Author Topic: For every Jew-Part 2.  (Read 3255 times)

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For every Jew-Part 2.
« on: March 04, 2008, 04:41:29 AM »

Now if you DO get that pistol permit, you'll need lots of practice to get really proficient with any handgun you might choose to own. Here the humble .22 is tops again! And if you think the .22LR pistol is only a toy suitable for practice, think again!

MOSSAD's choice:

The little .22 is deadly! Though it lacks the knockdown power of larger guns, it is very accurate and easily penetrates human skulls and torsos. Any fool can put 'two in the head' at point blank range and a well trained shooter can easily manage head shots at across-the-room ranges. The Beretta 87 'Cheetah' (top) is virtually identicle to the .22 pistols the MOSSAD have been using to eliminate terrorists for over 35 years. The smaller 'Bobcat' (bottom) is a more compact version favoured by female Mossad agents. At under 11 ounces and less than 5" length, female Mossad agents have hidden these pistols in their pants when crossing borders! :o

Best of all, you can afford to become an expert shot. At asound $15 for 500 rounds, the high level of practice required to master pistol shooting won't send you broke (.38 specials and .45ACP loads can cost between $200 and $400 for 500 rounds).

Want a .38 Snubnose like Bernard Goetz but still want cheap training?

The Classic .38 Snunose 'Chief's Special revolver (above). A great gun but ammo is $0.50/round plus! Practice two out of three sessions with the 317 .22 revolver below. It has the same dimensions & handling characteristics but it'll cost you less than 10% as much to shoot.

Fancy the famous 1911 .45 Auto but hate the big ammo prices (even military surplus ammo in bulk quantities is getting up around $300-$400 per thousand rounds!) ?

Get a Ruger 10/45 (below). This .22 pistol is designed to approximate the dimensions and geometry of the 1911 .45 guns but you'll slash your ammo costs by 75% or more.

Same goes for the high capacity 9mm 'wonder guns'. Even though Mil-Surp ammo can be had for as little as $150/1,000 it still adds up. $30/1,000 .22 ammo will still save a lot.
The excellent CZ-75 pistols are the basis of Israel's Jericho 941 IDF/Police issue pistols. Best of all, CZ offer a 'Kadet' conversion kit to turn your 9mm service pistol into a .22 budget practice gun/plinker.

You can't ONLY practice with a .22 but carry/use a different calibre for defense. You still need to be proficient with the weapon/ammo you're going to use in a defense situation. However if you practice two or three sessions with the .22 for every one session with your .45, .38 or 9mm, you'll get proficient and still save a bundle.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 05:23:28 AM by newman »