. Next I have shot coyote, deer and many small game with one and yes I know the 22 is not leagel in many areas to hunt with I think in the hands of a skilled marksman it is so deadly by the way the CIA developed a sub sonic round better known as the CB cap to be used by there assassins. Yep I may not grab it first but I have shot many fire arms in my life and have qualified marksman in the service but if I was in a bind and had to flee fast i would grab a 22 

That's another point.

Re: Bugging out.

Many take it forgranted they'll have use of their half-ton pickup or SUV when the SHTF. LOL!

When the gas pups are off and ALL highways clogged, jammed or closed, you're gonna be on foot, like it or not.

If you limit ammo to 15 lbs (remember you've got weapons, food & camping gear to carry) here's what you can pack:

15 lbs of .308......................225 rds
      "       .223......................390 rds
      "        12 g.....................123 rds

15 lbs of .22 LR....................1,850 rds!!

Newman you and I think alike a mountain bike, back pack and MRE in the barn and my wife ask me why I keep that junk for the last 15 years I tell her you never know when this stuff will come in handy its better than gold    O0

I read SHTF forums and I'm amazed at some people's posts.

There equipment list will be:
" Glock 19
S&W .357
Ruger 77 in 22-250
Rem 700 in 30-06
M1-A in .308
Ruger single Six .22
Ruger 10/22
Mossberg 500 pump
Ithaca 37 20 guage with mod choke"

All good weapons but that many and all the different calibers?? Why 3 CF pistols, 2 shotguns and 4 CF rifles all with different ammo??

You're taking ONE handgun (maybe a small backup aswell) and ONE long arm and TWO different cals (one would be better).............That's it, you can't carry any more.

Now bugging out of NYC requires differnt choices to bugging out of Boise, ID.

My choice to bug out of town when the NG or police are going crazy, blocking exits & seizing weapons etc is:

Glock 19 w 200 rds of +P+ HPs (Close in firepower, concealability, stopping power, reliability)

Ruger 10/22 w folding stock, 2X scope and an M1 bandolier full of 10 rd factory magazines Plus 2x500rd bricks of subsonic solids. (hides in a back pack)

The reason for the Glock is that up close you need firepower AND stopping power. 9mm HPs provide this plus the ability to carry more than you can in .45.

As for the .22, it's quiet (don't attract attention when the place is crawling with government people gone haywire), subsonic solids will penetrate skulls at 100m. You don't need any more range than 100m when escaping & evading. If they're beyond 100m leave them alone and stay out of sight. As for stopping power, it's less important beyond 25m as you're out of axe, knife and accurate pistol range (looter skill levels). Injuring/killing is enough beyond 25m in an minimalist situation.

The mountain bikes are BRILLIANT ideas. The mountain bike will be the ONLY option when the gas pumps are off and the highways choked.

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #21 on: April 01, 2008, 08:00:23 AM »
newman they would need a u haul  to move that kind of stuff I never read much about that SHTF stuff just go with my instink we live by our wits and you need to know more that one way to skin a cat so to speak. I look at it this way the simpler the mouse trap the more I like it know how to raise a garden, take game, fish, home remedies and fix what you own and when the time comes you can make it out alive


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2008, 08:22:35 AM »
newman they would need a u haul  to move that kind of stuff I never read much about that SHTF stuff just go with my instink we live by our wits and you need to know more that one way to skin a cat so to speak. I look at it this way the simpler the mouse trap the more I like it know how to raise a garden, take game, fish, home remedies and fix what you own and when the time comes you can make it out alive

I'm amazed that city people can't see it comming. As soon as they make a few bucks, what do they do? Sell their good 1500 sq ft home to get a 3000 sq ft home! Why not keep the modest house and get a few acres 200 miles away to escape to?

You'll find that your garden, traps & trot line will keep you & your family going forever. A place right away from the main highway in a rural area full of like-minded people will be safe.

As for security, a gillie suit & a .22, 30-30 or 12g in the bush will nail more bad guys at less risk to you than a standup gunfight with an AR. Take a lesson from G-d. Remain invisible and smite your enemies down unseen.  ;)

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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2008, 05:09:14 PM »

I'm amazed that city people can't see it comming. As soon as they make a few bucks, what do they do? Sell their good 1500 sq ft home to get a 3000 sq ft home! Why not keep the modest house and get a few acres 200 miles away to escape to?

You'll find that your garden, traps & trot line will keep you & your family going forever. A place right away from the main highway in a rural area full of like-minded people will be safe.

As for security, a gillie suit & a .22, 30-30 or 12g in the bush will nail more bad guys at less risk to you than a standup gunfight with an AR. Take a lesson from G-d. Remain invisible and smite your enemies down unseen.

newman you have a great insite on your recommendations I like the idea of hand loading to a extent that I have a supply of ammo for a time to come but like most things it to would run out trapping with snare sets will supply you wit small game for a extended time ....................all good points newman


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Re: For every Jew-a .22!
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2008, 05:31:17 PM »
History has shown that when the SHTF and food gets scarce, the larger game animals become extinct very quickly.

Deer & such are wasteful unless you have lots of people to feed or a freezer that works.

Birds, squirrels, racoons & rabbits will be the main fare. .22s will do for them. 550 rds/year X 30 years = $300. That's cheap.