Clip of Olmert as an IDF major in Lebanon in 1985
Lesson 1: Israel has been in and out of Lebanon like a yo yo. According to all Halachic opinions, Lebanon is part of Eretz Yisrael. Hashem will keep on dragging Israel back into Lebanon until they perforce have to accept it as their G-d given land!
Lesson 2: Ehud Olmert is an Erev Ravnik. But the Erev Rav, because they are nominal Jews, have a tiny spark of kedusha that vivifies them. Before he entered politics, Olmert did his duty in the IDF, and initially as a Likud spokesman, he was quite right wing.
Lesson 3: Lawyer Olmert can never be forgiven though, for having joined in 1988 with a left wing lawyer, Dorit Beinish, now High Court Chief Justice, for expelling Rav Kahane from the 1988 elections, that would have seen Kach with 12 seats.
Lesson 4: The Sefer Eliyahu states that the name of the last ruler in Israel before the Moshiach will be
Harmalt. Is this a reference to Olmert?!