Israel > Save Israel

Major Ehud Olmert IDF clip

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Clip of Olmert as an IDF major in Lebanon in 1985

Lesson 1: Israel has been in and out of Lebanon like a yo yo. According to all Halachic opinions, Lebanon is part of Eretz Yisrael. Hashem will keep on dragging Israel back into Lebanon until they perforce have to accept it as their G-d given land!

Lesson 2: Ehud Olmert is an Erev Ravnik. But the Erev Rav, because they are nominal Jews, have a tiny spark of kedusha that vivifies them. Before he entered politics, Olmert did his duty in the IDF, and initially as a Likud spokesman, he was quite right wing.

Lesson 3: Lawyer Olmert can never be forgiven though, for having joined in 1988 with a left wing lawyer, Dorit Beinish, now High Court Chief Justice, for expelling Rav Kahane from the 1988 elections, that would have seen Kach with 12 seats.

Lesson 4: The Sefer Eliyahu states that the name of the last ruler in Israel before the Moshiach will be Harmalt. Is this a reference to Olmert?!

He worked for Bamachne in the IDF [the the IDF  magazine]

Well he is allowing jewish blood to flow like water now so he needs to go.

Who is the guy who uploaded the video? He's the same one who uploaded that YBY video in that other thread.

Eliezer Ben Avraham:
I'm impressed olmert served in the army, thought he would be morally opposed or something


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